
Necromancer June *REWRITING*

Notice: This is a Girl's Love book though as much as I'd like it to be GL focused, the fantasy aspect overshadows it. When Earth suddenly turns into one like those seen in Mangas with gates and mana, June seeks to navigate this new world with her knowledge gained from reading said Manga. With June gaining the powers of a necromancer, trials and tribulations comes her way and she quickly realizes that maybe life won't be as easy to live like the OP Mc she reads about. Follow June as she hones her powers and faces all challenges coming her way. Oh yeah they all die in the end. . . . . . Just kidding.

Satchet · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 11

Let me know if there's any mix ups/ confusion/ anything that's just not adding up. My brain isn't braining.

'My body feels numb. Feels like I got hit by that truck-kun I see in isekai stories, but then I'd be dead lol.' That was the first thought June had while still half asleep. 'Something feels warm and soft' was the second thought she had. Quickly realizing that there's nothing she has that should feel like that she startled awake and on full alert.

Looking down she saw that it was just Tanya and by the looks of their positions, she must have been sleeping on her chest. 'Probably that's why it was so soft hehe.' Shaking that out her head June proceeded to be the best ninja ever existed to avoid waking Tanya up. Stretching half of her body over she managed to successfully touch the ground before sharp pains from tense muscles tore through her.

Throwing herself off the rest of the way, she landed with an audible thud only managing to barely contain her scream. "Stupid Dave sleeping at the bottom. Should've just stepped on him and be done and stupid damn troll looking goblin." June grumbled under her breath. "Hurts like a fucking bitch oh my gosh stupid nerves sensing pain." 

Even though June had been healed by Tanya and the ointment there was trauma all throughout her body so she would still feel some pain plus she just flung herself off the bed. "Well what did this morning do to you miss grumpy?" Tanya asked amused at June's grumbling. She was awoken by June falling out of bed since her foot clipped her in the side.

"I'm in so much pain and I feel very miserable right now like irritated miserable." June stated while making her way to the window of the room. 

The room they had found was relatively safe and provided a momentary respite from the dangers outside. As June limped to the window, Tanya observed her movements, concern evident in her eyes. "Are you sure you should be walking around so soon? You took quite a beating back there," Tanya remarked.

June winced but managed a half-smile, "I'll survive. Just need a moment to stretch these sore muscles, and then we can figure out our next move." She gazed out of the window, assessing the surroundings. The room seemed secure for the time being, but the reality of their situation sank in.

Tanya, still sitting on the bed, decided to check the contents of the Heal All jar. "Let's see if we have enough of this left to tend to any lingering injuries," she said, unscrewing the jar and carefully applying the ointment to June's visible wounds. As Tanya worked, she noticed June's stats hadn't been updated since she was unconscious, and the events of the past chapters had undoubtedly changed her character.



Name: June Herah 

Level: 4 

Health: 60/60 

Mana: 35/35 

Class: Necromancer 

Strength: 9 (+5) 

Agility: 5 

Mana: 7 

Dexterity: 6 

Skills: Call of the Dead (Level 1)




With the application of the Heal All ointment, June felt a soothing sensation, and some of the residual pain began to fade. "Thanks, Tanya. You're proving to be quite the healer," June said with a grin. Tanya blushed at the compliment, "Well, I did unlock a 'Healer' subclass, so I might as well live up to it." She then hesitated for a moment before bringing up the hologram message she received earlier. "By the way, I got this strange message about unlocking a subclass. Apparently, I'm now officially a healer, and there were some rewards." Tanya shared the details with June.

June raised an eyebrow, "That's impressive! Looks like we both gained something from that ordeal. How are your stats looking after that?" Tanya paused for a moment, "I never got to check it out after we came here hold on."



Name: Tanya Ross 

Level: 4 

Health: 40/40 

Mana: 30/30 


Subclass: Healer 

Strength: 3 

Agility: 5 

Mana: 9 (+5) 

Dexterity: 4




"Wow, these stat points will definitely come in handy," Tanya noted, feeling a newfound sense of responsibility. June nodded, "Absolutely. We'll need every advantage we can get in this world. Speaking of which, any ideas on what our next move should be? We can't stay here forever."

As they discussed their plans, the room's window suddenly rattled, and distant sounds of goblins echoed through the corridor. The relative safety they felt moments ago now hung in the balance. It was time to make decisions that could impact their survival in this perilous realm.

Apparently I have commitment issuses and I'm burnt out on school work.

Satchetcreators' thoughts