
Naruto Xion

Self-insert where a wandering soul merges with Naruto’s in the ninja world, granting him future knowledge and a new outlook on life, causing everything he is to change, including his plans and dreams for the future.

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16 Chs

Chapter 2 Hinata

After handing over Mizuki, Naruto didn't stop training. Even though it was getting late and there were only two hours left until midnight, he went to one of the training fields near the school and created eight clones using the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

"All right, create as many clones as you can," Naruto said.

The clones nodded determinedly and began performing the hand seals, creating eight more clones each, resulting in a total of seventy-two clones.

Since Naruto had already created two hundred clones earlier, he didn't plan to exaggerate the number of clones now because he needed to continue practicing his chakra control. However, seventy clones were not his limit, and the clones created even more clones.

The seventy-two clones once again performed the Shadow Clone Jutsu. This time, each of them created only four or five clones. Still, there were over three hundred clones in the training field.

"Two hundred of you, practice chakra control, one hundred of you, taijutsu, and the rest, shuriken throwing," Naruto ordered, and immediately, he began running around the training field.

The clones hurried to follow his orders, and their massive training commenced. That's why the Shadow Clone Jutsu was the most unbalanced technique, and not only for Naruto. Others could use it in the same way, accelerating their training speed by four to ten times.

Just imagining someone like Sakura creating ten clones to use for studying and practicing medical jutsu or genjutsu was crazy. The Avenger, due to his talent, could perhaps create more than twenty clones and, with his talent, could learn advanced jutsu in just one day.

As for the requirements, genin like Sakura and the Avenger had better chakra control than him, and if he could control the number of clones he created, they would do even better, so it wasn't dangerous.

On the other hand, the other requirement posed a problem for rookies, which was the mental strain of using this jutsu because the user would receive all the stress their clones experienced. With rookies like the Avenger, there would be no issues, but if rookies were like Sakura, they wouldn't be able to use the jutsu in combat without suffering emotional shock, so it was also not something everyone could use, which is why it was considered a jounin-level jutsu.

Naruto thought about all of this while running. He was the only one doing physical exercise because it wouldn't benefit him for the clones to train his body. Only real physical training would strengthen his endurance.

In contrast, when it came to practicing combat skills, jutsu throwing, chakra control, genjutsu, and other abilities, the clones could take care of it. This way, each hour of training in these areas was multiplied by the number of clones.

For example, if a hundred clones practiced chakra control for an hour, that would be equivalent to a hundred hours for any other ninja. Normally, a common ninja could practice their skills for a maximum of three hours a day since it depended on their chakra, which was limited.

If we divided those hundred hours of practice among a common ninja, that would be over a month of training. So if only those one hundred clones practiced chakra control for three hours, it would already be equivalent to three months of practice for a common ninja. And Naruto wasn't a common ninja; he could make those clones practice for six hours straight, which meant that by the next day, he would have completed training equivalent to six months in terms of chakra control.

That's why in this world, when it came to learning or practice, he was like a god capable of learning any jutsu in just one day if he focused on it, as long as he didn't use a jutsu that consumed a large amount of chakra, like the Shadow Clone Jutsu. He could practice without limits and make rapid progress.

Naruto trained for an hour before switching from running to doing push-ups. The clones also adjusted their training. Fifty of them practiced medical jutsu, utilizing Kurama's chakra that had cursed him for taking advantage of it. Still, his chakra flowed freely through his body, and Naruto excused himself by saying he had to spend it to prevent it from becoming a nuisance.

Medical jutsu wasn't something Naruto had studied, but he knew he could use Kurama's chakra to heal wounds by applying it to his cells. For now, that was all he could do as he lacked further knowledge. However, that didn't mean that rapidly healing his own and others' injuries was his only goal.

One of the essential requirements for becoming powerful in this world was mastering medical knowledge and adding it to the knowledge he already possessed from his own world, including genetics, anatomy, and cloning.

In terms of genetics, he understood DNA. Regarding cloning, he knew about stem cells and how to create clones, having seen it on a program, and it didn't seem too complicated; It was just about replacing the genetic material of a target cell.

In terms of anatomy, Naruto had a basic understanding of the body's organs and their functions, blood types, and hereditary probability, among other little things he had learned from television and high school. However, by combining this knowledge with medical knowledge from this world, he believed it would be sufficient. Besides, when it came to learning, Naruto knew his capacity had no limits…

"Naruto, you shouldn't be doing secret practices at night. You're still a child and need sleep to grow," the old Hokage said as he approached Naruto's real body, which was doing push-ups with weights and a bag full of stones on his back.

