
Nero The Dragon Slayer

Nero dies attempting to save a woman and is reincarnated in the Dragon Ball universe. He is born with a system and some powers of his choosing. Watch as he adventures around and maybe change some things in this universe. He also has powers from the Fairy tail anime and other places. Not limited to only anime powers. Disclaimer: I don't own Dragon Ball or any of the characters in the manga or anime. All are owned by its respective creator.

Wolf_Blood · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs


Nero ran as fast as he could away from King Vegeta and his guards. He ran so fast that he ran and bumped into Cooler himself. He looked up at Cooler with a determined look on his face. Cooler looked down at Nero and laughed. "I see that a Saiyan child has the balls to bump into me and not apologize."

Cooler looks at the boy and notices blood on his hands. "What the hell?" Cooler says to himself. King Vegeta shows up and sees Cooler. He curses under his breath from his luck. "Welcome Lord Cooler is this child bothering you? If so i'll take him away immediately."

Cooler looks at the child and then at King Vegeta. "I will be taking the child with me to join my army. I'll train him personally. Now begone you weak monkey." King Vegeta glares at Nero and walks away.

"Lucky brat managed to escape." Says King Vegeta under his breath. Cooler looked at Nero and smiled. "Boy what is your name and what is your power level?" "My name is Nero and my power level is 15,000." Cooler smiled more.

"That's very good you'll only get stronger as I train you." Cooler takes Nero to his ship and leaves.

Gonna do a time skip and make him a teen maybe 18 years old. If anyone is really reading this and truly likes leave a comment and rate please and thank you.

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