
National luck:start as a saiyan

this story is about a Saiyan who will grow his own empire along with gaining alley every single step on the way while gaining national luck to protect his home to

Blazenking · Andere
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16 Chs

chapter 12

So, After Blazen finished was checking out warrior might he then created a portal to one of the drill-man base see it was getting attack by Skibidi toilet new weapon and army and Blazen then begin to destroy the weapon like nothing while killing some of the Skibidi toilet he saw that Skibidi toilet was trying to kidnapped drill-woman as blackmail it seem But Blazen blitz army of Skibidi toilet leaving trail of blood in his slaughter of Skibidi toilet army he made them retreat to and Blazen use absolute restoration on drill-man base fixing it back while making all it all better while his Army took care some Skibidi toilet base in blue and Golden alliances universe giving them same treatment that they was going to do drill-man begin to massacred them like nothing while Blazen took out warrior might begin to hack and slash at the Skibidi toilet from blue and golden Alliance world and Blazen then went to one of Skibidi toilet base in golden Alliances world when he found one their base he was shocked to see that that see that Skibidi toilet from both golden and blue world has been collecting their old weapon and been upgrading and he even found the book of the ability of Tv-man and Tv-woman making it to where Skibidi toilet can study it and mimic own there own shocking them he then grab all of weapon and book teleported back blue and golden Alliances base gave them weapon and book and nodded in gratitude for this.

So, Blazen then see Lily, Amy, Yang, Yin, Alex, Daisy, Ivy, Hope, Lola, Sheele, Kurome, Doya, Esdeath, Najenda, Leone, Mine, Akame, Shego, Wuya, Cetrion, Chelsea, Anissa, do fine in battle and finally got use to blank godhead core making them stronger than before making them close to god now while Cetrion become even more stronger than some of the elder god now and Blazen nodded at them he then gave them quick hug and he then went to check on Camerawoman, Elite Camerawoman and Large camerawoman, Speaker-woman, Elites Speaker-woman, large Speaker-woman, Drill-woman, Elite Drill-woman, Large-Drill-woman, TV-woman, Elite TV-woman, Large-Tv-woman, he saw them doing good in battle with the weapon upgrade to even all of their Titan was upgrade even more making them more stronger than before with blank godhead and ultimate titan core gave them some incredible ability that can help them and Blazen then went each of destroyed blue and Golden Skibidi toilet base he saw that they was making another universe portal but the failed to open that when Blazen destroyed the base with chaos blast turning it nothing more than crater and Blazen then saw that Blue and Golden Alliances was attack one of Skibidi toilet base that when Blazen saw red light hit sky and he knew that Skibidi toilet was successful in opening another Universe to join they war against them Blazen to rush to Skibidi toilet to see that red universe portal opening he begin to see hybrid Skibidi toilet rushing out of portal and Blazen then begin to send out different kind of punch he then made portal to for all blue and Golden Alliances member to retreat while Blazen hold back the blue and golden and Red Skibidi toilet army and he begin to slaughter blue and Golden and now name red Skibidi toilet army with no problem.

So, after got finished slaughter the Skibidi toilet army he then destroyed universe portal making sure that Red Skibidi toilet don't come through anymore and Blazen teleported back to base where he told the titan what he did universe portal they nodded at this and gave him thumb ups and Blazen then went to some training in house where he train for about 5 hours with weight clothes that weigh 5x-thousand ton and Blazen was done training he then went to see that golden and Blue Alliances was winning after destroying universe portal and blue and Golden Skibidi toilet base they was finally to find the Last Skibidi toilet base in Blue and golden Alliances universe and Blazen told the titan to handle G-MAN and Skibidi scientist while he handle Alpha the leader and they nodded at this that when Blazen teleported all blue and golden Alliances army and Ranger Garden army to and that when they found blue and Golden Skibidi toilet army ready for their attack and Blazen even saw Alpha the Leader of both blue and Golden Skibidi toilet army and Blazen then charge roar out charge and that Blue and Golden and Ranger Garden army charge at army of Blue and Golden Skibidi toilet army he saw the titan taken care of army of Clone G-man and scientist and Blazen saw Lily, Amy, Yang, Yin, Alex, Daisy, Ivy, Hope, Lola, Sheele, Kurome, Doya, Esdeath, Najenda, Leone, Mine, Akame, Shego, Wuya, Cetrion, Chelsea, Anissa killing some of the clone G-man to and Blazen then charge at Alpha sending out a quick punch which she block causing a crater to form under her.

So, Blazen and Alpha then begin to trade blow causing sonic boom to happen causing to smoke to rise and Alpha then sent a punch infuse with black smoke sending him flying while Blazen counter with his water infuse kick sending her flying and he then grab her by face drag her across ground causing ground streak to happen and Blazen then lift her up and shot Ki stream at her causing her to fly way and she then charge back Blazen begin to send out barrage of shadow infuse punch and kick and Blazen was blocking all of them and dodge some of them and she then sent out barrage of shadow arms at and Blazen counter with fire and water arm construct blocking them and Blazen then use chaos control to stop time and he then sent out barrage of lightning infuse punch and fire infuse kick and after his combo was done he then unstop time making Alpha cough of blood be sent flying into multiple boulder in Skibidi toilet base and Blazen then blitz her grab her leg and begin to slam on her on the ground multiple time making it more hurtful then before he then begin to infuse his fire element and Ki, Mana and chaos energy with body after the fire became violet orange and Blazen then bear hug Alpha and Roar out{ fire chaos Blast} and after that a dome of pure fire begin to vaporize Alpha and all of the Blue and Golden Skibidi toilet along with all of clone G-man and Scientist Skibidi toilet and all of his self-proclaim girlfriends teleported all of the blue and Golden Alliances member from the fire chaos blast when fire dome disappeared all that was left was huge crater and nothing more and nothing less and Blazen then teleported back to the base told them that the Skibidi toilet war is now over and all of them gave him a thumb ups because now they don't have to worried about G-man and scientist Skibidi toilet or mutant Skibidi toilet no more now they can rebuild the their world and Blazen nodded at them and told them if they need help just call him because they now Ranger Garden is connect to their world now and they gave him a Thumb up.

So, Blazen then then see Lily, Amy, Yang, Yin, Alex, Daisy, Ivy, Hope, Lola, Sheele, Kurome, Doya, Esdeath, Najenda, Leone, Mine, Akame, Shego, Wuya, Cetrion, Chelsea, Anissa ,Camerawoman, Elite Camerawoman and Large camerawoman, Speaker-woman, Elites Speaker-woman, large Speaker-woman, Drill-woman, Elite Drill-woman, Large-Drill-woman, TV-woman, Elite TV-woman, Large-Tv-woman, and Blazen said hello to them and that when they all gave him a hug and confess their love to him and Blazen was shocked he knew that all of them had crush on him he thought they was going to wait until he got order and but none less and Blazen confess his love for them to and he gave the quick hug and to all of them and quick kiss to with no problem what so ever and Blazen and his now mate went back to Ranger Garden when they arrived back at Ranger Garden Blazen then hear the National Luck voice say{congratulations on completing the your task you gain 13x-billion luck, 13x-billion life span, 200x-million talent increase, 300x-million decrees in sickness, 500x-million growth increase, 200x-million increase animal growth, 400x-million increase in fishing, 900x-million increase in ore vain, you get omniverse treasure chest, you get multiverse treasure chest, you get universe treasure chest, you get galaxy treasure chest, 200x-million increase in element} and Blazen nodded at reward he got he then saw Salem and Merlin protecting Ranger Garden from invader giving them hug and they also confess their love to him to and he gave them kiss to and Blazen then put on black and orange GI while he put his weight clothes from the wrist band to inner shirt he set weight clothes at 5x-thousand ton making him nodded at this he look around Ranger Garden see all of Plant doing fine in protecting along with rest of Ranger Garden army and Blazen then took out the Alliances base upgrade scroll for Ranger Garden after he place three scroll in the Alliances base in Ranger Garden he saw that base became more futuristic. 

