
Nazzari Mmbullu(college diaries)EDITION 1

Delinia_Centrigo · Urban
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How it begun??

Wednesday 10:20pm

I was having a drink at a bar when I noticed that ohh sh*t it was already 10 and I had promised Nya that I would be at her place at exactly 8:30 and now more than an hour had already passed...Nya,who's actual name is Kenya is the first person who helped after I got hit and fell on the ground by a senior who was called Najid and ever since then she had been my best friend and now I had to hastily run to her place. I got there exactly 10:35 and hysterically banged on her door but she didn't come, luckily I had a spare key that she had given me a while back so I took it out of my small amo looking book bag and opened the door and I found her knocked out with a glass of wine in her hand on the kitchen counter she looked so sound asleep so I didn't want to wake her up but I had to cos I had to help her with her communications and media project work it was just left with a few perks then her work would be ready,I wasn't a media and communications student but I knew a lot about it cos my grandfather was a professor and Dr. in that department and he used to teach me alot about it but my major corse was actually Law&Oder so I rarely saw Nya often but thankfully we had two classes in common which where Proper Communications in English (PCE) and  Fashion Design And Arts(FDA).I headed to her kitchen to prepare her favorite coffee which was a café latté then I woke her up and handed it to her so she could regain her consciousness when she was done with her café latté she broke down and cried her heart out when she told me that Jab had broken up with her,Jab was her asshole of a boyfriend I never liked him he was always behaving weird and would often say bad or disturbing things about Nya when she wasn't around I tried telling Nya several times but she never listened to me.I consoled her and calmed her down then she fell asleep in my hands. We still hadn't finished with her work so I took her laptop and realized that she had already done alot so I just finished it up ,then I carried her to her bed and arranged the guest room for myself then I spent the night at her place.

Next Morning 6:05am

I woke early this morning at the sound of my phone ringing i checked it to see that it was my mom calling and I was surprised cos she hadn't contacted me in over 12years I quickly picked up my phone and answered the call the only thing I could hear was crying and she kept repeating these words "baby is gonna be alright i promise" and hearing her say that got me so scared and emotional cos I hadn't hear her call me "baby" in so many years then she hang up the call I'd been trying to reach her the whole day but she hasn't been picking up. I was in the University library studying alone cos Nya had gone to send her work in and in the whole time at the library I hadn't been able to read cos I kept thinking about my mom and if she was okay.

I stayed with my mom till I was 10 then she gave me to my grandparents to take care of me cos she didn't have the ability to take care of me at the time she was only 14 when she had me so I understood her and I never blamed her or called her out for it and I still loved her but after the first year that she had given me up I hadn't heard from  her again till now so I was quite happy as well as worried for her.

Whiles in the library studying i noticed a tall shadow looking down at me so I raised my head up to see a familiar senior with a smile on his face staring at me. I smiled back and said a hi and ne replied and asked me if he could join me and I didn't have a problem with that so he did,once he took the seat right infront of me I resorted to ask him if he needed anything addressing him as Senior and he said "Actually yes and you don't have to call me senior,just call me Jerohm or Rohm" I was quick to give a nod and a smile and asked " what is it that u need for me sen- Jerohm" almost calling him senior again " Your dean and your lecture said that there was an upcoming Law quiz,are you aware" I replied a "yes and continued to say " I'm very much aware actually that's the main reason why I'm here I'm doing some research, I was also informed that I as well as my assigned partner would be repping the uni but I have not been told who I'm working with yet" he also replied and said "that's good,well...I'm your partner apparently they wanted for the top scorers of senior year and Junior year to rep so since we're both here, shall we begin:)??"

I gave him a yes then we started to learn and also talk,turns out that he was actually a really cool guy. We studied till it was 5pm at night so we called it a day and I decided to get some fries and nuggets with a cappuccino Boba drink before heading back to my apartment. When I got home,I heaved a sigh then fell on my couch cos I was soooo exhausted I fell asleep for about an hour in that position on my couch and woke up around 7:10 pm I checked my phone to see 10missed calls and 25new messages from an unknown number ,the phone was on silent so it explains why I wouldn't hear atleast 3 buh ten!!!! I called the number back figuring that the call might probably be important it rang a few times but no ooo one answered i gave up after a few tries and took my food from the small living room table and headed to the kitchen to get a plate to place the food on and headed back to the living space to start watching the premiere of My daughter's dream Season 2 . When watching my phone started to ring again and I rolled my eyes at the thought of it being a prank call but I answered anyways only to hear a trembling voice behind the other side of the phone sobbing and she said "Babi...Nazzi...Zari...I didn't think that the next time we'd talk after sooo many years would be because of this I wasn't a expecting things to be like this babi I-I-I..."

"Mama,slow down what happened??why are you talking like this??are u alright is pups alright??"I asked my mom in a shaky voice and she completely broke down and said " it's your pups babi he's gone!!!"and I could hear her cry even more but her words caught me off guard and I paused for a bit and with a low and breaking voice I said "what do you mean??what are you saying??your lying...right???!!!!" she went on and said,"turns out your pups has been suffering with cancer of the heart then he...he...he suddenly had a stroke this morning around 4 and passed on ,I had no idea because he never told me but after he had the stroke the people at the aged home called me and informed me so I took the next available train here only to be told that he had been battling cancer for the past three years!!!three damn years!!! I can't believe it and I didn't know???howw?? I'm his daughter for crying out loud" my mom said before crying out her lungs some more I was in a state of shock and cut the call immediately small droplets of  water started dripping from my eyes then in no time it turned into a whole rain storm I felt so heart broken cos that man was the only form of male figure and even parent figure i had in my life while growing up and I couldn't believe that he kept such a secret from me for so long if I had known I would have stayed behind to take care of him instead of coming to the city to study and I guessed that's why he didn't tell me. All of a sudden all of the rage and hurt and anger that I had never thought I had for my mother came with a sharp rush as I remembered the last sentence that she said I blew out in fumes and shouted out " your his daughter??your hus daughter???!!!!!don't fucking tell me that shit I ended up having to take care of him my whole life till now after you fucking bitch left us to rot in hell how dare youuuu!!!!! If anyone deserved to know it should have been me and not you what makes you think that after disappearing for 12years you have a say or a hand in our family she wasn't even the one who helped him get into that aged home I did and I only put her number cos I thought it was needed but now that I think of it ,it wasn't necessary...to hell with you you god darn damn forsaking bitch!!!" I was shocked at myself but I also felt a bit relieved but this news tore me apart I didn't answer any calls that evening and just avoided everyone for a week but I told Nya about it so she understood me ,these were some really hard times for me.