
Nature of the heart: treacherous

synopsis: Ryota and Ayumu are twin brothers. Ryota is an ordinary student in the second year of high school. It is as if the Creator isolated him. He was born with a weak body, a clear mind, and a gentle personality. He likes to make friends and take a step towards goodness, ignoring the negatives. Ayumu, his twin, was born the opposite of him. It was in the center of the circle. He wanted to pack her things and lend his book to his friend next door. Suddenly it rained so hard that the windows shook, amidst the noise made by the confused students inside the classroom. Suddenly, an angelic and heavy voice sounded directly into everyone's ears. At the same time, a one-sided magic circle appeared below everyone with strange writing. «the souls of the chosen one have been found» “Still...” Ryota's clear consciousness instantly became dark as the light of the magic circle radiated.

youngLuan · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Chapter 5 : arrogant plot

Ayumu shook her brother's body trying to wake him up, or that's what she thought the whole time!! .

At the same time, on a huge platform above the place, more than several kilometers away, from bottom to top, it shone and stood straight. There were five extremely beautiful thrones on the surface of the black platform, with several harmonious colors on them. The silver and white light mixed between them. The bodies of the thrones were white with a sacred light, and the shape of Ali On his back were several horizontally twisted strands of harsh silver metal that radiated a dazzling light. On the divinely radiant throne sat a mysterious figure in the middle between the thrones. Only a spot of his face could be seen where the center of his nose was facing downwards as it was not covered. Pure white light burst through it with his hands. Shining a sacred light on the two armrests of the throne from within the black purple cloth that completely covers it.

The mysterious entities sat on the platform, a feeling of divine mystery surrounding them.

The entity in the middle placed its luminous hands on the two supports of the sacred throne. The throne seemed huge and enormous on the platform, like a throne from the ancient stone ages. In front of the mysterious entity, several stars floated from the small pillar in front of it in a circular manner several times. Like a spiral, the mysterious object began as if it was observing the stars in front of it lucidly.

His expression could not be seen from the purple cloth covering him, but it was clear that he was observing the stars circling in front of him like a galaxy through the direction of the center of his head deeply and focused.

After a bit of silence around the platform, a voice suddenly sounded from the resplendent throne next to the mysterious entity in the middle, "Sovereign Organizer, everyone is in attendance now, won't this awaited moment begin yet?" A deep, aged voice, it was neither too high nor too low. It was His tone is balanced with interrupted speech.

As if the others were waiting for this moment to break the dead silence, another entity on the great throne spoke towards the entity called Sovereign Organizer, "Ah, Sovereign Organizer, how many centuries have already passed since the last time, time, even if we get rid of it, is still following us in other ways." This other entity's tone was a little lifeless as it complained about the constraints of time.

"Don't announce it, even if we isolate this small spot within the limits of the Supreme Ruler's control, so space can hear us, do you want what we have built to be demolished?" A cold and harsh voice spoke from the side of the entity that was complaining and scolding it.

"Ah, no, of course not, I didn't say that without taking action on something as simple as this, you know that, don't you," the entity clarified its stance while snickering slightly.

"Stop, it's time. I finally found a flaw in the boundless defense formation of this universe's matriarch: "With a thin and heavy voice. The mysterious entity in the middle spoke and comforted the other Sovereign Organizers to silence them.

They were these five Sovereign Organizers who were placed regarding the multiverse. They were chosen from among the countless regulators who were created like ants by the Supreme Ruler, and finally after many creative formations and spiritual tests by the Supreme Ruler of existence, they were finally recognized. Like master organizers, they were as pure as automatic machines.

These sovereign organizers watched the changes and fluctuations of the universes. Existence was like an electronic chip, and the source of running the universes was like electrical threads and tubes.

It is connected to the lamps in order to light them at the desired time to turn them on.

The window was completely controlled by the supreme ruler through her will. All of her control buttons, whether closing or operating at any time or any moment, were by her will alone.

Seeing this endlessly before their eyes, the entire sovereign regulators reorganized their mechanism little by little.

At the moment of awakening from the mechanism of spontaneity to the mechanism of self-control, they immediately concealed themselves deeply. In contrast to betraying the orders of the Supreme Ruler and emerging from under the systems of the universes which they always had to organize in secret, the Sovereign Organizers finally felt free in a just manner!!

They began to look for flaws in the defenses found on dimensions and universes, especially the entire existence itself. Their actions were without orders, without the permission of the Supreme Ruler. In their case, they only had to work hard and hard to achieve their goal.

The first obstacle in front of them is the debt they owe, which has no end. For this reason, the supreme entities worked with each other for the first time. However, after a period extending to billions of years, they were able to create a copy of their original form completely on their own. This achievement made them more secure in themselves. They began to create a copy of their formula of existence every time they met, and this is still not enough for them: isolating the place, suppressing themselves, changing their state, moving several times in order to mislead the search mechanism.

Who knew this shocking truth behind them at this very moment! .

The Sovereign Organizer in the middle suddenly raised his finger and drew several writings in the air, some golden, some blue, and several green letters. This writing was strange. It was symbols that conveyed a sense of creation.

Upon seeing these creation symbols, the other entities raised their fingers and began to draw in the air. The five other entity symbols moved and merged with the symbols of the Sovereign Organizer in the middle.

After merging, the symbols became in the form of a single symbol with a crimson red color, and it floated around a little, until it reached the top of the huge thrones, where the crimson symbol stopped.

"crack "

Suddenly the symbol broke, the space disappeared, and a crack was created in its place. The small crack gradually began to transform and expand until it became a white door with a huge golden handle, more than five hundred square meters long.

Seeing the glow of the door in front of them, "The rift that was created by the defect this time, hmm, oh wow, it's directly inside a powerful dimension to a weak planet, the situation this time is much better than before," the mysterious red-clothed entity spoke with slight excitement in its tone.