So, Blazen then use the Alliances base real quick in flash of light stood 500x-million, Drill-woman, TV-woman, Speaker-woman they all had figure that rival most of woman in Ranger Garden they had Child bearing hips with huge thigh and slime figure and huge butt and they had triple-H-cup breast and Blazen saw they level they was all level at first with cool abilities he then see large version to with even more figure then counter with massive child bearing hips and massive thigh and huge butt and slime body with quintuple-S-cup breast and Blazen nodded at them and he saw his he told his darling Camerawoman, Large-Camerawoman, Elite-Camerawoman that they would be second commander of his army all of elite Speaker-woman, and Elite TV-Woman, Elite-Drill-woman would leader of army and they nodded at him while the regular Camerawoman, Speaker-woman, TV-woman would help around base and Large version would help in training in his new army and rest of them making them nodded at him and so Blazen then took out fusion scroll and fuse all of the treasure chest together and treasure chest was now call super god omniverse treasure chest and Blazen then opening super god omniverse treasure chest the minute he opening he heard national luck voice{congratulation on opening super god omniverse treasure chest you got, 6 summon scroll, island upgrade scroll, 200x-trillion house scroll, the elder wand, the Resurrection stone, the cloak of invisibility, 200x nature core, 200x plant core, 200x element core, 200x food chain core, 200x purifying core, 200x ocean core, 200x animal ocean core, 200x island animal core, 200x sky animal core, Skynet Ai, Red queen Ai, White Queen Ai, Friday Ai from{Marvel}, Tony Stark knowledge from{Marvel}, Lex Luthor knowledge from{DC Universe} Rick Sanchez from {Rick and Morty}, evolution Stone From {Pokémon}, fusion currency scroll, Reality stone, Mind stone, Soul Stone, Power Stone, Time Stone, Death Stone, War Stone, Genesis Stone, Evolution Stone, Chaos Stone, Nightmare Stone, Dream Stone, Ego Stone, Ascalon from{Ben 10}. Ascalon from{DXD}, 200x-trillion fusion scroll, 20x anime challenge scroll, 20x challenge scroll, 20x-survivor challenge scroll, 20x-anime survivor challenge scroll, nanite infinity gauntlet, growth type weapon, stand arrow} Blazen was he show his mate reward he got in treasure, and they were shocked at this.

So, Blazen then went to the research lab where he saw his growth type Ai which he names Jewel he then took all of knowledge book he got and lab Camerawoman nodded at him while he gave let Jewel absorb Skynet Ai, Red queen Ai, White Queen Ai, Friday Ai making her stronger and smatter then before while he then feed Warrior might another growth type weapon and nanite infinity gauntlet and the stand arrow and all of the infinity stone and both Ascalon and the deathly hollow making Warrior might glow with pure power making her stronger than before and warrior might form was different the blade was 50 inch big and 40 inch wide while the guard was golden red and handle was black and orange and sheathed was sliver orange now to and Blazen then check Warrior might status and it read {name: warrior might},{type: Katana},{tier: 70},{ability: omni-element, slayer, magic, anti-magic, angle bane, demon bane, devourer, superior adaptation, reactive adaptation, regeneration, absorbing, element bane, milk manipulation, milk bane, clothes manipulation, clothes bane, breast bane, breast steeler, breast growth, Bra bane, Bra growth, bonded, sharpness, unbroken indescribable, kinetic absorb, kinetic release, magic enchantment, magic strength, loyal, spider-bane, giant ape-bane, undead bane, weakness curse, wind, Zanpakuto, lightning Zanpakuto, ice Zanpakuto, Fire, Zanpakuto, holy sword creation, demonic sword creation, material absorber, sword changing, all creature bane, sunshine absorber, night-shine absorber, space cutter, and fuse cutter, extend, increase, shatter, cutting, pressure slashing, gravity manipulation, infinity stone holder endless evolution, reality cutter, time cutter, power manipulation, war manipulation, dream cutter, nightmare cutter, chaos manipulation genesis manipulation, mind cutter, soul cutter, death manipulation, planet cutter, dragon cutter, Ego cutter, nanite manipulation, stand summon, true growth, death manipulation, resurrection manipulation, invisibility manipulation} and Blazen nodded at Warrior might Status feeling them emotion of pure happiness and Blazen unsheathed Warrior might to see that blade was pure orange with black and white star on shocking him and he then sheathed Warrior might back and Blazen then then took out island upgrade scroll in flash of light Ranger Garden begin to expanded instead of being 50x-billion acres it was now 200x-billion acres making even bigger than before.

So, Blazen then took out all of core place them all over Ranger Garden new space and after he did, he saw that all plant were growing back, and many animals begin to appear in sky and land and sea and Blazen then use 200x-trillion house scroll making 200x-trillion house appear for his new recruit if he get anymore and element became even more refreshing like nothing and Blazen then use the summon scroll 6 woman had appear right in front of one woman had velvet red hair and shimmering emerald green eyes. Her skin is a gorgeous blend of fair and tan. She has a slender, curvy body, with strong, toned legs, a very nice torso with a blend of muscularity and femininity, as well as a large bust and strong arm she has perfectly vibrant lips, a small nose, and delicately gorgeous eyelashes She is 5'6" and 115 lbs., and is very graceful, yet firm in her movements and the woman said her name is Jean Grey, the second woman was young girl with long blonde hair and green eyes. Her body measurements are B83→85-W55-H81→83 cm her height is 5 feet 1 inch and her body weight is 44→45 kg] [97→98 lbs. Her hair flows all the way down to her back, with split bangs over her forehead and a single strand sticking out from the top and sloping backward and she was wearing dark teal nun outfit with light blue accents, a white veil over her head with light blue accents, a brown satchel slung on her right hip where she holds her Bible and brown boots with black straps in an X-shaped pattern She also wore a silver cross necklace around her neck and woman said her name is Asia Argento, the third woman had voluptuous build She has yellow eyes and long wavy vermilion hair with bangs on her forehead. Additionally, she also wears a pair of earrings on her ears she also gave off a noble aura showing she was a noble and she is wearing fancy attires which consist of a puffy cream-colored sweater with long sleeves, white puffy short pants, and a brown corset Below the corset, she also wears another lighter, brown-colored piece of fabric that has frilly edges. The corset is tied at the front with strings Her footwear consists of a pair of boots that are tightly fit her legs and extends above her knees. They are light-colored and have a split at the top in which are kept together by strings the boots also have frilly edges below the collars on top of all of those, also wears a dark red mantle, which has a white lining made of similar material as the rest of the mantle and she said her name is Mimosa Vermillion.

So, the forth woman is slim woman with dark blue hair, blue eyes, and blue skin and she wears a short and tattered white cape tied around her shoulders, with a slim-fitting blue top and black pants that show all of her curvy figure that can make most woman jealous the woman said her name Crystal frost or people call her killer frost and fifth woman has long and wavy blond hair, blue eyes, full lips, and a beauty mark located under the right side of her mouth She also has curvaceous figure that make most woman jealous and her most distinctive trait is her very large breasts She dresses in the typical shihakushō of the Shinigami, though she lets her robes hang loose for her ample bosom to be revealed She wears a thin golden necklace tucked between her cleavage and a long pink scarf over her shoulders In addition, her lieutenant's armband is worn on her uniform's sash, as opposed to around the arm She carries her Zanpakutō behind her back and she said her name is Rangiku Matsumoto and that she was Shinigami and the sixth woman is a beautiful young woman with a voluptuous body, appearing to be in her early twenties with back-length silver hair that features a long braid on each side with small blue bows at the ends, while the rest is let down which ends in twin braids and silver eyes and woman said her name is Grayfia Lucifuge and she said that she is devil and Blazen then told Lily to explain them were they was at and Lily nodded at this begin to explain the sixth woman where they was why they was here and they took it all and nodded at this and Blazen then went to train he increase his weight clothes to 8x-thousand ton while he went to gravity training room where he place the gravity at 300x-time earth gravity sending himself to ground gravity training he then begin to do push up and sit ups and many other workout until he finally adapted to gravity and weight clothes.

