
Nasty Ink

The first thing Oliver saw when he woke up was darkness. No, this isn't darkness... But whatever it is tastes f*cking awful! Finding himself awake in a new world, Oliver is quickly sent into a shock as he discovers his new body. What awaits him? Authors Note: I'm saying this first but I am a NEW author and this is my FIRST book. I just like reincarnation novels especially ones where the MC is born as a monster and wanted to try and write my own. This is my first novel so I would appreciate feedback or if you happen to see some errors in there whatever it may be feel free to tell me. I am the only one writing and editing this so sometimes things just go over my head. Typically the chapters will be around 1000-1500 words in length, but there may be some chapters which are out of those boundaries. Also I don't have any definite schedule bc of college and what not so I'm sorry for being inconsistent. Currently not updating because of being busy with general life. I don't want to drop it but as of now I am on hiatus with the story.

SquidBeetle · Fantasie
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47 Chs

Chapter 15: Eight Arms is better than two

As I crawled along the seafloor, I kept my eyes out for some of the small crab groups scattered about.

While I could use my siphons to navigate the forest even faster, I would rather use my tentacles because it's not as tiring.

It also isn't as easy to spot me as I'm sticking quite low to the ground and I've kept my [Camouflage] skill activate as I'm continuing my search as well.

I had originally thought that using a skill would take up energy but I don't really feel anything like that except for my skin tingling as it kept on changing colors and textures.

Then again it could just be dependent on the skill...

Like [Tentacle grab], I don't really have to use some major increase in energy consumption by using it, I kind of just grab stuff with my arms and it activates.

This could be a difference between my active and passive abilities though, I'm not entirely sure.

But like I said my [Camouflage] isn't making me tired yet its an active skill.

So I guess it would just depend on the skill then?

[Regeneration] probably requires energy to use but I mean that's me regrowing an entire arm.

Argghhh! I have all these questions about how this world works, and no quick way to answer them!

It really is frustrating.

I sure would love to have a handy dandy little voice in my head which could answer them...




Yeah, that's about what I thought.

Anyhow, after finally leaving my hunting boundaries that I set upon myself the week before, I've started to notice a couple different species popping up around me.

Luckily still no major predators but there have been things such sea horses, some weird looking seals with wings? as well as an underwater horse.

Yeah you heard me right.

A. Horse.


Just chilling munching on some of the seaweed.

It definitely lived underwater, it had gills and some fin-like flaps where it hooves would be, but it was still startling to see that unexpectedly!

Seeing it made me realize just again how bizarre my situation is and that I really am in some magical world.

The thing was also massive compared to me!

At least 2 meters tall by my assumptions, but then again I still have no real clue to how big I nor my measurements really are.

Speaking of measurements, I think I've found my first prey as a newly evolved octopus!

These crabs are definitely bigger than the original one I fought before evolving, but I'm actually just BARELLLLLY larger than them.

<Creature Scanned>

<Showing Status of Thick Pincer Crab>

<Level 5>

<Health: 80/80>

<Age: Teen>

<Vitality: 16>

<Strength: 14>

<Speed: 6>

<Endurance: 12>

<Intelligence: 3>

<Magic: 0>

<Luck: 4>

<Skills: Grab, Claw, Leg Stab>

<Tier: 1>

<Species: Thick Pincer Crab>

There's about 4 crabs in this group that I've stumbled upon, one of them which I think is the leader, is a little bit larger than the others and If I had to guess, he is also probably a level or 2 higher than the other ones.

In terms of status however I definitely surpass these guys. The only thing they have on me at this point is their vitality and endurance which should just make them last a little longer during the fight.

With my superior strength, speed, and the advantage of striking first without them knowing though?

It should undoubtedly be in my favor, even with their numbers.

Wait, haha, I guess in terms of arms however this is actually an even fight?

Regardless this is going to be the most dangerous thing I've done yet, aside from the python I met first of course but he doesn't count.

The four crabs travel with the big one in front, two of them in the middle, and one of them in the back by itself.

Now, typically in this situation I would attack the one in the back because I should want to reduce their numbers first so that I won't have to fight as many before things really start to get heated up.

BUT, once I attack I'll lose my element of surprise which is gonna be one of my main advantages.

I may be stronger than these things individually but fighting confrontationally in a head on fight is pretty disadvantageous for me!

So I would rather try to injure the biggest threat with it before I lose than advantage.

I swim ahead of the predicted path of the crabs, and lay myself as flat as I can against one of the protruding parts of a rock in the way.

