
Necromancy in a Demon Slayer

In a world plagued by demons and the constant struggle of demon slayers, an unknown threat arises in the form of a necromancer who was thought to be nothing more than a legend. With his powers over death and the ability to command the undead, he tips the balance of power in the ongoing war.

TranslatorGod · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs


[Name: Lazarus | Age: 20 | Gender: N/A]

[Race: Boulder]

[Level: 0]

[Soul Points: 0]

[Undead Rank: 1]

[Undead: Skeleton Type]

[Skills: Roll]

[World Roulette] (Defeat the last boss to unlock,)

This was just a simple system without a store, gacha, or personality system, but it was better than the numbawan system.

According to the system, Soul Points were used to summon undead creatures, and these points were gained by absorbing the souls of living things. In other words, the system encouraged killing.

However, Lazarus was not a typical user of the system, he was 20 years old young man, and wasn't born psychopath, he refused to give in to the system's encouragement to kill for Soul Points. Despite the temptation, he pondered a solution that would allow him to acquire the points without taking innocent lives. He was determined to find a way to summon undead creatures without resorting to murder.

He decided that he would only absorb the souls of those who had died but were not killed by him, as this was a world of demon slayers where corpses could be found inside houses without the knowledge of common folk and murder by demon become common as a rice.

In addition, the Undead Rank referred to the rank of undead creatures that could be summoned, and with his Undead Rank 1, he could only summon common skeleton soldier, skeleton rats or any other skeletal creature.

However there was a problem…

He was a boulder, what could boulder do?

Thinking about it, Lazarus was depressed again.

There two thing he hated in this world, being victimized by scammer and fell for it. If he could only go back time.


The sun sank below the horizon, casting the forest into a shadowy realm. The trees rustled in the fading light, their branches reaching up towards the darkening sky. And as the last of the light disappeared, the moon emerged, its pale glow casting an eerie radiance over the landscape.

The forest was now a place of mystery and uncertainty, where even the most familiar paths seemed twisted and unfamiliar.

Sitting on boulder, Sabito said, his cat like eyes gazed in the moon, "Makomo, do you really think we have what it takes to become Demon Slayers?"

"Of course we do, Sabito. We've been training every day for years now, and our skills have improved so much," Makomo replied while drawing something on the ground with her pale fingers.

Sabito respond, "But the selection process is notoriously difficult. I don't want to get our hopes up only to be disappointed."

"I understand your concerns, Sabito, but we can't let fear hold us back. We have to believe in ourselves and our abilities."

"You're right. We have to be brave if we want to achieve our goals."

"Exactly. And I know that if we work hard and stay focused, we can make it through the selection process and become Demon Slayers."

"I'm not afraid of hard work. I just hope that our training has prepared us for whatever challenges lie ahead."

"I have no doubt that we're ready. And even if we don't make it this time, we can always try again. We can never give up on our dreams."

"You're right, Makomo. Failure is not an option. We'll do whatever it takes to become Demon Slayers."

"I'm glad we're in this together, Sabito. We'll support each other every step of the way."

"Aren't they gonna die right? Should I stop them?"

Lazarus looked at them with a bit of pity, if he remember correctly, they would die in final selection exam, and Lazarus wanted to stop them because this two were the only people accompanied him here. But he don't know exactly how.

And if this two people dissapeared, Lazarus would be alone again.

As the three was their own thought, a man come out in the shadow of forest.

Muzan Kibutsuji appeared before Sabito and Makomo, his tall and slender frame looming over them like a dark cloud. His piercing red eyes scanned them up and down, assessing their worth.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Two little mice who think they have what it takes to become Demon Slayers," Muzan sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Sabito and Makomo tensed, ready to fight or flee at a moment's notice. Muzan chuckled, amused by their reaction. "Relax, children. I'm not here to harm you...yet. I'm simply curious about your aspirations."

Muzan's eyes gleamed with a malicious glint as he continued to address Sabito and Makomo. "You see, I have seen countless humans with potential, but few ever become Demon Slayers. It's a pity, really, to see such wasted potential. But perhaps you two are different. Maybe you have what it takes to join my ranks, to become powerful demons."

Sabito and Makomo stood resolute, their expressions unwavering despite the terrifying presence before them. Sabito spoke up, his voice steady and firm.

"We have no desire to become demons, nor to serve you, Muzan Kibutsuji. Our goal is to become Demon Slayers and protect humanity from the likes of you."

Muzan chuckled, amused by Sabito defiance.

"Ah, the idealistic youth. It's admirable, really. But you must understand that there is no hope for humanity. It's a doomed race, destined to be consumed by demons like myself. You can't change the inevitable, no matter how hard you try."

Makomo interjected, her voice calm and resolute. "We may not be able to change the future, but we can fight for the present. We can make a difference, one demon at a time. And we will never give up, no matter how hopeless the situation may seem."

Muzan's expression turned dark, and his voice dripped with venom. "You two are fools. You think you can make a difference? You're nothing but insignificant ants in the grand scheme of things. You'll never defeat me, or any of my demons. You'll die trying, and your death will be in vain."

Makomo, on the other hand, remained calm and collected, her gaze fixed on Muzan. She could feel his malevolent energy, but it didn't shake her resolve. "We may not be able to defeat you, Muzan, but we will fight to protect those who can't defend themselves. That's what it means to be a Demon Slayer."

Muzan's lips curled into a sneer as he regarded the two young warriors before him. "You're nothing but children playing at being heroes. You have no idea what you're up against."

He took a step forward, his eyes glowing with an otherworldly light. "But I'll give you a chance to prove yourselves. Fight me, and if you manage to land even a single blow, I'll spare your lives."

Sabito and Makomo exchanged a look, their determination clear in their eyes. Without a word, they both leapt into action, their swords at the ready.

Minutes passed as Lazarus gazed over the corpses of the two Demon Slayer candidates, Sabito and Makomo. His heart felt heavy with sorrow as he mourned the loss of two young lives that had just begun to blossom. "What the heck! Luckily Muzan doesn't hate boulders," he said, trying to find some semblance of comfort in the moment.

But the truth was, the massacre was one-sided, and the fact that the two were supposed to die in the final selection made it seem like a butterfly effect. Lazarus couldn't help but wonder what could have been if things had gone differently.

Lost in his thoughts, he was suddenly jolted back to reality by a strange sound in his ear. It was the voice of the system, informing him that it had detected two souls and asking if he wanted to absorb them. The souls would disappear in just ten seconds.

Lazarus hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do. Should he try to absorb the souls of the fallen Demon Slayers? It seemed like a cruel thing to do, but perhaps there was some benefit to be gained from it. Of course, there is.

He could gain two undead soldiers, but...

As he stood there, contemplating his options, his mind drifted back to the two candidates he had just witnessed perish before him. He couldn't help but feel a deep sense of remorse and empathy for their tragic end.

"Should I do it or not?"


(A/N: Lazarus will not stay as Boulder, he will gain human form, and his human form will be *secret* And drop a comment if you spot an error.)