
Nepal national game Dandi-biyo

Dandi Biyo, considerably the national sport of Nepal till May 23, 2017, is a game in which Dandi is the stick which is approx. 2 feet long and Biyo is a wooden pin (with pointed ends) which is approx. 6 inches long. It is a similar sport to the Indian game "Gilli Danda". Dandi Biyo was majorly played by the youths of Nepal and it was very popular during the 1980s and 1990s. However, now the game's popularity is decreasing day by day, so it is supposed to be extinct shortly. The game is played by two or more players. A game similar to Dandi Biyo is played in Baranya region of Hungary and Croatia and is known as "Pincika" and in South Korea also which is known as "Jachigi".