
National Luck: I created the Immortal Cultivation System

Traveling through the parallel world, bound to the national destiny, 197 countries around the world will randomly select a Taoist to enter the creation world. Create a practice system. The stronger and more complete the practice system created by the Taoist creators, the richer the rewards the represented country will receive. Fusang Kingdom: Fusang has Onmyoji and ninja systems, and it is time for our Fusang to rise. Tianzhu: Our ascetics are the strongest. We also have divine cows and divine cow dung. We can become stronger by eating cow dung. The sun never sets: The light shines on the world, and our light system, which never sets the sun, is destined to become the top class in the world. Bangzi Kingdom: The wizards of our Bangzi Kingdom are number one in the universe, and we do not accept any objections. When Taoists from various countries worked hard to create their own practice systems. As the representative of Kyushu, Lin Chen is already lying high in the ninth heaven, looking down on all the creators of the Tao: "It's not me who is targeting anyone, anyone present counts as one. Just your ass practice system, in front of my immortal cultivation system in Kyushu.

PeakImmortalGod · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Chapter 016 Kyushu reform, one after another global announcements

Time flies, day and night.

  It has been three months since Lin Chen completed the second phase of the task.

  During the past three months, Lin Chen activated the speed of time, and devoted himself to the deduction of the enlightenment chapter of the system of cultivating immortals.

  And in the real world.

  However, the pattern has undergone earth-shaking changes.

  Because Lin Chen completed the task ahead of schedule, the generous rewards from the system made Kyushu, which was already the best in the world, completely take off.

  The practice speed of the whole people has once again increased.

  Let the popularity of cultivating immortals and refining Qi enter a new level.

  And the ten low-grade spiritual veins that were rewarded allowed the country to play to the extreme, and a large number of elites were cultivated arbitrarily.

  Kyushu today.

  The army was reorganized, and 80% of technological weapons were eliminated.

  Because with the further intensification of the global aura recovery, the changes in the rules of heaven and earth are becoming more and more obvious.

  Most of the technological weapons have already failed and become a pile of scrap metal.

  Kyushu took the lead in launching the military reform.

  On the basis of the original seven major military regions, it was promoted to the Seven Great Immortal Cultivation Legions.

  At the same time, a town demon division was also formed, directly under the National Games Office.

  There are two reasons for the formation of the Town Demon Division.

  One is that with the revival of spiritual energy, not only human beings are transforming, but all creatures in the world are transforming.

  Many wild animals, poultry, and even some vegetation.

  After they were tempered by spiritual energy, they gave birth to spiritual wisdom and gained powerful power.

  Transformed into monsters and spirits.

  Some of these monsters live in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and they don't make trouble.

  But more, it started to attack humans.

  All over the world, there have even been many tragedies of humans being attacked by monsters.

  The most serious one was when a small country was almost wiped out by a powerful monster.

  The recovery of Kyushu Reiki far exceeds that of other countries.

  The monsters have also evolved the most and are the most powerful. Fortunately, the cultivation of immortals has become popular in Kyushu, and there are many strong Qi refiners.

  Coupled with the fact that there are seven major legions guarding it, this did not cause too much loss.

  However, out of consideration in this regard, the country still established a town demon division.

  Clean up those monsters that sneaked into the city to do evil.

  Of course, the Monster Suppressor cleans up not only monsters and spirits, but also those Qi refiners who have also gone on evil paths.

  After all, this forest is so big that there are all kinds of birds.

  There are more than one billion people in Kyushu, and now everyone is cultivating immortals. After gaining great power, no one can guarantee that everyone can abide by the law.

  There are always some people who want to challenge the moral bottom line and the law.

  The Demon Suppressing Division also has the responsibility of suppressing, killing and arresting these Qi Refiners who violate the discipline.

  In fact!

  Today's town demon division is the police station of that year.

  The strength of Kyushu has made countries all over the world unmatched, even hopeless.

  Nowadays, any child in Kyushu can stand up and kill a cow with one punch, which is extremely terrifying.

  The competition between many countries has directly excluded Kyushu.

  Because it's not at the same level at all.


  There are exceptions.

  For example, never admit defeat Bangzi, Fusang, and countries such as Tianzhu, Yingjiang and Sun Never Sets.

  On the surface, he is quite honest, but secretly he is chasing desperately, trying to catch up and even surpass Kyushu.

  this day!

  The world is peaceful, and all countries are working hard to improve their strength.

  Netizens, as usual, routinely chat with each other on international forums.