The Hokage blinked, and Naruto assumed it was because he continued his exercise routine without being disturbed in the least by the Hokage's sudden appearance.

The Third Hokage, an elderly man appearing to be around seventy years old, was short and wore the robe and hat that indicated his position as the Third Hokage. For many fans of the story, he was considered the most useless Kage of all time and from all villages due to his numerous mistakes.

"Old man, I'm not doing any secret training. I only come here at dusk because at this hour, there's no one who can be bothered by my presence and interrupt my exercises with nonsense.

"As for the secret, it's clear there is none because I felt some chakras watching me when I practiced at school, although no one approached. I guess you prohibited them from bothering me, so thanks," Naruto said sincerely. The old Hokage was taken aback and cleared his throat.

"Ah, well, you should try to be more discreet with your abilities. A ninja should never reveal all their trump cards," the old Hokage said while looking at the hundreds of clones practicing without rest or distraction. "You should also take care of your sleep," he added, not forgetting his Initial warning.

"No problem. Doing six hours of exercise and spending my chakra is nothing. I woke up today without feeling any fatigue at all. And now that I've improved my diet because I can get more food, I feel like I could train after school. But the training fields are occupied at that time," Naruto said, needing an entire training field for himself due to his army of clones. The old Hokage gazed at his clone army.

"This training method is undoubtedly unique," the old man said, trying to gather more information. Naruto smiled.

"This is just my Uzumaki chakra. That fox only growls when I try to talk to him, but I don't care. I don't need it. My chakra is already enormous and keeps growing. As I use more of my own chakra, the Nine-Tails fox's chakra sealed inside me seeps through the Eight Trigrams seal," Naruto explained. The old Hokage tensed.

"Who told you the Kyubi was inside you?" the old Hokage asked with concern.

"My parents left a part of their consciousness sealed along with Kyubi. Now I know about my origin and many other things," Naruto said, part of the truth and part of a lie since what he knew had nothing to do with his parents. The old man's eyes widened considerably.

"Old man, I'm going to become the strongest ninja in this world. That ancient ninja god and Madara Uchiha will be mere small fry compared to me," Naruto assured.

The old Hokage flinched and then sighed, recovering from the surprise those names had caused him. Naruto also used his previous statement to explain his sudden change in behavior. The Hokage seemed to accept his explanation and cleared his throat uncomfortably.

"Naruto, I'm glad you've learned about your parents, but there's something else," he said with discomfort. "Why do you use the Transformation Jutsu to enter stores and scam their owners?" the Hokage asked with a dry cough.

"You're asking why I transform into a sexy woman to ask for discounts?" Naruto asked with a smile. The Hokage cleared his throat.

"Because those guys used to overcharge me when I couldn't use the Transformation Jutsu, which forced me to eat only ramen," Naruto explained. "Ramen is my favorite dish, but I think I might have grown more if I had been able to eat other things. So those shopkeepers have to pay for my stunted childhood, and since they used to overcharge me, now they have to give me discounts and freebies," Naruto explained. The Hokage sighed.

"You're not going to stop doing that, are you?" he asked with helplessness. Naruto shook his head as he continued doing push-ups, and his clones kept practicing.

"I guess you wouldn't be willing to stop seeing Hinata Hyuga either," the Hokage asked.

Naruto blinked, but from Hinata's words and behavior, he already knew that her father had scolded her. What surprised him was that the Hyuga clan had already gone to complain to the Hokage.

"Do you want me to do that?" Naruto asked.

"The Hyuga could be bolder than the villagers if you decide to ignore their warnings," the Hokage warned seriously.

"I'll keep a record of every punch, and then I'll make the clan leader pay when I become the strongest ninja in this world. Anyway, I was planning to beat up that old miser for every time he made Hinata cry," Naruto said nonchalantly.

The old Hokage smiled for a second but then regained his composure and adopted a serious expression.

"Naruto, I'll order this training field to be available to you after school," the Hokage said, and Naruto raised his hand before the Hokage left. The old man frowned.

"Do you need something?" the Hokage asked. Naruto nodded, returning to his exercises.

"The Kyubi's chakra can heal, and it does so at an incredible speed. I can even replenish my own chakra, so I think I could become the most amazing medical ninja this world has ever seen. However, I don't believe I'll get very far with my current knowledge," he said while watching his clones practicing minor cuts on themselves and then quickly healing. The old man also observed the clones.

"Yes, it seems like it could be useful," he said in a neutral tone.

