
Cunning dr Ahn

As time passes by,both involved in their own life ..the king was severely sick and invited his father dr Ahn to go check on him so his father more than happy went to the king bedroom and check him and found out that it's just a cold but it's severe..so the doctor prescribed medicine and didn't accept the money not because he was kind but because he was cunning and wanted to win the favour of the king

Days passed by and the visitation to the king palace became a normal thing as he would go to check on him daily

The king recovered after a month and at the last day of the doctor visitation the king asked Mr Ahn what he wanted? in front of the whole royal courtiers

Mr Ahn thought for a while and finally replied I want your daughter to marry my son

The king was at horor when he heard that but since he was a king and he asked to him officially he couldn't deny as the courtiers would think that he is a person who doesn't stick with his word

Suddenly the king burst into laughter making the whole courtiers think that insanity has hit him again but after a while he replied dr Ahn more cunningly

well it will be real good if what you wish turn so ,so let us all first and foremost make our children meet each other and if your son and they click then the marriage is sure of or else of your son has issues the marriage would be cancel out

Mr Ahn smiled and nodded than the king went further on that their child shall meet on the Princess birthday which is near also the king ordered the courtiers,Mr Ahn that niether of their child should come to know about this..