So, Blazen then use currency fusion scroll after he did that he the level up his idle self to 8x-thousand while reading his status and it now read {name: Blazen rose ranger}, age:13, height 5'10, race{transcendent Alpha Saiyan}, skill{Ki manipulation, CQC combat, Ki control, element manipulation, element control, Taijutsu, Ki sense, weapon manipulation, weapon, control, sword manipulation, sword control, poison manipulation, strong fist from{Naruto} all-Ki knowledge from{all DB franchise, Marine six from{one piece}},Ability {Fire manipulation, water manipulation, fighter mastery, energy manipulation, energy control, Nature manipulation, weapon generation, Mana control, Magic control, Army manipulation, army control, army generation, all-language, farming mastery, garden mastery absolute mind protection, absolute soul protection, absolute sprite protection, absolute cures protection, absolute immunity, Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands, Haki, stellar manipulation, lunar manipulation, Portal creation },Perk{omni-Zenkai boost, superior adaptation, absolute unarmed combat mastery, absolute survivability, absolute body, reactive adaptation, emotion sensing, all-speak, healing factor, absolute protection, endless evolution, sunshine, night-shine, ultimate immunity reality manipulation immunity, time immunity, all-fiction immunity, Eyes of the lord, omniverse language, immortal from {seven deadly sin anime} weapon master }, essences:{essence of the scholar, to essences of the mad doctor, to essences of the crafter, to essences of Arch-mage, essences of primordial, essences of the home, essences of overwhelming infinite cosmic might, essences of the sorcerer lord, essences of the plane-walker, essences of rob insurances, essences of the element, essences of the nomad, essences of gourmand, essences of the blank, essences of the adventure, essences of the evolution, essences of the rule breaker, essences of the artificer, essences of the master Magician, essences of food, essences of Luck, essences of the cultivator, essences of the Z-fighter, essences of Gacha, essences of harem protagonist, essences of hentai protagonist, Essences of the Shinobi }, item{1-million 840x fire crystal, 1-million 840x water crystal, 1-million 800x earth crystal,50,500x healing bean, bucket of 500x chicken tender,2 ore of Infinitum, 2 ore of Taydenite, 2 ore of Kyber crystal infinity box of flavor Oreo, infinity box of fruit flavor Juice, Infinity box fruit flavor soda, infinty box of flavor donut}, title{Emperor of the Saiyan, Skibidi toilet slayer, Demon bane, Devil bane, Husband of Lady luck, Nature Lover, Harem king }, bloodline{transcendent Alpha Sage Saiyan, transcendent ancient Alpha Saiyan, transcendent Alpha giant element ape, transcendent Alpha human, transcendent Alpha Hanma bloodline, transcendent Alpha viltrumite, transcendent Alpha limiter breaker, transcendent Alpha Majin Buu, Transcendent Alpha Demon clan Namekian },currency:85,325,000 },inheritance{Goku template, Vegeta template, Broly template, Gohan template, Vegito template, Gogeta template, Vogeta Template, Gogito template, Raiden from{metal gear solid, Trunks from{DBZ},Afro samurai, samurai Jack, doomsdays{DC universe}, Atomic samurai{OPM}, Mahorage{JJK}, Might Guy, Rock Lee{Naruto}, Goku black template{DB Super}Sonic the hedgehog, Shadow the hedgehog, Silver the hedgehog from {sonic the Hedgehog} Hit template {DB super} } {idle system status, {Strength}{8000}, {ATK speed}{8000},{ATK{8000}}, {HP{8000},{CRTICAL strike{8000},{HP recovery{8000}, {Crit chance{8000}{domain}{8000}Luck{8000},Devil fruit{soul-soul fruit, Soshi-Soshi-no-Mi, Pika-Pika-no-Mi},{transformation: super-Saiyan-100x-fold} and Blazen nodded at his status and he then took out the evolution stone from {Pokémon} he minute he did he heard the National Luck voice say{congratulation on getting evolution stone vein now all of familiar can evolve} and Blazen nodded at this.

So, Blazen then took out 20x-challenge scroll and 20x-survivor challenge scroll and fuse them together in flash of light Blazen was holding golden black and red scroll that read{ ultimate god devil challenge survivor scroll} and Blazen then show, Lily, Amy, Yang, Yin, Alex, Daisy, Ivy, Hope, Lola, Chelsea, Akame, Najenda, Leone, Mine, Kurome, Doya, Sheele, Esdeath, Merlin, Salem, Wuya, Shego, Cetrion, Camerawoman, Elite, Camerawoman, Large Camerawoman, TV-woman, Elite TV-woman, Large-TV-woman, Speaker-woman, Elite-Speaker-woman, Large-Speaker-woman, Drill-woman, Elite Drill-woman, Large-Drill-woman, Asia Argento, Mimosa Vermillion, Jean grey, Crystal Frost or killer Frost, Rangiku, Greyfia, Anissa and Mist, ire, wet, rocky, windy, Lighty, Storm, Lee, orangey, Dra, Ralt, Eevee, Vulpix, Nova, Nova-Titan, Storm, Star show them scroll ask them would they like to come with to do the challenge and they all nodded while Ranger Garden army stay to defend the base and Blazen also check the scoreboard and he had over{300x-billion point} While Angle queen had{50x-billion point}, while dragon emperor had{30x-billion point} and undead emperor had{20x-billion point} and it show that they 20 more days until people get the reward from killing and Blazen then activate the challenge scroll and in flash of light Blazen and his companion was gone.

So, Blazen and his companion then found themselves inside an abandoned building and Blazen then look at {ultimate god devil challenge survivor challenge scroll and it read: survive against army of hell and heaven and the undead and many other creatures that would be attacking you and your companion be careful because on different days general of heaven and hell and other creature and the undead will come to kill you} and Blazen show his companion what he was to and they nodded to stay be his side he even saw Familiar and Jeager by his side to and that when Blazen and his companion then jump on top of building while Jeager stood beside the building that when an red portal open and white portal open and black portal open and last portal was purple open and Blazen then sense all type of energy rushing out of the portal and Blazen then realize this was earth that was going to be destroyed by this group and Blazen then took out his weight clothes from inner shirt and wrist band putting them in his inventory and Blazen see army of Demon and devil and angel and zombie, skeleton, and many creature from giant ape, spider, monster and snake, living armor, ghost, spirit, and Many other creature to and Blazen then create 1x-billion shadow clone, and 1x-blillion giant element golem, and Blazen then got into a fighting stance and Blazen charge at alongside army of clone and element golem and familiar and companion and Jeager.

So, Blazen then begins his slaughter using pure brute force martial art and he was ripping them apart like nothing he was even sending out Ki blast and poison blast and element blast he even use his weather manipulation to causing blizzard and tornado and many storm to happen killing some of the army he even begins to Observant Haki and Armament Haki to dodge some of attack counter with his own attack he even begin to use Psychokinesis that he got from Sliver the hedgehog template send out building debris sending them at army crushing them and he even crush them his Psychokinesis to causing blood to go every and Blazen saw that his army are doing fine thank to the blank godhead he gave to his new summon character making them stronger than before and with his weather manipulation it was making it difficult for the invading army and Blazen even causing poison gas spread all around the invading army causing them vomit their organ and he even use his weapon creation to summon a bunch a spear sent them flying at the army of invading force and Blazen then use Mana manipulation to heal everyone and along with using repair magic to heal Jeager and mate to and Blazen sent a barrage of fire Mana arrow and wind Mana arrow slaughter army of invader and Blazen create two katana and infuse them water and lightning begin to speed boost army while slicing and dicing them all up like nothing he even sent out breath fire infuse with wind causing fire to spread all over place turning the invading army into ash and he knew that army would continue because the portal are opening and he knew the more they kill soon some of general would appear to fight alongside their subject he even begin to summon his homie to help in the battle to and Blazen then begin to use Pika-Pika-no-mi to move at the so call speed of light and begin to slaughter the army like nothing while sending a barrage of light bullet causing them army burst in flame from the damage that was giving them.

So, Blazen then created a light sword and begin to slash at army that tried to surround him seeing him as bigger threat while rest of the tried gain on his companion to, but they were winning the battle until that only around 2x-million of the invading army left over-the 100x-trillion army that invaded they was finished killing all of army of the invading place and Blazen then everyone and his companion and homie and familiar and jaeger healing bean and Senzu bean and quickly use Mana and Ki and Energy to heal the rest of companion while his clone vanished giving him massive headache butt his body quickly adapted to rush of knowledge happen to that when he saw three more portal open up and more invading army show this time the general was here we had 3 demon and 3 devil general along with undead and skeleton general and many different creature general and Blazen knew he had to get serious in this fight so Blazen then went super-Saiyan with reddish blue hair and eyes and reddish blue Ki aura around him and Blazen then charge at one of demon and devil general both general was standing 7'10 in height with 4 fire horn on their head and skin was pure red and they had black eyes with green pupil and Blazen elbow one of demon general who name he found was Peter and devil general name was Boomer they had the ability to control hellfire and shadow like nothing and he had to counter with his own water and wind manipulation ability to fight both Peter and Boomer and he then had to block and dodge their attack since they was ganging on him but he sent his own attack powerful water infuse punch and kick infuse with Mana to knocking both them away he then follow up with a barrage of punch and kick infuse with lightning making them cough up blood while then created 2x-trillion golem and he then use shadow clone jutsu to summon 5x-trillion version of him to attack the army and Peter and Boomer while he then create 200x-water and wind and lightning dragon sending them flying and demon and Devil general causing smoke to rise up he saw that both Peter and Boomer was badly damaged like nothing missing some of their legs and arms and Blazen then use water infuse chaos spear finally killing both Boomer and Peter like nothing.

