

Vain felt helpless against the woman especially as he hadn't gained control of his body yet and could only twitch on the floor while the woman looked on as if Vain was an interesting animal. 

The woman waited a full 10 minutes till Vain gained enough control of his body that his body was no longer twitching consistently. Vain had seen the woman squat down and stare at him without blinking for the entire time making him far more uncomfortable.

Vain quickly stood up after a little struggle and faced the woman thinking about what he could do since he was still thankful to the woman for saving his life, but her eyes didn't make him feel safe. The pair stood facing each other for another 10 minutes without talking leaving an awkward silence that was especially loud in the empty house.

Cough- "Well... Why don't we begin with names, my name is Vain, may I know what your name is?" Vain let out an awkward cough and did his best to dispel the silence.