
Day 2: Dream

Laughter. Horrid laughter resounded around me. High like chalk screeching on a board. Looking around my eyes spot the source. Green creatures with long ears on their big heads, short stature like a child and crooked teeth that haven't seen better days. Goblins.

Hallways formed around me resembling that of the university, lengthening the distance between us giving me time to turn and run. Who knows where I'm going, I just need to get away. As my feet brought me around, I notice bodies everywhere. The further I ran the worse it got. From freshly dead, intact bodies with blood pooling to bodies shredded beyond recognition with blood splatter on every surface.

Panic arose in me making it hard to breathe but I continued running, turning at every corner trying to get away. Finally, I saw an open area at the end of a corridor. Picking up pace, I sprinted with everything I had in me as the laughter that followed me from the start grew louder. Bursting into the open I stopped right in my tracks. Around me there were skeletons of all kinds standing in order, along with them I could see persons at the front though they looked extremely pale- too pale to be alive. Other monsters could be seen too; even though they looked normal, the way they stood among the skeletons told me otherwise.

Suddenly and in sync, all creatures turned and stared at me. Looking into their eyes, a small black flame could be seen almost dancing around. With all heads turned my way, there was a small space made which allowed me to see at the front. There stood a girl holding someone in her arms. The person- another woman I assume- appeared to be dead and the one holding her walked towards a table which also looked like an altar. At this moment I knew I should've left, should've left long ago, but the weight of the stares had fear holding me in place. The woman standing at the altar turned and faced me, confusion and questions started going through my head when I heard a voice. It was soft but in this quiet space it resounded, carrying a single word. "Leave."

A pull started dragging me into the hallway and down further like it wanted to pull me through the floor itself. Even though I was petrified about what was going to happen to me, a single thought was floating in my head- 'Was that really me?' A final tug was felt, so deep in my being that I wouldn't be surprised if it was on my soul, and with that darkness engulfed my vision and I blacked out.


June's entire body ached as if she'd been run over by a truck. She felt like screaming as her body notified her all her injuries and a massive headache. Wincing she tried to sit up but quickly returned to her original position as she just couldn't move as yet. A minute passed before June tried to get up again; with the pain and her just staring in around the room, it was just too plain and she started feeling restless.

With her hand cupping her head she sat up feeling where the blood was caked into her hair. Removing her hand, she rubbed at her temples clearing a spell of dizziness that overcame her. The memories of the goblins and the woman at the altar flooded back, vivid and jarring. Observing the room, she saw a table blocking the door and bloody handprints around. What looked like a makeshift stretcher was strewn across the floor.

She turned her head slightly and saw Tanya still asleep beside her, lying curled up on the bed. For a moment, June found some comfort in the rhythmic rise and fall of her friend's breathing, a stark contrast to the chaos she had just escaped.

'Tanya's still asleep.' June thought, biting her lip as she tried to rise without making too much noise. She swung her legs over the side of the bed, ignoring the sharp pain shooting through her legs from the bruises. As her feet touched the cold ground, her eyes drifted to the corner of the room where she previously overlooked and there stood Dave, her goblin skeleton. His bony figure was as still as a statue with his empty eye sockets locked on her. It was disturbing but she'd have to get used to it.

'Wait a minute - ' she paused in the middle of stretching, 'did I get healed after killing the hobgoblin...a level up or something' she realized that even though there was a bit of pain, she should be in a worse state than she is now. Like paralyzed or dead state. Figuring that anything goes when the world brings imagination to life, she brushed it off and resumed stretching. With one thing out of her mind, the next thought took over-the woman and the army of skeletons.

She racked her brain thinking of possible answers as to who both women were and why was the one that spoke also a necromancer judging by the skeleton army. Unable to come up with an answer, she cleared it out her head as she had no time to dwell on it since they still had to leave the school and find a safe area and more information. Finishing her stretching routine, she opened the camera on her phone and inspected parts of her body. She remembers hitting her ribs hard possibly breaking them but apart from feeling a little ache there's nothing else bothering her. She also noted that every injury simply had a dull ache and felt stiff.

Sighing she went back to the bed and gently woke Tanya. Even though the wake up was a simple and as gently as possible, Tanya still woke up with a jolt accidentally slapping June in her face.

 "Oh my gosh! Are you ok??", Tanya bolted up from the bed seeing June on her knees holding her nose, "OH MY GOSH! Are you ok??" she repeated as she remembered June's injuries.

Fanning her away June stood and turned her attention to Tanya, ready to get down to business.

"Don't mind me I'm fine, a little sore all over but it's alright. Tell me what happened after I passed out and where we are right now."

"Well, if you say so okay. You got hurt pretty badly so I got Dave to gather some sheets and sticks to make a stretcher and we carried you over here. 'Here' being some room close to the lobby which means we can leave as soon as possible."

"Oh, and I unlocked a healer sub-class and got some rewards including a 'heal all' which I used on you along with my powers and that's basically how you're alive right now."

Keenly listening to Tanya, June took note and made a mental reminder that she owed Tanya a big one. "Well thank you for everything, really. You mentioned sub-class but what's your main class and why didn't you use some of the medicine on yourself before it gets infected?" June queried.

"Oh yeah, I was supposed to do that but I was more focused on saving you then I fell asleep. Let me go put some on." Tanya took a moment searching the draws in the room for a pair of scissors before cutting her sweat pants legs and turning it into shorts. Grabbing the jar, she sat on the bed with her injured leg up in order to reach the wound as she continued. "Yes so when the voice and screens appeared I was freaked out and then the cards came while I was running out the room to find an acquaintance- as I told you before," June nodded recalling this when they were getting to know each other, "and then the cards appeared and I was overwhelmed so I just grabbed one without looking and got a class called Spectral weaver. I don't know what it is as I never knew about status and how to check and everything so that's how I'm here with you useless."

With her explanation finished she threw the almost finished jar into one of the bags and sat back on the bed looking at June. Taking a seat beside Tanya, June observed how comfortable Tanya became around her but kept silent about it.

"I taught you how to check your status right? Just think 'status' and it'll come up for you. Let's check our together since I've also been ignoring all the system notifications from I woke up."


[Name: June Herah 

Level: 3 (70/450)

Class: Necromancer 

Legacy: Death

Health: 15/15 

Mana: 70/70

Strength: 5 (+5) 

Mana: 7

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 6

Skills: Necroclasp (1) ]


[Name: Tanya Ross 

Level: 4 (125/250)

Class: Spectral Weaver

Sub-class: Healer

Health: 8/10 - healing 

Mana: 15/50

Strength: 3 

Mana: 9

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 3

Skills: Quick Heal


 Create illusions. The weaker the target is compared to you, the stronger the illusion. ]



The girls exchanged information questioning how Tanya seems to gain experience faster than June even though she only killed a few goblins. The explanation for this is either Tanya got experience quickly of June got experience slowly, maybe it even depends on their class. Putting it all aside June emphasized how crucial it is to their survival that Tanya learned to use her powers as it'll be helpful getting out of the university.

Their conversation was cut off as they heard laughter in the halls which June immediately recognized as goblins. June saw this as the perfect opportunity to train Tanya and smiled at the timing.

AN: Not sure if an update will be up anytime soon as I struggled to finish this and I have exams.

Comments are appreciated guys lemme know if you found any errors or missing info (I have no proofreader i apologize).

Satchetcreators' thoughts