
NEver TRust Me

Read it I hope so you will not regret its a story of a warewolf girl & a Vampire boy leads to their final destination without knowing what will fate has decided for both of them

TanyaNoor8 · Fantasie
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26 Chs

Evil Spirits

Think again Eric its a very big decision

You know it will be dangerous for your life and for your protection Thomas drooled at her

I'm sure Tom i will do anything for my child if you're in my place you'd also do that I'm pretty sure

And for the matter of my protection I know you're with me always & you protect me through thick & thin she snuggled in her arms and huged her

I'm Always there for you My love He huged her back


What happend to Anna yesterday??stella asked Muffin when she met her at their secret territory in the Lunch time

Muffin'face becomes pale at once

What happens to you Muffin are you hiding something from me ???

N-N-No Miss Stella I-I am hiding nothing from you how could i dare to do that ??

She halted

Its good for you if you tell me the truth otherwise you better know

A-Ac-Actually i have to tell you something but i don't know who i should start she said while biting her nails

STella frowned at her

What happened yesterday give me all the details

Muffin tell her everything that she knows

Are you crazy why did you send her there when you know very well that place is not safe are you trying to kill my daughter ???

N-N-No My Lord i will allow myself to die instead of her she's my princess how could i do that ??

Then why u let her Go there ?? She asked angrly

I forget about that Area she lied at once

You forgot??? How could you forget about that place ?? We are here just to find out the secret of that place don't you have Sense ???

What if she trapped?? What if she didn't come back & something strange happened to her Stella was so furious at her she hangs her in the air & then cast some spell a stick starts beating her badly

Pardon Me My Lord she pledded I'll never do that again she winced with pain

Stella snaps her hand the stick was disappeared at once she points her finger in front of her & then drop it down

Muffin was on the floor at once

Better you take care next time otherwise i will hang you up in the sky for day & night & allow these sticks to beat you till your death

She flinched at once and lay down in her feet


They all went to a dark room the King Alison has covered his face with a special type of Gold Mask He laid Carl on a special Bed arround which many candles were lightening

Before I should start You both have to stay silence throughout the whole process

If one of you make a single Noise I won't be able to bring him back

First of all I Need your Wolf Queen Erica

She went behind the curtain and then undress herself and transformed herself into a Blue Grey she-Wolf She looked astonishing no doubt

She was Sad as she has to bade goodbye to her wolf Rissa but she's happy that she'll get her son back

She sacrifices for her son

Lay on that table Alison pointed on a bed besides Carl's Bed

He tieup her hands & feet with some magic spells she was unable to move

It was a little bit painfull but she'll be fine after 5-10 minutes he told Thomas

Don't panic & don't blurt out even a single word from your mouth understand

He nods her head and moves backward

Alison raised his hands in the Air & looked up in the sky

Suddenly the roof top disappeared and the moon light started to fall on Rissa body he moved his fingers in different directions & read some spells

Oh Pious Wolf of Erica

What she called you Rissa

Leave her body for Good Sake

Come & stay inside my body i need you right now leave her Leave you origin

Come & lie inside me I'm calling you Rissa come over me

Erica was wincing in pain she was unable to free herself she wiggled here & there on that bed She was crying in pain

Thomas was disprated he doesn't see her in pain but he was helpless it was Erica decision he couldn't do anything

He clenched his fists

After ten minutes Alison got hold on Rissa & now there is silence every where she has calmed now

Thomas rush towards her

Are you fine Eric he kissed on her face her forehead & everywhere on her face

She'll be in pain for few minutes then she'll alright

Thomas put her clothes on & then he moved to Alison

Now its your turn Alison bring my son back


He then moved towards Carl's Bed

He cast some spells then raised his hands

Suddenly the roof Open & Moonlight falls on his body a large birdy creature like an angle appeared on the top of him

I will grant you the power that you will be never hurt by any creature that has wings & then the creature enters into his body

Then Alison called Evil spirits

Oh Evil spirits

I'm calling you come & give him your powers

Two witches appeared in front of him

Oh little boy i will grant you a wish that

First one you will never suffer from any disease if you stay away from sunlight untill you turn eighteen but you will get the disease everyone calls it love before you were eighteen and that will be your true mate but God knows she will be in your favour or not they both chuckled and disappeard

He called All the spirits one bye one & they all blessed him with somekind of Goodies that will make him most powerful among all

Then He calls the wolf Queen Ricca to awake her son

I'm calling you ricca come here bring his wolf back

Ricca apeared & said i can't bring his wolf back unfortunately his wolf has died and he has lost him few hours ago

What are you talking about Ricca ?? Alison aksed her

That's the truth she heaves

Its Strange Ricca that's impossible He yelled What should i do then ?? Is there any other way to bring him back ??he asked

Yes there's an other way but it was quite Risky and full of danger

Its okay just Tell me the way he looked at her anxiously


I know that the chapter is little bit short but I didn't get the time to write long but i will give a lenghty chapter tommorow

stay calm & give your valuable feedback it will help me getting better and better