So, Blazen saw that his companion had also kill all of general from the portal now and Blazen then see that three portal of each world has fuse together and out came four being which was are call lord so now Blazen had to fight demon lord and devil lord and many creatures lord and the undead lord they was all giving off power like nothing so Blazen ready himself he then had to block a punch and kick from both the demon lord and devil lord causing a crater to from under them and Blazen had block and dodge demon lord and devil lord attack causing dust and crater to from under them even more and Blazen then sent out lightning infuse kick to demon lord while sending a powerful Mana punch to devil lord sending both flying away like nothing both then stop themselves from flying away charge at Blazen with their energy at blaze with Blazen counter with his own energy at Blazen that when both Blazen and demon lord and devil lord begin to trade blow from each other Blazen was on the offence and defense when fighting the demon lord and devil lord they ganging up on but with his quick thinking was able to pull fight real quick like nothing their fight was causing shockwave and sonic boom and smoke to merge among them showing how deep the fight goes when the demon with to attack Blazen with hellfire infuse kick and Blazen then infuse water around his hand and grab the demon lord leg and begin to swing him around making him hit devil lord he then use the wind to boost his swing he then toss the demon lord to devil lord face sending them back causing trail to from under them and Blazen then had water surround both his arms and leg and he ready himself for the fight to continue like nothing and Blazen then speed boost charge at both demon lord and devil lord causing them vanished in both speed causing shockwave and sonic boom and crater to form from their speed fighting and Blazen elbow demon lord and split kick devil lord sending them flying through multiple buildings.

So, Blazen then us Kaio-ken and Blazen now had dark reddish blue aura and Blazen then saw both demon lord and devil lord now had dark red aura, and both then charge at Blazen both Blazen and demon lord and Devil lord begin to trade blow causing dust and smoke to merge in their fight and Blazen then sent Barrage water and lightning infuse Mana arrow while sending barrage earth infuse Mana spear and Blazen then begin to infuse Mana and Water and wind and lightning around his body his body was glowing a pure purple with element around him he then Blitz the demon lord with a kick making him stuck in boulder and Blazen then roar out {Element chaos Blast} and Dome of pure chaos energy begin to form with element around them vaporizing Demon lord for good and after dome vanished Blazen was breathing heavily like nothing his clothes was destroyed from the fight his shirt was gone while his pants had hole in them to and both of his shoe was missing and Blazen then had to dodge a claw swipe from the devil lord who now had enrage state on with fire and lightning surrounding him and Blazen then had water surround his arms while wind surround his legs and Blazen who was still in super-Saiyan Kaio-ken fusion and Blazen then had charge up again with all of his might then Both Blazen and devil lord begin to trade physical blow causing dust to fly everywhere and crater to form they was trading blow so fast that all everyone saw blur and attack both of aura was a full time high and Blazen then dodge one of hit from devil lord and sent a full power water infuse punch combo follow with barrage of wind infuse kick with combo sending Devil lord flying away Blazen then spread his arms out begin to charge up Mana and chaos and Ki infuse attack the orb of attack was glowing bluish purple and Blazen then combined his hand together and roar out {final chaos flash} and Bluish purple beam then hit devil lord and Blazen then hear devil lord screaming in pain as he slowly vaporize by his attack and beam then disappeared and what left was nothing more than huge beam crater and Blazen saw that his companion had kill all of lord from invading world.

So, Blazen then hears National Luck voice say{congratulation on surviving the invading world attack along with lord of those world you get 20x-billion luck, 20x-billion growth in everything, 20x-billion increase immune system, 20x billion decrease in disaster, 20x-billion decrease in disease, 20x-billion health increase, 20x-billion increase in aura, 20x-billion increase in spiritual recovery, 20x-billion increase in talent, 20x-million increase in life span, 20x-trillion increase in purification, 20x-million increase in defense growth, 20x-million increase in strength, 20x-billion super treasure chest, 50x-million system point} and Blazen nodded at the reward he got so Blazen and everyone then went back to Ranger Garden saw that reward they begin to work on Ranger Garden all of new acres begin to grow plant and have animal and new thing on it to and Blazen then took out fusion scroll and fuse the 20x-billion super treasure and it now read super ultimate god treasure chest and Blazen then open the treasure chest he then hear National Luck voice say{congratulation Blazen from Ranger Garden for opening the Super ultimate god treasure chest you get, perk ability: great sage from{Tensura}, you get perk ability: predator from{Tensura}, You get perk : absolute anti ability, you get: ultimate island upgrade scroll, you get skill: absolute element manipulation , you get: perk ability: absolute control, you get perk ability: absolute mastery, you get perk ability: absolute manipulation, you get perk ability: absolute eyes, you get 10x-million currency system point, you get perk ability: absolute crafting, you get title: demon slayer manic, you title: devil slayer manic, you get title: manic slayer, you get scared gear: boosted gear, you get scared gear: divine dividing, you get: omni element core, you get: scared gear: incinerate Anthem, you get scared gear: staring blue, you get scared gear, staring green, you get scared gear: zenith tempest, you get scared gear: annihilation maker, you get scared gear: twice critical, you get scared gear: holy resurrection, you get scared gear: sword birth, you get scared gear: blade blacksmith, you get scared gear: twilight healing, you get scared gear: flame shake, you get scared gear: absolute demise, you get scared gear: dimension lost, you get scared gear: innovate clear, you get devil fruit: ice-ice fruit, you get 2x-devil fruit: poison fruit, you get devil fruit: Dark-Dark fruit. you get devil fruit-shadow-shadow fruit, you get devil fruit: lightning-lightning fruit, you get devil fruit: fire-fire fruit, you get devil fruit: heal-heal fruit, you get devil fruit: OPE-OPE-no mi, you get: 20x-billion healing bean, you get: 20x-billion senzu bean: you get: 20x-billion Regeneration healing bean, you get: 20x- regeneration healing bean seed, you get 20x-million farm land} Blazen was shocked at the reward he got he even show all of his companion and lover what he got he gave twilight healing scared gear to Lola and giving scared gear: sword birth to Akame while giving Wuya Dark-Dark devil fruit, he gave the shadow Devil fruit Kurome, he gave ice-ice devil fruit to Esdeath, and he gave Hope the lightning devil fruit he then gave scared gear: boosted gear to Lily while giving the scared gear Divine dividing to Amy, while giving the scared gear: twice critical to Merlin while giving the scared gear: flame shake to Shego, while giving the scared gear: staring blue to Mine, while giving the scared gear: staring green to Doya, while giving the scared gear: blade blacksmith to Sheele, while giving scared gear: dimension lost to Anissa, while giving the flame-flame fruit to elite TV-woman, while giving the Poison-poison devil fruit to regular TV-woman, while giving the heal-heal devil fruit to Cetrion, while giving scared gear: annihilation maker to Salem, while giving the scared gear: incineration anthem to Yang, while giving the scared gear: absolute demise to Yin, while giving the scared gear: innovate clear to Alex, while giving OPE-OPE-no-mi to Asia, while giving the scared gear: Zenith tempest to Grayfia, while giving the Poison-poison devil fruit to Rangiku while giving the scared gear: holy resurrection to Najenda, while giving some of Blank godhead to his new recruit and Blazen then integrated all of the title and ability he got while using ultimate island upgrade scroll instead of Ranger Garden being 50x-million acres it was now 200x-billion acres and Blazen then saw all of summon confess their love for him kiss him on the lips and Blazen kiss them on lip to now and Blazen then check his status and it now read {name: Blazen rose ranger}, age:13, height 5'10, race{transcendent Alpha Saiyan}, skill{Ki manipulation, CQC combat, Ki control, element manipulation, element control, Taijutsu, Ki sense, weapon manipulation, weapon, control, sword manipulation, sword control, poison manipulation, strong fist from{Naruto} all-Ki knowledge from{all DB franchise, Marine six from{one piece}, absolute element manipulation},Ability {Fire manipulation, water manipulation, fighter mastery, energy manipulation, energy control, Nature manipulation, weapon generation, Mana control, Magic control, Army manipulation, army control, army generation, all-language, farming mastery, garden mastery absolute mind protection, absolute soul protection, absolute sprite protection, absolute cures protection, absolute immunity, Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands, Haki, stellar manipulation, lunar manipulation, Portal creation },Perk{omni-Zenkai boost, superior adaptation, absolute unarmed combat mastery, absolute survivability, absolute body, reactive adaptation, emotion sensing, all-speak, healing factor, absolute protection, endless evolution, sunshine, night-shine, ultimate immunity reality manipulation immunity, time immunity, all-fiction immunity, Eyes of the lord, omniverse language, immortal from {seven deadly sin anime} weapon master, great sage from {tensura}, predator from{tensura}, absolute anti, absolute eyes, absolute mastery, absolute control, absolute manipulation, absolute crafting}, essences:{essence of the scholar, to essences of the mad doctor, to essences of the crafter, to essences of Arch-mage, essences of primordial, essences of the home, essences of overwhelming infinite cosmic might, essences of the sorcerer lord, essences of the plane-walker, essences of rob insurances, essences of the element, essences of the nomad, essences of gourmand, essences of the blank, essences of the adventure, essences of the evolution, essences of the rule breaker, essences of the artificer, essences of the master Magician, essences of food, essences of Luck, essences of the cultivator, essences of the Z-fighter, essences of Gacha, essences of harem protagonist, essences of hentai protagonist, Essences of the Shinobi }, item{1-million 840x fire crystal, 1-million 840x water crystal, 1-million 800x earth crystal,50,500x healing bean, bucket of 500x chicken tender,2 ore of Infinitum, 2 ore of Taydenite, 2 ore of Kyber crystal infinity box of flavor Oreo, infinity box of fruit flavor Juice, Infinity box fruit flavor soda, infinity box of flavor donut,20x-billion healing bean, 20x-billion senzu bean, 20x-billion Regeneration healing bean,}, title{Emperor of the Saiyan, Skibidi toilet slayer, Demon bane, Devil bane, Husband of Lady luck, Nature Lover, Harem king, manic slayer,, demon slayer manic, devil slayer manic }, bloodline{transcendent Alpha Sage Saiyan, transcendent ancient Alpha Saiyan, transcendent Alpha giant element ape, transcendent Alpha human, transcendent Alpha Hanma bloodline, transcendent Alpha viltrumite, transcendent Alpha limiter breaker, transcendent Alpha Majin Buu, Transcendent Alpha Demon clan Namekian },currency:145,325,000 },inheritance{Goku template, Vegeta template, Broly template, Gohan template, Vegito template, Gogeta template, Vogeta Template, Gogito template, Raiden from{metal gear solid, Trunks from{DBZ},Afro samurai, samurai Jack, doomsdays{DC universe}, Atomic samurai{OPM}, Mahorage{JJK}, Might Guy, Rock Lee{Naruto}, Goku black template{DB Super}Sonic the hedgehog, Shadow the hedgehog, Silver the hedgehog from {sonic the Hedgehog} Hit template {DB super} } {idle system status, {Strength}{8000}, {ATK speed}{8000},{ATK{8000}}, {HP{8000},{CRTICAL strike{8000},{HP recovery{8000}, {Crit chance{8000}{domain}{8000}Luck{8000},Devil fruit{soul-soul fruit, Soshi-Soshi-no-Mi, Pika-Pika-no-Mi},{transformation: super-Saiyan-100x-fold} and Blazen then omni element crystal to warrior might and Blazen then us farm land scroll after that Blazen realize he was still a super-Saiyan went back to his base form.