"Nonsense, no medical ninja could match me. I could create two thousand clones and heal an entire village at once because Kyubi's chakra, unlike medical ninja chakra, can regenerate chakra and the body."

"That's why, even though just last night, I was exhausted and thought I would die because when I got home, I only found a couple of eggs and a quart of milk to eat, I woke up feeling fully energized and only slightly hungry," Naruto said.

"Naruto, you must not act that way!" the old man scolded with concer.

"It was a mistake; I was too excited about everything I've gained and forgot about my poor food reserves," Naruto said sincerely. "Getting back to the topic, I want a medical ninja who can answer all my questions and all the village's medical books, starting with the basics."

"I'll try not to bother the medic too much; I can even use the Transformation Jutsu so they won't find out it's me," Naruto said.

"That's commendable of you. A medical ninja with your skills would be a great asset to the village. It's also good that you've decided to take your time to study seriously," the old Hokage said, pleased to hear his study plans. Naruto looked at him with disdain.

"Tomorrow, I'll send five clones to his office while I'm at school. They will study the medical books and jutsu," Naruto said. The old Hokage frowned, seeing that his plan consisted of being lazy while his clones studied.

"Who taught you this training method?" the Hokage asked. It seemed like someone would get into trouble if Naruto revealed their name.

"No one told me; I discovered it on my own," Naruto said, telling the truth. "In the sealed part of my parents' consciousness, there are many of their memories. I've seen other techniques I'll practice once I improve my chakra control, like the Rasengan."

"I also want to practice chakra nature, which was very powerful there and doesn't require hand seals to activate. My chakra nature is wind, but I don't have knowledge of how to practice it. I've only seen it…" The old man coughed to interrupt him.

"Naruto, I have to go. Don't stay up too late," the Third Hokage said, hastily leaving when he realized Naruto was about to ask him to teach him about chakra nature.

Naruto continued exercising. He had already achieved his main goal, which was to study medical knowledge.

Naruto kept practicing, and a while later, he headed back home. What he didn't expect was that on the way, a group of masked thugs beat him severely and warned him not to meet with Hinata again before leaving.

Naruto, who didn't defend himself at all, crawled into an alley, and a few minutes later, he walked out with only a few bruises that disappeared as he walked. He didn't shout or ask for help at any point; he simply ignored everything and used Kyubi's chakra to heal himself without a trace. As for his clothes, he didn't care about the tears since it was the flashy orange jumpsuit he had left for training and would mend later.

The next day, Naruto woke up with more energy than the day before. After breakfast and a shower, he put on dark blue clothing, wearing a black vest with many pockets, just like his pants. He created five clones with the potential to make another hundred and sent them to the Hokage before heading to school.

The only thing Naruto had kept from his old look was the Uzumaki clan symbol, located on the left side of his chest, over his heart.

Today was the last day of classes, with the next day being the ninja registration, then they would receive their genin headbands, and finally, they would be introduced to their jounin mentors.

Upon arriving in his classroom, all the students were already there, with the class about to begin in a few minutes. The children began to whisper, but Naruto ignored them all and only paid attention to Hinata, who breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing him.

"Naruto! Are you okay?" she asked with concern when he approached her seat to find out why she seemed so worried. Naruto nodded, pretending to examine his own body.

"Do I look bad?" Naruto asked, pretending not to understand, thinking that she was referring to his new clothes. Hinata quickly shook her head upon realizing that her family hadn't harmed or threatened him.

"Hinata, can I sit next to you? I think you bring me luck," Naruto said. Hinata blushed, and the other children murmured and criticized, but she accepted in a whisper. Naruto ignored them all and sat down next to Hinata.

"Naruto, has anyone from my clan come to see you or said anything to you?" Hinata asked, almost at the end of recess. They were sitting under the tree, not doing anything in particular, just keeping silent.

"I think I've seen some Hyugas around, but they weren't saying anything that interested me, so I didn't pay attention to them. Do you want me to talk to a specific Hyuga?" Naruto asked, and Hinata quickly shook her head.

"Naruto, if someone bothers you, you must tell me," Hinata said seriously. Naruto smiled.

"Of course, if they bother me, I'll tell you," Naruto said, considering the Hyugas only a minor inconvenience. Hinata seemed satisfied.

"Hinata, would you like to have dinner this evening?" Naruto asked. Hinata hesitated for a few seconds but eventually lowered her head and nodded.

"Hinata, do you want to become stronger? Strong enough so that no one in your clan can ignore your will?" Naruto asked.