  The long-lost global announcement suddenly sounded.

  [Global Announcement!

  Congratulations to the founders of the country where the sun never sets, and among the subordinate experimenters, some have broken through to the highest level of the light system and successfully completed practical tasks.

  Mission Completion A+

  The Daoist who never falls on the reward day will get 60% of all the power of the remaining experimenters under him.

  In the country where the sun never sets, the life expectancy of all people is +30, and the constitution is +100.

  With the blessing of light, the land area of ​​the country on which the sun never sets has expanded by 50%, and its resources have doubled.

  Obtained two low-grade spirit veins...]

  The mechanical sound resounded all over the world, clearly reaching everyone's ears.

  "Damn it, why is the second one to complete the mission, the sun never sets? How is this possible? Shouldn't it be our great Bangzi Country?"

  "Damn it, that guy in Davos, what the hell is he doing? It's fine that the first place is occupied by Kyushu, but the second one is actually preempted by the never-setting sun.

  My eagle sauce's face was completely lost by him..."

  "Ba Ge! The sun never sets is so insidious. I haven't said a word, and I am doing things in secret. I Fusang is not convinced. How does the mere light system compare with our Onmyoji system?"

  "I'm so envious that the sun never sets, life element +30, constitution +100. How much god cow dung will I have to eat to catch up!"

  "Hahaha... As a member of the Sun Never Sets, I just want to say, who else, who else..."

  "Hehe, buddy, have you been a little drifting lately, why don't you come to our Kyushu for a stroll."


  As soon as the global announcement came out, the world that had calmed down once again became turbulent.

  The sun never sets, and they are having a carnival.

  However, countries such as Yingjiang, Fusang, and Bangzi all feel as uncomfortable as eating arsenic, with all kinds of yin and yang, and sour voices can be heard endlessly.

  In addition, it is more of the envy, jealousy and hatred of those third-tier countries.

  Only Kyushu is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching the chaotic wars of various countries, dogs biting dogs, and it is very joyful.

  It may be because the Daoist, who never sets the sun, has seriously stimulated other people.

  Soon after he completed the task.

  The system's global announcement sounded again.

  [Global Announcement!

  Congratulations to Mao Xiongguo's Taoist creator, among the subordinate experimenters, some of them have broken through to the highest level of the demonization system and successfully completed the practical task.

  Mission Completion A+

  Reward the Daoist of Maoxiong Country, and get 60% of all the power of the remaining experimenters under him.

  All people in Maoxiong Kingdom have +30 lifespan and +100 constitution.

  With the blessing of the light, Mao Xiong's land area expanded by 50%, and its resources doubled.

  Obtained two low-grade spirit veins...]

  [Global Announcement!

  Congratulations to the Taoists of Tianzhu Kingdom, among the subordinate experimenters, some of them have broken through to the highest level of the ascetic system and successfully completed the practical task.

  task completion A

  Reward the creators of the Tianzhu Kingdom, and get 50% of all the power of the remaining experimenters under them.

  All people in Tianzhu Kingdom have +20 lifespan and +80 physical fitness.

  With the blessing of light, Tianzhu's land area expanded by 30%, and its resources doubled.

  Obtain a low-grade spirit vein...]

  [Global Announcement!

  Congratulations to the Dao creators of Fusang Kingdom, among the subordinate experimenters, some have broken through to the highest level of Onmyoji system and successfully completed the practical task.

  task completion A

  Reward those who create Taoism in Fusang Kingdom, and get 50% of all the power of the remaining experimenters under them.

  All people in Fusang Kingdom have +20 lifespan and +80 physical fitness.

  With the blessing of light, the land area of ​​Fusang expanded by 30%, and the resources doubled.

  Obtain a low-grade spirit vein...]


  for the next period of time.

  Basically every one or two days, there will be a global announcement.

  To everyone's surprise, the third place is not the most popular Fusang and Bangzi.

  It's Mao Xiongguo, which has never shown its mountains and dews.

  Even the fourth place is not them, but Tianzhu, whom they have always looked down upon.

  Both Fusang and Bangziguo's faces were swollen, if it wasn't for their two countries who were fifth and sixth next.

  I'm afraid that the people of these two countries will collectively shut themselves down.

  Of course, when thinking of Yingjiang, which claims to be the number one country in the world, it didn't even make it into the top 30.

  Fusang and Bangzi became excited again, jumping up and down in the international forum.

  "Brother Yingjiang, what are you doing? Come out and take two steps..."*