So, Blazen then gave the 20x-regeneration healing bean seed to his farm girl had them plant it while Blazen put on fresh clothe he was now wearing an orange shirt with black pants and blue shoe with red string on them and Blazen was now hanging out with his lover now and his lover are Lily, Amy, Yang, Yin, Alex, Daisy, Ivy, Hope, Lola, Sheele, Chelsea, Kurome, Akame, Doya, Mine, Leone, Najenda, Esdeath, Anissa, Shego, Wuya, Cetrion, Salem, Merlin, Camerawoman, Large-Camerawoman, Elite Camerawoman, Speaker-woman, Large-Speaker-woman, Elite-speaker-woman, TV-woman, Large-TV-woman, Elite-TV-woman, Drill-woman, Large-Drill-woman, Elite-Drill-woman, Clock-woman, Large-clock-woman, Elite-Clock-woman, Asia, Grayfia, Mimosa, Rangiku, killer frost those all woman who confess to him and Blazen accepted all of them told he will help them get stronger than before and his now lover nodded at him and Blazen then took out a fusion scroll and 20x anime challenge scroll and 20x-anime survivor challenge scroll and Blazen fuse them together in flash of light Blazen was hold purplish golden scroll that now read{ ultimate nightmare god anime survivor challenge scroll} and Blazen nodded at this he then show his lover the new challenge scroll and they nodded at this and they told their darling they would be ready for new challenge and Blazen nodded at this and they darling to prepare for this fight and Blazen nodded at this he then use essences of Gacha to help him and he then put 41x-coin in the Gacha machine and out came 41x-capsule and Blazen then hear voice say{congratulation you got: scared gear: gunsmith, you got: scared gear: gauntlet-smith, you got: scared gear: spear birth, you got: scared gear: freezing tempest, you got 50x-scared gear: weapon birth, you got: 900x-trillion -custom scared gear core, you got: 20x-million currency point, you got: 50x-twice critical scared gear. you got: 200x-trillion healing artifact, 200x-million fusion scroll, custom hyperbolic time chamber, infinity flavor nacho, omni holy core, omni demonic core, omni element core, omni-infinity stone core, ultimate super god computer, Alpha human race bloodline, custom gravity training room, custom training room, 200x-million growth type bra, 200x-million breast expansion pill, 200x-million lactation pill, passive ability: boost, passive ability: divine dividing, you got: ultimate super mansion fusion scroll, you got ability: golden touch, you got: diamond touch, you got: emerald touch, you got: element touch, you got: bedrock touch, you got: jewel touch, you got: gem touch, you got: ultimate super god mansion upgrade scroll, you got: infinity bag of healing bean , you got: growth type force{DC universe} you got: growth type emotional spectrum from{DC universe}, you got: obsidian touch, you got: silver touch, you got passive ability absolute matter manipulation, you got: lantern ring {DC universe}} and Blazen nodded and show his lover the reward he got and they nodded at him and was also blushing from some of pervert thing he got to and Blazen giving scared gear: gunsmith to camerawoman who hug him in loving way while giving the scared gauntlet-smith to Leone who gave him a kiss while giving the scared gear: spear-birth to Elite speaker-woman while giving the scared gear: freezing tempest to Killer frost while giving the rest of his lover the twice critical scared gear making them stronger than before while they giving him kiss.

