
Never The Same

He pulled back after a long and dreadful minute. "You..." He stepped back and just vanished. That asshole! How dare he kiss me! He even had the audacity to vanish without giving me an explanation. He took my first kiss! I just closed my eyes for a second and then opened them to find Lucy and Iris staring at me. I just waved them off and went outside to get some air. ****** Ashley is the eldest daughter of Thomas Althea, a famous designer. She is a girl with a not-so-good past. Her past made her hate the entire men species. But fortunately, for her, she has two besties who mean the world to her. She has two awesome siblings who take care of her and vice-versa. She and her best friends were living peacefully in Canada. It was her dream to finish high school in California and it came true. Her family along with her besties' families decided to move to California for their senior year. On the first day of school, she had a new enemy. As if it wasn't enough, fate decided to take a toll on her and turned her world upside down. Nothing was certain in her life. Only thing that was certain was that she would never be the same. ******* "Bring it on Bad Guy!"

AshStarrySky · Urban
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3 Chs


"Why don't we just end this all for good?" Dad asked.

"Death, in itself, is nothing; but we fear, to be we know not what, we know not where.' Always remember that" Mom replied with a stern voice.

They didn't know that I was awake and listening to this. I was scared out of my wits. I was afraid for my future and my brother's too. I thought they might do something rash. I tried staying awake so I could see what they were doing. While trying, I fell asleep. I heard some sounds of fighting and crying.


I was sweating and my face was wet because of my tears. I hated these nightmares. I hated crying. I hated being weak. I hated having these flashbacks. But thankfully I have something good in my life.

I got up and checked the time. It was 5 am. I decided to wash my face and did my daily routine. I freshened up and went to read for a bit until we have to go.


Everyone got ready and ate breakfast. Then we went to the airport at 6:30 pm. Right now, it's 8 am. We are in business class.

I'm sure you're wondering who I am and why am I on a plane.

Well, let me tell you about myself. I'm Ashley Althea, a 17-year-old girl. I'm the eldest daughter of Thomas Althea, a world-famous designer, and Carol Althea, a well-known lawyer. I have a sister and brother. My brother Ryder Althea who is 15 years old is the second child. The youngest is my sister Lily Althea, who is 13 years old. Then I have my besties, Lucy Angelo and Iris Carson.

Right now, we're on our way to California. We were staying in Canada and since my dad is a famous celebrity and owns a popular company (Totally not bragging) we will have issues. So because of those issues, we decided to move to California. Since I had always loved California and wanted to study Senior year and College here in California, Dad decided that it would be good to move from Canada. To say I was excited would be an understatement.

Since my dad and my BFF's dads are business partners, Lucy and Iris's family moved to California too. So, we three will be attending high school together!

I am so looking forward to this year. This year is gonna be a blast. At least I hope so.


After 2 hours, we finally reached California! We went to our house and started unpacking and arranging everything. Lucy and Iris's houses are near to ours too. So if we needed anything we can go over to their house. Also, I won't have to drive to their house for sleepovers anymore.

After a few hours, everything was done. Me, Lucy, and Iris video called each other and showed how we each decorated our room. We talked about many things like moving here, joining the new school, etc., In the end we ended up talking about how we were going to go to school. Since school is about 3 kilometers far, we decided to use my car to go to school.

Soon we all ate dinner and went to sleep, except for me that is. I wanted to read for some time because I didn't get any time to read. It's my mission to read for an hour at least. By the looks of it, I think we're gonna enjoy this senior year.


"I swore I'd never be like them

but I was just a kid back then

The older I get the more that I see

My parents aren't heroes"

Sometimes I hate this alarm and this song but other times I love this song to bits. Why does it have to ring on a holiday? Wait a second. Today is not a holiday. Today is the first day of my senior year.!

I literally ran out of my bed. I then did my daily routine and freshened up. I gave Lucy and Iris a wake-up call too, in case they oversleep. I went down to eat my breakfast and saw that everyone was already downstairs. We all started eating.

"How are you feeling about your first day, Ash?" Suddenly, my dad asked. I choked on my food and mom gave me a glass of water.

"I'm really excited for my first day, Dad," I said with a small smile on my face.

I and my dad always had a distance. We were not that close to each other but despite the distance, we loved each other dearly. Recently, he's a lot more caring than before.

Anyways, I went to the garage and got into my car. I picked up Lucy and Iris.

"Are you ready for today?" Lucy asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Iris said

"I can't wait for today," I said.

"Me too." Lucy agreed

Soon we reached the gates of our new school, Golden Sierra High. We went to the reception and got our schedules and locker password.

"It seems that we're together in almost every class," I said

"Almost?" Iris asked.

"Yup we have different classes after lunch." Lucy

The first day was really fun as our principal arranged for some entertainment program and gave us a whole day to explore the school. But today is the second day and the classes are starting today. I just hope that no one bumps into me when Lucy and Iris are not by my side cause I can lose my temper easily.

