
New Beginning of the Ancients

This is a story about a young man, who was living in the present world at the end of 2019. He was only in his early twenties. His early life was tinged with bullying and later on success. But now everything is going down the drain. He failed his studies and is now thinking of what to do. He is scared of failing his elders expectations. But then, all of a sudden, it is all over and everything goes black. When the young man comes to himself again, he quickly realizes that he has gotten himself another chance. -------------------------------------------------- Hello dear readers, this is the first time I am attempting to write a novel of any sort. If you don't mind and have the time, give it short look. If you like it, countinue reading and if you don't then please tell me why. I hope to improve myself and for that critique is important. The protagonist is a character whose story is basically my own. And the story embodies my fantasies and dreams. Give it a try. Thanks Bartimaeus

Bartimaeus · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Training in the forest

My village is called 'Stratecze'. It is small. Only about 5.000 inhabitants. But it it located aroud the center of Germany. The most well know major city in our vincinity is 'Frankfurt On The Main'. My parents work there. Between our village and Frankfurt is the small town 'Kinville'. My sister goes to school in Kinville. The town is very old and it has a castle ruin.

I myself and my brother are currently visiting the primary school in Stratecze. I am currently in first grade but sadly I was not assigned into the same class as my best friend Leo. Though we did spend lots of time together during breaks and outside of school.

But most important was another member of my class. A girl. A beautiful girl. She had light caramell colored skin and light brown hair. And I knew she was going to grow into a stunning beauty. Her name was Grace. She was smart. At least when compared to ordinary children at the age of 5.

In my past life I had read many books and stories about young heroes that create a harem for themselves. But those stories had always played during ancient times or in civilizations that generally accept multiple wives. Germany of my time however doesn't accept that. So during the next few years I would somehow have to change the perception of the public. It was not going to be easy. But I would still try. After all I already had some girls in mind, that I wanted to have as members of my harem.

Grace was only the first. But I would not be meeting most of them till many years later. So for now I could aim to have Grace as my girlfriend alone.

During the lessons I would normally be rather quiet. I didn't want to draw much attention to myself. But I seated myself next to Grace. I spent most of my time just watching her. The lessen itself was of no concern to me. I talked with Grace whenever I could. I helped her, if it was necessary. But even without me, she was very talented when it came to languages and math.

That took up most of my time from 8am to 1pm. After that I went home to eat or play with my brother after he was done with his homework.

Our playtime was mostly in the nearby forest now. We played with our neighbors. They were two boys as well. Though they were older than us by a bit, we got along great. We were building small huts from twigs and stuff like that. That sometimes went on from 2pm to 5pm. But the best of that time was when we were playing to fight. We cut off some straight braches from trees and peeled off the bark. Then we used those twigs to simbulate swords.

During my first year in primary school, whilst we were playing in the forest I received a notification from the system.


Along with the notification, I got 200 UV and a small, slender iron sword appeared in my storage.

I was stunned: 'WHAT THE HELL??'

Chaos spoke up and explained: "Because you have spent so much time training with a wooden sword, you have understood the uses and benefits of a fast sword. The system has helped you organize all your understanding and movement patterns into a technique. Normally other humans could do the same as they also understand certain things. But they are not able to formulate it into a skill. So their knowledge and comprehension remains disorderly and they can not make proper use of it."

'That's neat. Nice. Now I can finally get the next Level of my body strengthening technique.', I said to myself.

'But Chaos, what is that sword for?', I asked, not really knowing what to use it for.

"That is of course going to be used for hunting, Simon", came the reply from Chaos.

'Hunting? What am I going to hunt? And why should I hunt?'

"You hunt to get stronger of course. Refine your technique. Enhance your overall strength. And most importantly level yourself faster."

'Level faster? You mean that I get experience from killing stuff?', I asked as I was not sure I understood her correctly.

"Yes, Simon. When you kill something, you basically extinguish their lifeforce or their soul. If you stay around the corpse for a while, you can absorb their dissipating lifeforce energy. That energy is much denser than the usual energy in your surroundings. And because you have me, the universe core, by your side you will receive a bit of energy essence everytime you kill a lifeform with negative karma. Killing lifeforms with negative karma with get a ten times boost in experience. Lifeforms with neutral or positive karma will also give you experience, but it will be a lot less as the universe core doesn't really want to reward you for killing a good being", explained Chaos to me.

'So killing bad things is great and killing good things is not well received. I see. Makes sense. I guess I will have to start killing bad things every now and then to speed up my leveling pace. That way I will be able to implement my ancient greek faith plan and my harem plan much faster.'

As I was contemplating these new revelations and was beginning to make plans, my brother walked up to me and said: "Hey Simon, is everything okay? You have been standing there with your eyes closed for a few minutes. Are you tired? Should we go home?"

Snapping my eyes open I replied: "Yeah, let's go home. It's getting late and mom will propably be done with dinner soon."

As I said that: "MATT, SIMON!! COME HOME! DINNER IS READY!" Our mother's voice echoed though the forest.

My brother and I smiled at each other and began to run towards our house.

That night, as I was lying in bed, I scrolled trough the {Universe Shop}.

I quickly found the next level to my body stengthening technique 'Beginner Body Strengthening Technique Level 2'. It was priced at 100 UV. I bought it directly since I had just gotten a massive boost in the evening.

{Status Page}

Name: Simon Lito

Age: 5

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Level: 3

Experience: 102 / 800

Universe Value: 290 UV


-> STR - 7

-> AGI - 7,5

-> DEX - 7,5

-> WIS - 11

-> INT - 11

-> LUC - 5

-> WIL - 14

-> MAN - 4

-> CHA - 5

It seemed that the fifth birthday was a major hurdle because on that day, I had instantly received 150 UV. Apparently I got the reward for crossing the 10 point atrribute value treshhold later as it was deemed too owerpowered to start at age 0 with 250 UV. But that didn't matter much.

I also noticed that my strength attribute had fallen slightly below agility and dexterity. Chaos explained to me, that it was because of my sword tehnique. The 'Swift Sword Movement' focused on speed and a precise strike. So I naturally attuned myself towards swift and nimble movements. High strength menat a certain amount of bulkiness, which was not beneficial to my style so it was suppressed.

After understanding that I thought about what I needed to be able to kill creatures. I couldn't really tell my parents that I wanted to go on a slaughtering spree. So I would need to hide that. It was a difficult problem. I read about techniques like clones or avatars. But I had seen those in the shop and they were still way too expensive for me. The low level clone technique costs 1.000 UV and it could only imitate me to a small extent. Perfect would be an avatar technique. As it would be able to take my place perfectly, while I was out hunting. But that cost 10.000 UV at the minimum.

"There is a very cheap alternative for you, Simon. At least for now. It is a skill called 'Body Double'. It creates a body to take your place. However it only has limited movement abilities and needs to be supplied with energy. But you might be able to use it to take your place during the night as you go hunting. And then you return at dusk", said Chaos as I was thinking about my choices.

'Body Double? I guess that will have to do for now. Leveling faster means that I get more atrributes and more UV points.', I said in my mind.