
nen user in soul master word

this is going to be a bad novel, also my english is bad this novel is an extreme au so there is gonna be many things that got changed or never exixt at all on the oroginal novel

Phanton · Anime und Comics
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48 Chs

oh shit here we go

the sky is red

why is it red

i dont know

is this some kind of anime battlefield you may ask

well it is a battlefield there is weapons here and there but as most people use melee or their own weapons made of nen or hatsus so... there isnt many.

there are more and more corpses both of humans and in-human entites on the destroyed ground

they cant even hit their enemies

fucking pig teammates

i fell bad for our word will

if "it" even exists

anyway i doesnt matter anymore the word is practically dead

humans and other inteligent beasts made a pact to exterminate the old gods that wanted to kill and devour the word

after a long time of battle

we manged to kill the old gods


lets just say we achived victory and losed the war at the same time its way easier to explain

basicaly we won the war but the planet was so destroyed that its almost beyond repair

and the population in it is just as destroyed as the world around them


humans are very good at destroing themselfs

even at times of desesperation we manage to make it worse

like when V6 had the brillant idea of droping nukes on the minions of the old gods

it was so good

that more than half of the continets were destroyed and the water was contamineted with radiation

we are an incredible race as you can see

if you havent noticed i love the human race

so much that i wanted to destroy it completely

but not on this scale


i dont know

but this shit is like extincion



i will not survive to see the outcome so


because im gonna die in some hours because of my nearly infinite vitality so its complicaded to die

but thers a hole in my chest my arms are severed

same with my legs

anyway im not going to stay awake while i die out

that just boring

why are you still here


after sleping for 6 hours im finally gonna die

so thinking about what happends after death

i passed away

in a void there was a white ball of ligth

"nice im in a black void"

after dying our protagonist thats yet to be named

was wondering

so what happen now

maybe im going to be punished or rewarded by my actions

or maybe im going to be stuck here forever

but all that panick striking situation

and our prot just said



after god knows how many time

a blue screen pop up apeared

[wanna have a big dick?]

[just for 7$]

[buy now]


"ok thats just sad"

our prot notices that the pop up has a delete buttom

he didnt hesitate and deleted the pop up

another pop up apared

[why did you deleted that]

"because.... yes"

[ok... that a strange man we got here]


[do you want to be reincarneted?]

and our mc just responded with a simple


it seams that our mc is relaxing in the void


[too bad i want you to reincarnate soooooo you dont have a choice]



´[you acepted rather quickly]



[ok you have three wishes to make and 5 traits will get selected by me]


"my first wish is have all the knowledge of assasination techniques, poison, medicine and animals

"my second wish is to have pitou talent but buffed 10000 times"

"my third wish is to have empty eyes and never show emotion on my face"

[the first is granted]

[the second is nerfed to be just 10 times and you get her personalite and malice]

[the trird is granted]


[now for the 5 traits]


2-loved to death by yanderes

3-snow white


5-killer instinct

"what is a yandere" our protagnist asked the screem(author)

[something that you will either enjoy or hate]


[ok off you go]