Anyways, Speaking of my friends. They are running here and there to do their makeup because we woke up late. What wasn't I doing the same? It's because I don't like to put on much makeup and I barely put on eyeliner and lipstick. Also, I was fast in getting ready too. So I finished sooner than the girls.

I still don't understand why girls have to put on makeup just to make themselves look extra beautiful. Lucy and Iris say that it's important to look beautiful. I only wear makeup on special occasions. By the way, I wear spectacles which Lucy and Iris say that I should replace with contact and will make me look like a nerd. But I don't care because I have no one to impress. Also, I can't risk poking my eyes out just to put on contacts.

"Girls, are you coming or not? I'll go now alright?" I asked being annoyed about how much time is being wasted putting on makeup. I heard Iris saying "Ok, ok we're coming. No need to be grumpy". Seriously Iris?

"Okay, Let's go before our classes start," Lucy said


Oof! I plopped on the couch. Today was an exhausting day!!

Our teachers made us do a lot of work even on our first day of classes. And most importantly today I met someone who made me lose my temper for the first time in a while.


"Finally, It's lunchtime!" I exclaimed

"Yeah, I'm starving," Iris said while licking her lips

"I didn't expect to study so much on our first day of classes," Lucy said while waiting in the line with us. Lucy was always the rebel kind of girl. While Iris is the sweetest person ever I've seen in my life. I was both Rebellious and Sweet.

Anyways, we were standing in line for our food. Soon we got our food and I just remembered that we had no table to sit on. "Girls! We don't have any table to sit on..."

Iris continued for me, "And, all the tables seem to be filled."

Lucy being the girl she was, said, "Why don't we go outside and eat there? Since you like to eat out in the air. It would be a good idea." "I don't see why not," Iris said. I agreed with them.

After school...

After what felt like an eternity, our classes for today had ended. Right when we were about to leave, a guy who was in my English class (because he's my desk partner) was sitting on top of MY CAR and scrolling on his phone like he didn't care about anything that was going around. I hated when someone touched my things, especially boys cause I despise them with every fiber of my being. I guess that Lucy and Iris noticed it because they held on to my arms to stop me from doing anything. I chose to be calm for the time being.

"Hey!!" I said waving my hand in front of his face to get his attention. He suddenly looked up from his goddamn phone. Sorry, god! I quickly apologized to god for cursing.

"What do you want?" He asked me. His voice was filled with authority, arrogance, and overconfidence.

Is he serious now?

"Are you serious?" I asked while raising my eyebrows. "What do you want girl?" He sounded annoyed and irritated.

I pointed at the car he was leaning on. "Can you please stop being a mime and tell me what you want?" He asked impatiently. "Even dumb people will understand if you look where I'm pointing to," I said. "What?" He asked more like shouted to me while being clueless, I think he is just doing this to piss me off. "It's my car that you're sitting on and I hate when people touch my things." Seriously, What's with this guy? "Okay" He just stood there not even moving from my car. "What the hell! Get off from my car." I shouted at him. "You... You! how dare you shout at me." He raised his hands to slap me but I held his hands. And I slapped him… right in the face.

"You… How dare you? How dare you slap me!!!" He asked while holding his arm.

"Oh It's nothing, I just did what you were about to do," I said while shrugging with a smirk on my face.

"You witch. I'm gonna get back at you for this" He yelled in pure rage.

"Eh! We'll see. Now you know not to mess with my things and me." I said. "You will pay for it," He said with anger glowing in his eyes. "Shut up Mr. ....." I trailed off not knowing his name. "Abel Louis, The popular bad boy in this school." He answered for me. "Mr. Abel Louis the popular bad boy.. of this school," I repeated to him when I realized that he was the one this school feared the most. "Oh, you're the popular guy in this school," I said. "Oh yes and you are Ms.?" Abel asked me. "Ashley Althea," I said to him. "It was nice meeting you Mr. Bad boy but I hope we don't meet again," I said to him. "Sure, the feeling's mutual." He said sarcastically.

He walked away and I took a long, deep breath to let out all my frustration. I almost forgot that girls were with me this entire time. We got in the car and I was driving to the girls' home so that they can take their things for the sleepover.

Soon they came back. Now we were on our way to my house. "I can't believe what he did. He's so annoying. How can a person be this annoying?" I ranted to Lucy and Iris. "You should just forget it, Ash," Lucy told me. Iris patted my back to keep me calm.

"Still. He's so Arrogant!"

Abel's POV:

Ugh. She is the worst! How dare she do this to me? I arrived at my house that I'm sharing with my twin, Adam Louis.

What was her name again? Ashley Alfea, no not Alfea. I think it's Althea. I need to teach that girl a lesson tomorrow. I still can't believe that she hit me.

Agh! She is so Arrogant!


Have some plot ideas for my story? Comment it and let me know.

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