
Never The Same

He pulled back after a long and dreadful minute. "You..." He stepped back and just vanished. That asshole! How dare he kiss me! He even had the audacity to vanish without giving me an explanation. He took my first kiss! I just closed my eyes for a second and then opened them to find Lucy and Iris staring at me. I just waved them off and went outside to get some air. ****** Ashley is the eldest daughter of Thomas Althea, a famous designer. She is a girl with a not-so-good past. Her past made her hate the entire men species. But fortunately, for her, she has two besties who mean the world to her. She has two awesome siblings who take care of her and vice-versa. She and her best friends were living peacefully in Canada. It was her dream to finish high school in California and it came true. Her family along with her besties' families decided to move to California for their senior year. On the first day of school, she had a new enemy. As if it wasn't enough, fate decided to take a toll on her and turned her world upside down. Nothing was certain in her life. Only thing that was certain was that she would never be the same. ******* "Bring it on Bad Guy!"

AshStarrySky · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter Two: We are neighbors?

Ashley's POV:

We reached our house and went to arrange our things in our room. I completed it first because I only had a bookshelf. I was really hungry, So I decided to make some pasta.

"Hey, girl we finished!" Lucy came to the kitchen with Iris. We were having a sleepover at my place.

"We are soo hungry. What are you making?" Iris asked while sitting on the kitchen counter.

"I'm making food," I stated, rolling my eyes

"Finally, I thought you would never make it," Lucy said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I wanted to eat the food made by you again," Iris said laughing.

"Consider today as your lucky day ladies. Chef Ashley will make you her signature pasta." I said imitating the chefs on tv.

Lucy and Iris burst out laughing. Back in Canada, we used to stay in an apartment while our parents stayed in our mansion. Mine, Lucy's and Iris's families were neighbors, so we started living in an apartment near our houses. While we were living in the apartment, I was the chef of the house. I used to make cakes, desserts, lunch, etc. The pasta was my signature dish and they loved eating it.

Soon, we finished eating and went to have some me time. Let me tell you what me time is.

To us, Me time means to have some time for yourself alone doing what you like the most. We three always do this every Saturday. Lucy likes to watch sports or do sports. Iris likes to draw and I like to read books.

I went to my room and took my ongoing psychological thriller book, sat on my bed, and started reading. It was my dream to learn forensics after graduation.

After graduation I, Lucy and Iris will go our separate ways but we swore that we will always be in touch.

Soon it was six in the evening. I finished reading a few chapters and was currently listening to some songs. Suddenly I heard loud music blasting from the opposite house. I thought no one lived there. I just waited for the music's volume to decrease but that didn't happen. Ughh! Can't I even listen to songs in peace? I came out of my room and was about to go next door and knock some sense into the people next door but I stop because soon the music's volume decreases.

"Thank God, they decreased the volume before Ash went ballistic," Iris said

"Yeah, I do not wanna experience that again," Lucy said chuckling while emphasizing that.

"Hey! I wasn't that bad!" I defend myself.

"Suuure" Lucy stretched out the word with sarcasm in her voice.

I nudge her with my elbow. A few seconds later the bell rang. We three went to open the door.

"Hi, We heard that your new here so we were asked to welcome you guys personally," Abel said with his friends by his side, without looking at us. We stood there a bit surprised. I guessed that he must have not known that we were living here. I guess they were in for a surprise

"We are neighbors?" I said with fake astonishment.

"You are my Neighbor?" Abel was surprised.

"Yes and I never thought the bad boy will act so nicely," I said.

"Well, I am nice but not in front of you." He retorted.

"Good to hear. You shouldn't waste your breath on trying to be nice to me cause I won't waste my time being nice." I said smirking.

"The feeling is mutual," Abel said. "Let's go, guys, we've given them enough welcome." He added.

"Same here. Bye! I hope to not see you soon." I chuckled and shut the door.

"Ughh…Why did our neighbors have to be that guy??" Iris asked.

"Now they're gonna do something bad just like in those stories in Wattpad and one of them might fall in love with us and our moms are gonna scold us. Even kick us out. Then where will we stay? Where will we get our food from? How are we gonna play video games in my room? Ohh boy this is my end!." Iris ranted. She rambles when nervous or scared of a situation or anything and comes up with crazy possibilities.

"Gosh Iris, Just relax. Nothing's gonna happen. We're not gonna fall in love with them. But our moms won't kick us out even if we do." Lucy tried to calm Iris and tried to stop herself from chuckling.

"Yeah, what Lucy said is correct. Just relax." I tried to calm Iris too.

"I guess, It's okay," Iris said feeling a bit calm from her rambling.

"Anyways, don't you guys wanna eat?" I asked.

"Today let's make PIZZA!" Lucy and Iris said causing me to laugh.

"Okay, Okay. Fine. But you both have to help me.Deal?" I said. "Deal!" Lucy and Iris agreed.


