
Nature of the heart: treacherous

synopsis: Ryota and Ayumu are twin brothers. Ryota is an ordinary student in the second year of high school. It is as if the Creator isolated him. He was born with a weak body, a clear mind, and a gentle personality. He likes to make friends and take a step towards goodness, ignoring the negatives. Ayumu, his twin, was born the opposite of him. It was in the center of the circle. He wanted to pack her things and lend his book to his friend next door. Suddenly it rained so hard that the windows shook, amidst the noise made by the confused students inside the classroom. Suddenly, an angelic and heavy voice sounded directly into everyone's ears. At the same time, a one-sided magic circle appeared below everyone with strange writing. «the souls of the chosen one have been found» “Still...” Ryota's clear consciousness instantly became dark as the light of the magic circle radiated.

youngLuan · Fantasie
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32 Chs

Chapter 17: Past records

Records were transmitted between all the different races in this world, saying that five thousand years ago before now.

Everyone lived apart!

There were seven heavens, and under each heaven there was a race of creatures within it.

The crimson sky possessed the demon race, the blue sky possessed the human race, the yellow sky possessed the dwarf race, the black sky possessed the savage race, the gray sky possessed the beast race, the green sky possessed the Thousand race, and finally the white sky possessed the angel race.

All the races lived believing that they were the only ones and the first, until suddenly a golden pillar of unlimited energy fell and pierced all the heavens from above.

Gaps were created between the heavens through energy until all the heavens above vanished.

The result of this was the survival of a unified sky that encompasses everyone, the only sky, the first and original sky.

the sky is blue !

In the beginning, five thousand years ago, everyone thought that approaching this pillar was dangerous.

It may disappear the moment you touch it!

After some reckless people approached and nothing happened, everyone discovered that it was the opposite, that this pillar would direct them towards a higher world.

An eye-catching source has emerged!

It was that energy that began to change the world until now.

After discovering the truth about the pillar, the species discovered once again that there are other life forms.

This was their first time meeting, and moreover, they were meeting under the same sky. How could races adapt just like this?

Most of the races that loved this situation were none other than demons.

In the crimson sky, demons were known only by one title, which was the attachment to their limitless lusts.


The moment everyone fell into one sky, the demons declared direct war on everyone and recognized the half-beasts as one of them, and the monsters as killing tools more than pets.

As for other races, such as the Alphas, the Dwarves, and the Angels, information was rare, and there was no trace of them.

This addition made the pressure on the human race triple what it was.

There was only one outcome for this: a brutal tragedy of one-sided massacres would begin!

This brutal era was known as the era of "barbarians" after that

It is also the appearance of the first ruler under the blue sky—the Demonic Barbarian!

The years passed like the burning of an incense stick!

After the situation eased, the destinies of Abd Bishri met with the pillar of energy.

The first tide of the coup has appeared recently!

It was discovered that humans were more suited to the energy generator than other races, and different humans began to appear among them.

They were called "original" humans by others, and were a source of fear. These original humans, the moment they appeared, suppressed the demonic rule.

The Demonic Judgment Continent was like a polluted bowl to them.

They decided to move to a hidden continent.

The extent of the wealth of this continent's resources was discovered in a travel by one of them, and without hesitation, everyone chose to make a haven in this distant continent for themselves.

He called the original humans the "Kingdoms of the Original Emperor," and thus the original humans were separated from the ordinary humans, but that did not prevent the latter's luck from following the example of the former.

But humans were not the only species on this hidden continent.

After years of incursion, a shocking encounter occurred with humans that only made their weapons shine!

The high incidence of diamonds was only for one reason.

The races that were not participating in the tragedy were because they chose all along to hide.

The original humans exploded into a state of madness and took out their hatred on these "cowards" in front of them.

However, this was not the main aspect of the matter

This did not prevent the oceans of dried blood that occurred from other races.

It was an era of creation of barbarians.

And the beginning of the formation of the walls of kingdoms and empires, and there are even strange factions.

Gradually after hundreds of years had passed, human rule began to ease due to old age as the beings with longevity began to reveal their plans.

After sensing how distant the nature of humans was from themselves, the Elves, Angels, and Dwarves chose these races to become neutral due to the one-sided conflict with them, and created a peace alliance between them while giving the other races, including humans, a feeling of non-defecation.

Humans had a needle in their throat!

With hateful eyes, she chose her lands for herself and chose the depths of the mountains above, leaving behind these barbarians.

As for angels and dwarves, no one could get along with these races except the Alif.

It was mysterious !

Naturally, the moment it was heard that these races would merge.

Everyone fell into ecstasy, there is only one meaning to this.

It will become an empty area!

Humans owned the continent that was the property of other races, and for this reason they tried to deceive the Alpha with words

However, the Thousand were a proud race and recognized themselves as the embodiment of nobility, could they submit?

The human race and the Elves clashed in a war between themselves, after learning about the strength of their enemies, which they had underestimated in the beginning!

The genera of the thousand decided the best option! Even in their last breaths, they refused to submit to becoming puppets!

They decided to join the more peaceful races, and here an alliance was created that opposes humans!

Thus the world was divided once again, and the indigenous people possessed the continent they had previously called—the Emperor of the Native Kingdoms.

This continent was then known for its dominance, and they attributed to themselves the achievement of being the most deserving of rule.

This course of events made miserable for humans, unjust

Even with the prosperity of the original humans, there is still their first human race.

These ordinary humans did not meet their fates with the energy pillar due to its weakness.

They ended up living like slaves to demonic races!

This was the end of a second era, which the founders called the era of redress.

Thus, the records of ancient times became like the first era The Demon Lords, and the Second Age of Remediation, the original humans, are only records of legends being passed down among the younger caliphs.

From ordinary people!

Even the power pole was considered like a generator for them.

It was a blessing to them that it fell directly on their continent.

It became so weak that the other side could be seen through it.

People who are awakened by the energy pillar become almost unchanged.

Gradually, humans were recognized throughout history as nothing more than mere slaves.

Abandoned by her superior people and violated by demons.

Such forms of life, intuitively

It was worthless!

Thus, some people despair under this sky of ancient wars that were filled with desires and repeated killing, even if it was unjust, even if it was on the road.

Finally, the period of primitive race war ended.

In the end, this was only what was rarely circulated among everyone.

Reviving a glory that was swept away.

After all, they were events 5,000 thousand years ago.

Is it real or fake, it still leaves us in the dark!