Hinata, who was walking alongside him toward Ichiraku Ramen, stumbled and then bit her lip but didn't say anything. Naruto didn't insist.

"Naruto, I want to be stronger!" Hinata declared, clenching her fists after glancing at a Hyuga clan member who pretended to look at some trinkets on the street a block away from them. It was a warning to both Hinata and him.

"Hinata, if you want to become stronger, come to the training field to the east of our school in the evening," Naruto said. Hinata looked at him with apprehension and fear. "Hinata, to become strong, the first thing you need to do is to conquer your fears through your will. If you're willing to pay the price for something, others won't have any power to hold you back, and they'll all become insignificant," Naruto explained. Hinata nodded with doubt and left.

Naruto didn't know if she would come to the training field, so he continued his normal routine, going home to cook before returning from training and changing into his new clothes.

When leaving his house and heading to the training field, Naruto received another brutal beating, even worse than the one from the day before. After beating him, the masked Hyugas warned that they would cripple one of his arms if he ignored their warnings again.

Naruto ignored them, and before five minutes passed, he was already walking out of the alley where they had dragged him.

Naruto arrived at the training field, which, as the Third Hokage promised, was empty.

Naruto dispelled the shadow clones he sent to learn medicine, gaining a wealth of knowledge.

The Hokage had given him access to the medical library and also assigned a newly graduated medical ninja who didn't know Naruto was his student because Naruto had disguised himself as an extremely cute girl. The tutor answered all his questions, giving his utmost effort. The Third Hokage could only blink in surprise.

Naruto smiled. The knowledge he gained that day was basic, but at least he learned the fundamentals of the Healing Jutsu.

Fully recovered, Naruto created eight hundred clones and assigned one hundred to practice the new medical jutsu, three hundred to chakra control, fifty to shuriken throwing, fifty to taijutsu, and the rest to practice the initial steps of the Rasengan. Thanks to his chakra control and Kurama's non-interference, he had no problem performing Rasengan training with one hand.

"Naruto!" Hinata exclaimed upon arriving at the training field and seeing the clones practicing taijutsu, healing jutsu, chakra control, Rasengan, and his latest addition, the Body Flicker Technique, which involved infusing the body with chakra to move at high speed.

This training could be deadly if the proper method was not known, but he already knew in what proportions it was safe to infuse chakra into the muscles and bones of his body. If something went wrong, it didn't matter because it was the clones who were practicing.

On the other hand, infusing chakra into the body wasn't just used for the Body Flicker Technique. If you had precise chakra control like Tsunade's, you could unleash a force capable of tearing down fortresses and walls with a single blow. Therefore, this training was of vital importance to him.

"Hinata, I'm here, come closer," Naruto shouted from the center of the army of clones, where he was doing sit-ups while carrying weights on his arms and shins, hidden under his wide orange jumpsuit. Hinata approached, walking in a daze as she watched the clones.

"Hinata, my mother belonged to the Uzumaki clan, and the amount of chakra I possess cannot be matched by any other ninja. The more I develop my chakra control, the more clones I'll be able to create, and my training will progress faster. All of this is thanks to you, for helping me, so I'm grateful to you," Naruto said, although he didn't mention that right now, with the use of his chakra alone, he could create a maximum of five hundred clones. The rest was the work of Kurama's monstrous chakra, and this was only a small amount released into his body due to the Eight Trigrams seal.

If Kurama collaborated with him and the seal was released by ninety percent, he could create tens of thousands of clones. However, at this moment, without Kurama's collaboration, the seal allowed him to release the power equivalent to one tail, and with his current chakra control, that was the most he could do.

Naruto stopped his exercises and sat down, indicating to the dazed Hinata to sit in front of him. Hinata settled, biting her lip. Although the moon provided some light, Naruto's vision was good, even in the dark, and everything was clear to him.

"Hinata, are you okay?" Naruto asked. Hinata blinked several times before nodding.

"Naruto, you're very strong," Hinata complimented, slightly blushing.

"All of this is thanks to you. That's why I want to help you in the same way you've helped me," Naruto said, looking her in the eyes.

Hinata seemed a bit nervous, but her expression reflected confidence as she nodded. She believed in him. Naruto didn't beat around the bush and extended his hand to create a chakra scalpel.

"Hinata, do you know what this is?" Naruto asked. Hinata seemed surprised again.

"It's a chakra scalpel. Naruto, are you a medical ninja?" Hinata asked.

"I'm learning, I only know basic things so far, like the Healing Jutsu, chakra scalpel, and some improvements in my chakra control. But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about.