So, Blazen then integrated all of passive ability while integrated his ability to he took out emotional spectrum in flash of light stood a giant orange ape and behind the orange was giant orange battery it huge like mountain and orange giant went inside giant orange battery and Blazen felt all emotion from greed, rage, pride, lust, will-power, hope, love, sloth, passion, fear, bloodlust those was the emotion that Blazen was getting from giant orange battery and Blazen then took out the growth type force when he did that he felt himself becoming stronger than every along with everyone on Ranger Garden he felt everything from his own force that was growing stronger than ever before he even felt force that he never heard of before he felt the speed-force, the sage-force, the strength force, the still-force, the evolution force, the life-force and Blazen even negative force to making balance the before and making him stronger to and Blazen then took out his lantern ring place it on middle finger and Blazen then went up to giant orange lantern battery he then begin to say{ in brightness day in blackish night no punishment shall escape my might let those who harm the true innocent beware my power orange lantern light} in flash of orange light Blazen lantern ring which was now orange was at full power he then begin to try out he begin to create orange construct with no problem and Blazen then took out the omni core feed them warrior might he then saw warrior might status and it now read {name: warrior might},{gender: female},{type: Katana},{tier: 80},{ability: omni-element, slayer, magic, anti-magic, angle bane, demon bane, devourer, superior adaptation, reactive adaptation, regeneration, absorbing, element bane, milk manipulation, milk bane, clothes manipulation, clothes bane, breast bane, breast steeler, breast growth, Bra bane, Bra growth, bonded, sharpness, unbroken indescribable, kinetic absorb, kinetic release, magic enchantment, magic strength, loyal, spider-bane, giant ape-bane, undead bane, weakness curse, wind, Zanpakuto, lightning Zanpakuto, ice Zanpakuto, Fire, Zanpakuto, holy sword creation, demonic sword creation, material absorber, sword changing, all creature bane, sunshine absorber, night-shine absorber, space cutter, and fuse cutter, extend, increase, shatter, cutting, pressure slashing, gravity manipulation, infinity stone holder endless evolution, reality cutter, time cutter, power manipulation, war manipulation, dream cutter, nightmare cutter, chaos manipulation genesis manipulation, mind cutter, soul cutter, death manipulation, planet cutter, dragon cutter, Ego cutter, nanite manipulation, stand summon, true growth, death manipulation, resurrection manipulation, invisibility manipulation, omni holy bane, omni demonic bane, omni infinity bane, omni element bane,} and Blazen nodded at her status he then check his status and it now read {name: Blazen rose ranger}, age:13, height 5'10, race{transcendent Alpha Saiyan/Alpha human}, skill{Ki manipulation, CQC combat, Ki control, element manipulation, element control, Taijutsu, Ki sense, weapon manipulation, weapon, control, sword manipulation, sword control, poison manipulation, strong fist from{Naruto} all-Ki knowledge from{all DB franchise, Marine six from{one piece}, absolute element manipulation},Ability {Fire manipulation, water manipulation, fighter mastery, energy manipulation, energy control, Nature manipulation, weapon generation, Mana control, Magic control, Army manipulation, army control, army generation, all-language, farming mastery, garden mastery absolute mind protection, absolute soul protection, absolute sprite protection, absolute cures protection, absolute immunity, Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands, Haki, stellar manipulation, lunar manipulation, Portal creation, golden touch, diamond touch, element touch, bedrock touch, obsidian touch emerald touch, jewel touch, gem touch },Perk{omni-Zenkai boost, superior adaptation, absolute unarmed combat mastery, absolute survivability, absolute body, reactive adaptation, emotion sensing, all-speak, healing factor, absolute protection, endless evolution, sunshine, night-shine, ultimate immunity reality manipulation immunity, time immunity, all-fiction immunity, Eyes of the lord, omniverse language, immortal from {seven deadly sin anime} weapon master, great sage from {tensura}, predator from{tensura}, absolute anti, absolute eyes, absolute mastery, absolute control, absolute manipulation, absolute crafting, boosted, divine dividing, absolute matter manipulation }, essences:{essence of the scholar, to essences of the mad doctor, to essences of the crafter, to essences of Arch-mage, essences of primordial, essences of the home, essences of overwhelming infinite cosmic might, essences of the sorcerer lord, essences of the plane-walker, essences of rob insurances, essences of the element, essences of the nomad, essences of gourmand, essences of the blank, essences of the adventure, essences of the evolution, essences of the rule breaker, essences of the artificer, essences of the master Magician, essences of food, essences of Luck, essences of the cultivator, essences of the Z-fighter, essences of Gacha, essences of harem protagonist, essences of hentai protagonist, Essences of the Shinobi }, item{ infinity box of flavor Oreo, infinity box of fruit flavor Juice, Infinity box fruit flavor soda, infinity box of flavor donut, 20x-billion healing bean, 20x-billion senzu bean, 20x-billion Regeneration healing bean, infinity bag of healing bean }, title{Emperor of the Saiyan, Skibidi toilet slayer, Demon bane, Devil bane, Husband of Lady luck, Nature Lover, Harem king, manic slayer, demon slayer manic, devil slayer manic }, bloodline{transcendent Alpha Sage Saiyan, transcendent ancient Alpha Saiyan, transcendent Alpha giant element ape, transcendent Alpha human, transcendent Alpha Hanma bloodline, transcendent Alpha viltrumite, transcendent Alpha limiter breaker, transcendent Alpha Majin Buu, Transcendent Alpha Demon clan Namekian },currency:165,325,000 },inheritance{Goku template, Vegeta template, Broly template, Gohan template, Vegito template, Gogeta template, Vogeta Template, Gogito template, Raiden from{metal gear solid, Trunks from{DBZ},Afro samurai, samurai Jack, doomsdays{DC universe}, Atomic samurai{OPM}, Mahorage{JJK}, Might Guy, Rock Lee{Naruto}, Goku black template{DB Super}Sonic the hedgehog, Shadow the hedgehog, Silver the hedgehog from {sonic the Hedgehog} Hit template {DB super} } {idle system status, {Strength}{8000}, {ATK speed}{8000},{ATK{8000}}, {HP{8000},{CRTICAL strike{8000},{HP recovery{8000}, {Crit chance{8000}{domain}{8000}Luck{8000},Devil fruit{soul-soul fruit, Soshi-Soshi-no-Mi, Pika-Pika-no-Mi},{transformation: super-Saiyan-100x-fold} and Blazen nodded at his status.

So, Blazen then took out {ultimate nightmare god survivor anime challenge scroll} and Blazen ask all of lover and companion and familiar are they ready and they nodded at him in flash of light Blazen and all of his lover and companion and familiar were teleported away and Blazen and his lover then found themselves in wasteland and Blazen then saw scroll glowing and it read{ fight against evil omni version of Goku and Vegeta and Broly and Freiza and Cell and Gohan and evil reincarnation of Vegito and Saitama and Superman} and Blazen show everyone challenge and they nodded and went straight to full power all his lover going into the balance breaker form while rest went through own element transformation and Blazen then transform into super-Saiyan and portal then open out came their opponents ready for battle to.

So, Blazen who was in super-Saiyan fuse the eight gates that he got from might guy and rock Lee template and then add the Kaio-ken time 200 together making his skin turn pure red while his gain pure reddish blue aura around himself and Blazen than charge at Goku and sent a powerful punch that cause crater to form under him while dust rise up and Goku just look at Blazen and sent a powerful backhand attack sending flying away into a boulder causing crack to appear on it and Blazen got back up he then did a spit take spitting out some of teeth and blood like nothing and Blazen just felt his teeth regrow and become stronger and Blazen then charge at Goku again begin to send out barrage of punch and kick causing the crater to get bigger and while the evil Omni Goku just stay not moving a single away that when Evil Omni Goku finger flick Blazen away causing crash to through 20 building and Blazen use absolute matter control to turn on building pillar into a Bo-staff he then use bedrock touch and turn the Bo-staff into bedrock he charge at evil omni Goku with bedrock Bo-staff and begin to send a barrage of different swing with his bedrock Bo-Staff making evil Omni Goku move for once and Blazen then use his diamond touch on ground along with absolute matter manipulation to ground that evil omni Goku standing into liquid diamond and Blazen created a cage made of diamond begin to fire a barrage of Ki blast infuse with chaos energy causing dust rise up and when dust vanished evil Omni Goku only dirt on his clothes while Blazen then begin to use boosted ability to boosted himself up to 300 time boosted.

So, Blazen then charges at evil Omni Goku and thank to eight gate and Kaio-ken and boosted ability and him being in super-Saiyan he was finally able send Evil Omni Goku flying through 2 boulders for using his Ki to stop himself and Blazen follow him with creating over 500 shadow clone version of himself all of them charge at evil Omni Goku and begin to send out barrage of different attack and Blazen follow up chi wave pushing forward into more boulder and Blazen then had dodge a quick punch which left a huge gash on side of his from that quick punch and Blazen then send out barrage of different kick infuse with holy energy and lightning to and evil Omni Goku just tank those hit like nothing he then send out powerful quick punch which pierce Blazen chest where his heart is and in one quick motion Evil Omni Goku rip Blazen heart out and crush it causing Blazen to vomit up gallon of blood making evil Omni Goku laugh in pure delight but quickly turn into frown when he saw that Blazen got back with wound disappear showing he was healing form and Blazen then who let loose a powerful roar he then transform back into super-Saiyan his aura was around him it the reddish blue aura and his hair became even more spikey he now had blue aura with red lightning around and Blazen then charge at evil Omni Goku and sent a powerful roundhouse kick causing Evil Omni Goku to spit up saliva and then begin to follow up with combo of kick infuse with water making Evil Omni Goku take 10-step and thank to Blazen ability he was evolving and adapting to Evil Omni Goku fighting stance even though he had not transform yet and Blazen feeling his full Zenkai Boost from his super-Saiyan fusion transformation and his death like experiences and he now he had unlock a new form which he heard Evil Omni Goku call Super-Saiyan-2 but his stronger than before to.