Using [Camouflage], both my skin color and texture change until its almost impossible to differentiate myself from the rock with the only noticeable difference from my yellow rectangular eyes.

[Camouflage has increased to level 5!]

[Camouflage has evolved into Advanced Camouflage]

I hear the system say, however I ignore it for now, close my eyes and wait...

A few minutes later I can hear the clicking of crab claws as then slowly grow louder and louder.

'Wait for it, waaaaaaait for IT.' I think to myself before a crab leg lands on one of my tentacles.

My eyes shoot open in alarm as I look at the crabs believing I've been discovered.

Upon gazing on the leading crab which stood on one of my tentacles, I see that it too is looking down at the ground where my tentacle is in confusion.

I swear I can almost read its expression as if it's saying 'Why is this rock soft?' before I spring all 8 of my tentacles grabbing ahold of the crab!

Like before, I focus my tentacles on three parts of the crab.

The claws, legs, and most importantly, the eyes!

Since this crab is a little bigger, I decide to use 4 of my tentacles to latch onto the eye stalks of the leader.

They are a little shorter than the other crab's eyes however, which I can only attribute to a specific eye mutation so unfortunately I'm only able to grab ahold with 3 of my arms.

However, these arms are no pushover you know! Squeezing my tentacles around the eye stalk I pull with all my might causing the crab to finally go into a frenzy as it realizes that it has been ambushed.

Holy cow!

I thought that I would tear out the eye instantly with my newfound strength but I seriously underestimated this crab!


Unfortunately for the crab however, my strength is no joke as the 3 tendrils work in unison and the eye stalk begins sliding out before the muscles break and snap ripping the stalk out of the crabs head.


[You have received -6 damage]


I look towards the claw which grabbed ahold of one of my arms.

Luckily it didn't manage to severe it completely, but there is a massive gash on one of my arms now as I decide to change up my strategy.

I didn't account for mutated eyes so that only means that I should try to attack some other part of its body, before I lose my opportunity and the other crabs arrive.

It's legs!

If I can't kill it before the main fight, I can at least cripple it so it won't be a threat!

Leaving two of my arms to try and hold down the main pincers of the crab I use my remaining 6 arms to just tangle around as many of the legs as possible!

Once I've got ahold of 6 legs I pull with all of my might and use my siphons to shoot myself away from the crab

[You activate Ink Cloud]



Leaving a parting gift for the injured crab in the form of a not so tasty cloud, I am shot back towards the remaining crabs as I surprisingly take away a full 5 legs of the crab with me!

[Tentacle Grab has increased to Level 5!]

[Your skill has evolved into Advanced Tentacle Grab!]

Naturally the other two middle crabs have seen me at this point and they raise their claws to meet me as we come into contact.


[You activated Ink Cloud]

Focusing my attention on the right crab I immediately activate my ability to try and hinder the other crab from helping.


I really didn't want to have to ink myself like this because of the taste but I don't think I have much of an option in this scenario.


The crab I focused my attention on clacked its pincers in anger as it was no longer able to see me as it was right in front of the origins of the cloud before it feels something grab ahold of its two eye stalks.


I tear both eye stalks out simultaneously as I show these poor crabs its new and improve natural predator!

The crab's limbs frantically wave around as it attempts to grab and pinch whatever it can get ahold of while blood keeps on pouring out of where its eyes used to be.

I turn my attention towards the other crab who is still on the outer edges of the cloud, trying to look in it to help its friend.


Using my siphons, I send myself straight towards the crab before it can react as I once again grab ahold of its main pincers and eye stalks.


The same scene plays out as the eyes are ripped out from its head with blood gushing out after and the body going through its final death throes before they eventually twitch once more and stop moving

[You have killed a level 5 Thick Pincer Crab!]

[You have gained experience!]

[You have killed a level 5 Thick Pincer Crab!]

[You have gained experience!]

[You have leveled up to Level 6!]

[You have gained 10 stat points!]

[Ink Cloud has increased to level 4!]

Ignoring the notifications of my system I turn my attention to look at the final crab which arrived only to see the remains of its previous convoy.

Grinning with my beak maniacally, I burst towards the last crab as it realizes that it might be outclassed here.


Also if anyone managed to notice any inconsistencies throughout the story or in some statuses or whatnot, feel free to tell me. Sometime's stuff just slips past me and I want my story to make sense.

SquidBeetlecreators' thoughts