After a while the pizza was ready and we decided to watch a rom-com. While watching the movie, I started thinking. I'm so lucky to have friends like this in my life and I don't ever plan on letting them go. I just hope this stays the same in the future. And I'll protect them no matter what. Gosh! I sound like those cliche heroines in the chick flicks.


Even though I'm a nerd, sometimes I just hate school. But thank god my first class is English otherwise I would have died out of boredom. I know that's a little bit exaggerated but still, it would be boring.

The moment I entered the class I heard a high-pitched voice. It was a girl's voice.

"Hey guys, honeybun here has agreed to throw a party tomorrow. Just for us!" A girl yelled in excitement.

I came to know that girl is Candice Wardel, the youngest daughter of a famous businessman. She is known to be a player and a snob. She is currently with the bad boy a.k.a. Abel Louis. I guess he is honeybun. Yuck! What a disgusting nickname!

I just went to my seat and took out a book to read while waiting for the teacher to come. But I couldn't focus on what I was reading because I was thinking about a certain someone. I don't even understand why I'm thinking about that guy. But wherever I go, there he is. Literally in front of me! I just hate it. Even though I hate it why am I still thinking about him? Snap out of it, Ash!

Just then we all heard a clicking sound. Thank god! The teacher came. If she was a minute late I think I would have eaten my mind whole. "Good Morning class, today we'll start with Modern literature," The teacher said while turning to the board, to start her class.

While the teacher was speaking, I was drifting to my thoughts. Right then, I felt a paper ball hitting my back. When I looked back, I turned to see Abel's signature smirk. I opened the paper ball and read what was written on it. "Come on, I know that you feel something for me. Wanna be mine?"

I scoffed and wrote on the paper saying: "Sorry but not sorry. I do not want to be your next gf just so you can complete your record." I threw the paper ball back to him. Fortunately, the teacher didn't notice this. Otherwise, I would have gotten a nice scolding from her.

He just smiled and threw it again at me. I opened it to see nothing inside. I just threw it back at him. Unfortunately, this time the teacher noticed and we both got a scolding. Thankfully he stopped after some time. While the teacher was writing down the main points on the board, I felt someone playing with my hair behind me. I turned to see it was Abel.

What the heck? How did he even change his seat? He was literally sitting across the room. This guy does anything, doesn't he?

I was annoyed! How can a person hate someone one day and flirt with them the other day? If he keeps on doing that, he will surely get a piece of my mind. I'm damn sure! When I felt him annoy me one more time, I just snapped.

"What is your problem, dude?"

"Nothing. Just wanted to feel your hair" He smirked. I just scoffed and went back to listening to class. Abel kept on irritating me throughout the class.

Just then the bell rang. Thank god! If the bell hadn't rung, I would have gone insane!

I walked out of class with my books and went to my locker which was right outside the class. Right then I heard a voice that seemed to be all I was hearing nowadays. It was Abel. "Hello cupcake"

"Hello, dumbass" I replied. "Did you think about it?" Abel asked. "Think about what?" I asked, feigning confusion. "Oh… So that's how it is!" Abel said. "What nonsense are you saying?" I asked. "Nothing." He said with an impassive face.

Just then Iris and Lucy reached my locker. "Hey girl, How was your first class?" Lucy asked. "Eh, It was annoying" I glanced at Abel, emphasizing it. Iris and Lucy looked at him. I saw a glint flashing through their eyes. Oh shit! They're going to leave me here.

"Well, We gotta go. We have some homework, right Iris?" Lucy asked Iris, nudging her. "Y-yeah" Iris stuttered. Those traitors! I made a mental note to remember to cut their supply of ice cream this week. The traitors scurried to their lockers, leaving me all alone in the hallway. With Abel. I just let out a long sigh. I took my things and started walking to my next class. Unfortunately, Abel followed me. Again, unfortunately for me, the class was in the next building. Abel kept following me like I was some a bottle of water in a desert. I stopped walking and turned back.

"What the hell do you want?" I yelled. "I think it's pretty obvious, isn't it?" came his snarky reply. "Can you just do me a favor and close that mouth of yours?" I yelled. He said nothing and just when I thought he would walk away, he pushed me against the wall with his arms propped on either side of my head. He leaned closer and whispered in my ear. "Sorry fire. Can't do." His deep and magnetic voice made my legs wobble a bit. Now I know why he is the heartthrob of this school. He was right out of heaven. His arms especially looked swoon-worthy. His cologne smelled great. I think it's the…. Don't do this Ash. Don't give in.

I whispered in my head. I could feel his gaze on my lips. I bit my lips at the intense gaze. His green eyes were clouded with something I couldn't describe. I could see something in him break. He leaned closer and when I thought he was going to kiss me, he leaned away and started walking in the opposite direction. Right before vanishing from my view, he shot a smirk.

That jerk! How dare he play with me? I'll make sure he'll pay for this.

I felt like my cheeks were on fire. Was I blushing? What the hell? Just then the bell rang but I didn't feel like going to class now. So I went to the school gym and started working out. At least that would stop my cheeks from blushing.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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