So, Blazen then sees Evil Omni Goku powering ups he had silver aura around him, and Blazen then had to block a quick punch from Evil Omni Goku making skid him on the ground like from the quick punch and Blazen then begin to use his Haki ability to try and keep up with Evil Omni Goku and heard that Evil Omni Goku say he only using 50% percent of his base power strength and Blazen then begin to use his Divine dividing ability to take some Evil Omni Goku strength making it own even follow up with his boosted ability making stronger than before to where right now he trading blow with Evil Omni Goku at 50%percent full power and Blazen then begin felt himself adapting to Evil Omni Goku ability and fighting style making it to where he begin to use his Goku template he got in his Gacha abilities making Evil Omni Goku use 60%:percent of his full powerful sending a powerful kick to Blazen stomach where he counter with his earth infuse punch causing a sonic boom and shockwave to happen and Blazen kept using his boosted ability and Divine dividing now to keep up with Evil Omni Goku now both of them trading blow and Evil Omni Goku realize that Blazen can absorb energy and boosted himself with using the Kaio-ken or eight gate that reincarnation told him about making him shock at this but he even more shock that this Blazen person was only in Super-Saiyan-2 and was keeping up with him using 60% percent of his full power and Blazen then use Hit template to use time skip and begin to send a barrage of wind infuse punch all around Evil Omni Goku body making him cough of up some blood this time so Blazen.

So, Blazen then begins send out barrage of fireball infuse with Mana and Ki making them stronger he sent them all at Evil Omni Goku he then summons a barrage of lightning bolt to causing smoke to rise and Blazen then hear Evil Omni Goku let loose a powerful roar and Blazen realize that he was going to use his full power in his base form now and Blazen to let loose a powerful roar causing his aura to ablaze up to both of their aura clashing like tsunami causing dust and smoke to rise up and Blazen then roar out Kaio-ken time-300 causing his aura to get even bigger and right now his aura pure red with little bit of blue lightning showing on and both then charge at each with aura at blaze and Begin to trade blow like never seen before with crater form their clash and both then vanished with pure speed and begin to cause sonic boom and shockwave from their clash and both was speed blitzing trading blow causing afterimage of their clash only to show up and Blazen using everything he got he had greenish orange poison around his hand and legs and begin his assault causing Evil Omni Goku cough up blood from the poison attack Blazen was giving and Blazen then use nature manipulation to summon a barrage of thorn infuse with ice element thank to Blazen from receiving the Arceus Plate causing his attack with element to be even stronger and Blazen was blocking and countering Evil Omni Goku attack like never seen causing disaster to happen all over the planet.

So, Blazen who appear back was breathing heavily from the speed fight he was in his shirt was gone like nothing and he even had hole in pants, and he had multiple wounds on his body from the fight and Evil Omni Goku show up not even winded from the fight the only damage he had on his body was Gi shirt was gone while there was hole in His Gi pants he only had little bit injury on his body and Blazen who in super-Saiyan-2 with Kaio-ken time-300 begin to feel his body adapted to the increasing power in this form even his mind begin to clear up to and Blazen then he gain another Zenkai boost thank to his Onmi-Zenkai boost and Blazen then use powerup even more and Blazen then use Steller manipulation to create mini sun thank warrior might Reality manipulation skill and Blazen then use Lunar manipulation to Mini moon to thank warrior might reality manipulation he then begin to use Sunshine and Night-shine making him stronger than before causing his aura to become even bigger than before now it was causing the world to shake and Blazen then charge at Evil Omni Goku both vanished with burst of pure speed and begin to trade blow like nothing and Evil Omni Goku was shocked that this Saiyan warrior was keeping up with him a full power and he haven't even transform yet and temperature it started off hot now it cold all of sudden and he sense that more they fight more stronger his opponent is getting both of Blazen and Evil Omni Goku was trading like no tomorrow causing storm to form their clash and earthquake to happen to along with Tsunami that when both separated from their clash Blazen felt his body healing from the damage of Super-Saiyan-2 and Kaio-ken time 300 fuse with Night-shine and sunshine ability and his body was evolving and adapted has they fought to where to where Evil Omni Goku now had more injury then Blazen now and Blazen then see Evil Omni Goku begin to smirk and he then said I guess it time to take it up even further warrior and that when Evil Omni Goku then let loose a powerful roar that begin to shake different planet along with the abandoned earth to and Blazen just ready himself he saw that Evil Omni Goku hair turn silver white while he gain red marking on his fur head.

So, Blazen ready himself for Evil Omni Goku attack he then had to block in attack from Evil Omni Goku which push him back and Blazen felt his both of arm's shatter from Evil Omni Goku attack and Blazen felt how quicky his body heal from both his shatter arms and Blazen then powerup as much as he can this time he went Kaio-ken time-500 and he then open the all eight gate thank to sunshine and night-shine he power his increase a lot now and Blazen the felt his body trying to adapted to the strain his body was from the increase powerups and Blazen now had a pure light red aura of ki and Mana around him along with chaos energy to from the chaos emerald there was also some blue lightning showing up around showing he still in Super-Saiyan-2 and Blazen then charge at Evil Omni Goku both then begin to trade blow like nothing everything was blur from fist or kick or energy attack their fight was causing shockwave and sonic boom and causing pure disaster and Blazen then sent ice infuse kick to Evil Omni Goku stomach sending him back ten step while Blazen then follow up with creating 50x-thousand shadow clone all of clone then charge at Evil Omni Goku and Blazen then begin to charge up his attack while his clone deal with and Blazen had a large Ki ball in his hand that he begin to infuse Mana and chaos energy and all of element affinity inside of it he even add Mini sun core and Mini moon core in the attack and Blazen saw that Evil Omni Goku finally deal with his clone and when he saw that Evil Omni Goku then begin to charge at that when Blazen saw that all of his mate had finally kill all of evil version and evil reincarnation now they charge at Evil Omni Goku begin to fight to while fight they saw they darling charging his attack.

So, while Blazen mate distract Evil Omni Goku Blazen was charging his attack at full power causing ground to crack from the force of Blazen attack and Blazen saw that his mate was having now problem keeping up with Evil Omni Goku in his super-Saiyan form and Blazen was shocked at how strong his mate become and Blazen realize that Evil Omni Goku was having problem dealing with his mate so Blazen finished charging his attack he then bone rush Evil Omni Goku when Both Yang and Amy kick him to his attack and Blazen then roar out{ element chaos calamity wave} and Blazen then fire a huge Ki wave into Evil Omni Goku stomach and they was so Huge it sent into outer space and it even destroyed the moon to and when the Smoke disappear along with dust they all felt a huge power rise that it begin to shake multiple planet and even the universe and Blazen who now only in super-Saiyan-2 felt his body almost burst from his combine powerups along with the attack and Blazen realize that now Evil Omni Goku is getting serious and dome of huge energy disappear their stood Evil Omni Goku with wound covering his body along with his shirt missing and his Gi pants having hole and Evil Omni Goku now had long silver hair with eyes brows and he now had red marking covering his chest and forehead now to that when Evil Omni Goku said I hope you can keep up with me in this form I use this form to kill the Omni-King in my world and Blazen ready himself for Evil Omni Goku attack that when Blazen felt Evil Omni Goku behind and he then saw he was hold four thing in his hand that when Blazen felt unimaginable pain all around his body that when he realize that Evil Omni Goku had rip off his arms and legs like tissue paper.

