
: Evaluation

Kusana woke up at 6 AM sharp, as a result of muscle memory from his job. He rubbed his eyes but immediately retracted his hands. The smell inside the cell reminded Kusana he hadn't taken a shower in two to three days.

Kusana took his morning facilities inside the cell, also known as going to the toilet. He really hoped no one walked in on him. Surprisingly, the toilet did have plumbing. For a slave, Kusana was off rather well.

Kusana was in the middle of his morning stretches when Kamino entered the room. She went past the table and opened the cell door, confusing Kusana. After opening the door, Kamino took large iron cuffs out from behind herself.

"Come here. We are going to go somewhere today." Kamino put the cuffs on Kusana and produced a blindfold and a key from her pockets. She locked the cuffs and put the blindfold on Kusana.

"Follow the sound of my voice. Don't stray away." Although he knew nothing about Kamino, Kusana hesitantly decided to trust her. It was better than not following orders and receiving punishment for no reason whatsoever.

Kamino led Kusana through a series of twists and turns. Even if he wanted to, Kusana didn't have the sensory perception to remember the layout of the area. After a long time of Kusana following Kamino's footsteps and commands, she told him to stop.

"Sit on the chair behind you." Kamino commanded with the same monotone voice she had been. Kusana heard shuffling before his blindfold was finally taken off. He was blinded by the new source of light above himself but quickly adjusted.

The room was extremely big and shaped like a cylinder. Kusana sat at a table on one side of the room, but on the other was another table with an assortment of weapons on it. They were all reminiscent of medieval-age weapons of all regions.

"Eat." Kusana had no idea where she had gotten the bowl, but Kusana had a soup of unknown origin placed in front of him. He reluctantly took hold of the spoon and awkwardly placed a spoonful of it in his mouth.

The soup was surprisingly very good-tasting. It was still hot, but not enough to burn Kusana's mouth. Seeing as he had no meal the two days before, Kusana immediately consumed it in a few big bites then drank the broth. Kamino watched with an unreadable expression, primarily because she had a mask on and hair covering her eyes.

"Go to the other table." Kusana started to get used to the monotonous commands that Kamino gave. He made his way over to the other side of the room, where he could see the weapons more clearly. Kusana turned around to see that Kamino had vanished. He looked around and saw her leaning on the weapons table.

"Try to kill me using any weapon on this table. Start with your fists." Kamino demanded. Kusana was thoroughly confused for a moment. Neither of them were in proper fighting attire: Kusana was in rags and Kamino was wearing a suit made for business meetings.

"What?" Kusana questioned. He still didn't grasp the full meaning of what she said, even though it was straight to the point.

"I told you, try to kill me. You hate me, correct? This past day, I've starved you, kept you locked up, and even have branded you. Don't. You. Wanna. Kill. Me?" Kusana felt an odd pressure come over him. He contemplated his situation.

On one hand, he was treated much better than he had thought he would be treated. His recent meal was comfortable and she hadn't hit him once. On the other, she branded him, which the pain lingered to this day, and never gave him answers.

"… I guess I was wrong about-" Kusana picked up the weapon he was most familiar with, a sword. A wild, untrained swing sliced through the air towards Kamino's head. Under her mask, Kamino smirked.

"I stand corrected. Show me you have the power to take back the rights to your own life." Kamino crossed her arms and stood straight. Kusana didn't know any fighting techniques, just that longswords of this type were good at slicing and stabbing. Kusana swung vertically at Kamino's head once more.

The sword was caught between her fingers. Kusana was hinted at her supernatural abilities when she kicked the hilt of the sword and broke it in half. "Get a new weapon. This one wont suit you."

The next weapon was a sword, but it had a long curve on it and was one sided. A katana. Kusana swung multiple times at Kamino, but she easily weaved out of the way. This time, she broke the katana by grabbing it and giving a palm strike to the side, which she discarded the blade.

"Again." Kusana didn't need to be told twice to pick up another weapon. This one was dual knives. They, like the others, were crushed by Kamino's superhuman physique. Kusana reached over to the table and rushed back over to her with a spear, a determined glint in his eyes.

"Hmm…" Instead of insulting his use of the weapon and breaking it, she contemplated his stance while he was stabbing towards her. Then, she grabbed the spear and snapped it on her knee. Taking a second to rest while she thought for a moment, Kusana noticed he was drenched in sweat for the past hour of training while she didn't even seem out of breath.

The moment Kusana had stopped paying attention, he noticed the table had much fewer weapons than what was originally there the last time he picked a weapon. Now there were mostly long weapons with small blades, or no blades, at the end.

Kusana went through a naginata, a glaive, a war scythe and a pike before he finally got to the long-range weapons. He picked up a rope dart and weighed it in his hands, thinking about the most efficient way to use it. He quickly threw it out to try and catch Kamino off guard. Like always, she grabbed on to it.

Kusana was wondering how she would break it this time when she pulled the rope harshly. Kamino disappeared for a moment and Kusana looked around. He was about to think she left for good when the table was gone. Kamino stood where the table once was and held a meteor hammer in her hands.

"Haah… Haah… Is this the last one?" Kusana asked. Kamino simply threw the meteor hammer, where he noticed the attachments on it as it sailed towards him. One end had a kama-like blade and grip, while the other end held a spiked ball. Kusana vied to pick the side that weighed less to catch.

The ball end of the war hammer slammed into the ground, making a big dent in it. The other end landed safely in Kusana's hand. Kusana picked up the heavy end of the meteor hammer and swung around the light end.

"Stop. Training is over." Kusana immediately collapsed on the ground, the chained weapon clattering to the floor. Kamino still hadn't broken a sweat in his presence. She loomed over him and placed down a cup of water and a protein bar that was produced from who knows where.

"Evaluation: The best suited weapon for combat is a meteor hammer."

Message specially for the webnovel readers. This book has been recieving a lot of love on this site, so I decided to give a double upload since I have chapters stockpiled and my uploading schedule is a bit goofy.

jojojajahelpcreators' thoughts