So, Blazen then summons a huge fire tornado vaporizing his limb while Evil Omni Goku was distracting, he saw that his mate charge at him begin to fight him while Asia was beside him and begin use twilight healing and OPE-OPE-no-mi to heal while Cetrion begin to use the -Heal-heal devil fruit on him alongside him with Lola also using her Twilight healing scared gear on their darling and Blazen then felt his limb regenerated while he then took out a healing bean and senzu bean and Blazen ate both them and Blazen then felt his body evolve along with adapting even more and Blazen saw his lantern ring was now on his new finger now and it was still fully charge so Blazen then created 200x-thousand orange energy construct with his lantern ring sent them flying at Evil Omni Goku where he then had to dodge some of them some was able to hit sending him flying through 20x-building while his mate follow up some evil combo on causing him to spit of blood from the hit Blazen mate was giving and Blazen then created over 500x-thousand shadow clone and Blazen then begin to Boosted himself with boosted abilities to where he then begin to absorb energy of sun with Divine dividing and energy of moon to and he then created a huge sun with stellar manipulation and Blazen then fuse his chaos energy and power of the chaos emerald and his Mana and Ki and all of his Element affinity in this attack of his and Blazen then had Kaio-ken into the attack while also adding eight gate to and huge sun was now gigantic and Blazen then roar out{ sun sprite bomb} when his mate kick Evil Omni Goku into his attack finally killing for good they all heard Evil Omni Goku scream of pain from the Sun sprite bomb vaporizing him slowly and the attack also disappear leaving a gigantic crater.

So, Blazen then hear the Nation luck voice say{congratulation on defeating evil omni version of Goku and Vegeta and Broly and Freiza and Cell and Gohan and evil reincarnation of Vegito and Saitama and Superman, you get 200x-trillion luck, 100x-millon increase in talent, 600x-billion increase in growth, 500x-billions increase in farm growth, 300x-billions increase in purifying, 300x-billions decrease in pollution, 200x-billions decrease in disaster, 500x billion increase in life span, 500x- billion increase in heath, 400x-billion increase in animal growth, 900x-trillion increase in wealth, 200x-trillion increase in defenses, you get, 400x-trillion wood treasure chest, 100x-trillion stone treasure chest, 300x-trillion in gold treasure chest, 50x-billion diamond treasure chest , 40x-billion emerald treasure chest, 20x-billion obsidian treasure chest 10x-billion super treasure chest, 8x-billion ultimate treasure chest, 6x-billion alpha treasure chest, 4x-billion god treasure chest, 20x-billion superior treasure chest, 90x-billion absolute treasure chest, 50x-billion rainbow treasure chest, 30x-billion omniverse treasure chest, 20x-billion multiverse treasure chest, 10x-billion infinite realm treasure chest} and Blazen show his mate he got from defeating their opponent and they nodded to they then went back to Ranger Garden where they saw they everything was doing fine in Ranger Garden they saw they everything was fresh now along with the wither place now being gone now and many tree begin to grow to along with animal doing fine along with the plant guarding Ranger Garden was stronger now to and Blazen saw that his score was now {30x-trillon point} while angel queen had{10x-trillion point} while dragon emperor had{ 8x-trillion point} undead emperor had{ 6x-trillion} and there was new person on scoreboard call mermaid empress with{ 4x-trillion point} and Blazen saw that they only had 9x-more days until winner is decide by the national Luck and Blazen then close the scoreboard.

So, Blazen then went back to his base form and went to take a hot shower and after his hot shower Blazen to put on some regular clothes like blue shirt and green pants and some orange show and Begin to walk all over Ranger Garden and after his walk he then eat some food that chef woman had made and after he was finished eating he then went saw his status now read {name: Blazen rose ranger}, age:13, height 5'10, race{transcendent Sage Alpha Saiyan/Alpha human}, skill{Ki manipulation, CQC combat, Ki control, element manipulation, element control, Taijutsu, Ki sense, weapon manipulation, weapon, control, sword manipulation, sword control, poison manipulation, strong fist from{Naruto} all-Ki knowledge from{all DB franchise, Marine six from{one piece}, absolute element manipulation},Ability {Fire manipulation, water manipulation, fighter mastery, energy manipulation, energy control, Nature manipulation, weapon generation, Mana control, Magic control, Army manipulation, army control, army generation, all-language, farming mastery, garden mastery absolute mind protection, absolute soul protection, absolute sprite protection, absolute cures protection, absolute immunity, Knight of Owner: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands, Haki, stellar manipulation, lunar manipulation, Portal creation, golden touch, diamond touch, element touch, bedrock touch, obsidian touch emerald touch, jewel touch, gem touch },Perk{omni-Zenkai boost, superior adaptation, absolute unarmed combat mastery, absolute survivability, absolute body, reactive adaptation, emotion sensing, all-speak, healing factor, absolute protection, endless evolution, sunshine, night-shine, ultimate immunity reality manipulation immunity, time immunity, all-fiction immunity, Eyes of the lord, omniverse language, immortal from {seven deadly sin anime} weapon master, great sage from {tensura}, predator from{tensura}, absolute anti, absolute eyes, absolute mastery, absolute control, absolute manipulation, absolute crafting, boosted, divine dividing, absolute matter manipulation }, essences:{essence of the scholar, to essences of the mad doctor, to essences of the crafter, to essences of Arch-mage, essences of primordial, essences of the home, essences of overwhelming infinite cosmic might, essences of the sorcerer lord, essences of the plane-walker, essences of rob insurances, essences of the element, essences of the nomad, essences of gourmand, essences of the blank, essences of the adventure, essences of the evolution, essences of the rule breaker, essences of the artificer, essences of the master Magician, essences of food, essences of Luck, essences of the cultivator, essences of the Z-fighter, essences of Gacha, essences of harem protagonist, essences of hentai protagonist, Essences of the Shinobi }, item{ infinity box of flavor Oreo, infinity box of fruit flavor Juice, Infinity box fruit flavor soda, infinity box of flavor donut, 20x-billion healing bean, 20x-billion senzu bean, 20x-billion Regeneration healing bean, infinity bag of healing bean }, title{Emperor of the Saiyan, Skibidi toilet slayer, Demon bane, Devil bane, Husband of Lady luck, Nature Lover, Harem king, manic slayer, demon slayer manic, devil slayer manic }, bloodline{transcendent Alpha Sage Saiyan, transcendent ancient Alpha Saiyan, transcendent Alpha giant element ape, transcendent Alpha human, transcendent Alpha Hanma bloodline, transcendent Alpha viltrumite, transcendent Alpha limiter breaker, transcendent Alpha Majin Buu, Transcendent Alpha Demon clan Namekian },currency:165,325,000 },inheritance{Goku template, Vegeta template, Broly template, Gohan template, Vegito template, Gogeta template, Vogeta Template, Gogito template, Raiden from{metal gear solid, Trunks from{DBZ},Afro samurai, samurai Jack, doomsdays{DC universe}, Atomic samurai{OPM}, Mahorage{JJK}, Might Guy, Rock Lee{Naruto}, Goku black template{DB Super}Sonic the hedgehog, Shadow the hedgehog, Silver the hedgehog from {sonic the Hedgehog} Hit template {DB super} } {idle system status, {Strength}{8000}, {ATK speed}{8000},{ATK{8000}}, {HP{8000},{CRTICAL strike{8000},{HP recovery{8000}, {Crit chance{8000}{domain}{8000}Luck{8000},Devil fruit{soul-soul fruit, Soshi-Soshi-no-Mi, Pika-Pika-no-Mi},{transformation: super-Saiyan-200x-fold, super-Saiyan-2-400x-fold,Kaio-ken-300x-fold, eight gate-150x-fold } and Blazen nodded at his status seeing how strong he became so Blazen then went to bed while his mate have cuddle with.

{Blazen harem}:Lily, Amy, Yang, Yin, Alex, Daisy, Ivy, Hope, Lola, Sheele, Chelsea, Kurome, Akame, Doya, Mine, Leone, Najenda, Esdeath, Anissa, Shego, Wuya, Cetrion, Salem, Merlin, Camerawoman, Large-Camerawoman, Elite Camerawoman, Speaker-woman, Large-Speaker-woman, Elite-speaker-woman, TV-woman, Large-TV-woman, Elite-TV-woman, Drill-woman, Large-Drill-woman, Elite-Drill-woman, Clock-woman, Large-clock-woman, Elite-Clock-woman, Asia, Grayfia, Mimosa, Rangiku, killer frost

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