What I wanted to show you was the jutsu to create this chakra scalpel, which is a solidification of chakra, to use in a jutsu like this. I think it could be useful for you. Now, activate your Byakugan," Naruto said, and Hinata followed his instructions.

Naruto focused on his hand, changing the shape of his chakra and extending it throughout his hand. The nearby clones stepped aside, and a clone that was fifty meters away stood still like a practice mannequin.

Naruto aimed at the clone, and an amorphous mass of chakra shot out of his hand, striking the clone in the head. The clone rolled its eyes and fell unconscious to the ground. Hinata opened her eyes, astonished.

"Gentle Fist!" Hinata exclaimed. Naruto laughed and then shook his head.

"Yes and no," Naruto said while Hinata looked at him in amazement.

"The jutsu is based on the same principles, using chakra to strike the opponent's chakra circulatory points. That's the basis of the Gentle Fist, and in that regard, this technique is similar. However, its execution is very different.

"For example, it takes me several seconds to concentrate and shape my chakra. The Hyugas do the same in microseconds due to their Kekkei Genkai, which allows them to naturally emit chakra from their bodies, like breathing. In one second, they can strike a hundred times, releasing chakra in each strike without failing once.

"Secondly, there's precision. I don't have the ability to see chakra circulation channels or their vital points, so I'm forced to use a large amount of chakra to attack the entire area where the chakra points are located that I know will produce the effect I desire.

If I had the Byakugan, a single thread of chakra would be enough. It's a thousand-to-one ratio, and that, coupled with the several seconds it takes to gather and shape chakra, makes it so no ninja can efficiently mimic the Gentle Fist or use it in combat, even if they know its fundamentals," Naruto concluded.

Kekkei Genkai were physical adaptations; even the Sharingan couldn't copy them. Hinata nodded in understanding.

"Naruto, you know a lot," Hinata praised. Naruto smiled.

"I'm not explaining this to boast. I just wanted you to see that your Gentle Fist can also be used at a distance because that's the basis of the improvement I'm proposing now," Naruto said, concentrating his chakra in his hand once again.

After a few minutes, and with much difficulty, Naruto had created the shape of a chakra nail. Naruto made a quick hand motion and launched the chakra nail at a clone that was a hundred meters away, hitting it in the back.

"Ouch," the clone complained, removing the chakra nail from its back.

Hinata opened her eyes wide, and Naruto knew she had understood his idea.

"In my opinion, the Hyuga clan has all the advantages to become the best snipers in the ninja world, but they insist on the Gentle Fist, wasting all their potential.

"Hinata, I believe this technique is a thousand times superior to the Gentle Fist, and if you train it, in battle, you'll win ninety-nine out of a hundred times when facing someone of your own level, and nine out of ten times if you face someone like Neji Hyuga.

"But that's just my opinion, and proving it depends on you and your confidence in me," Naruto said seriously. Hinata looked at him nervously.

"Naruto, do you think I'll be strong if I use this ability?" Hinata asked. Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Hinata, in our class, if you fight seriously, only I could stand up to you, and that would be thanks to this technique of clones and my body's sort of immunity to the Gentle Fist.

However, your taijutsu is a hundred times better than mine, and Sasuke would be defeated instantly if you faced him. Hinata, if we evaluate everyone in the ninja academy in terms of ninjutsu, taijutsu, and knowledge, you would be the strongest in the ninja academy.

So what you just said is nonsense because you're already very strong right now. So it's not about becoming strong with this technique," Naruto raised his hand to interrupt Hinata's words, "Neji and your sister are geniuses, you're not, but being a genius doesn't mean they can't be surpassed.

It just means you can't compete with them by following their same path. It's like if I tried to compete with you in your Kekkei Genkai; all circumstances would be against me from the start. But if I use my own advantages," Naruto said, pointing to his army of clones, "then I would have a chance to win because I'm using something I'm good at.

I also believe that this fighting style, the Gentle Fist, suits your personality and abilities better than the Hyuga's taijutsu.

But you must be clear about two things at all times, Hinata. First, you're already very strong. Second, we can all be geniuses if we manage to adapt our advantages to our natural talents. It's not about imitating others; it's about developing our own potential," Naruto explained seriously, as Hinata was shy and lacked self-confidence. Hinata hesitated for a moment and then nodded with determination.

Naruto was sure that Hinata's self-confidence was more due to her feelings for him, but that would still be useful. As long as she had confidence in something, she could progress and, with success, gain self-confidence.

"Alright, then let's start your practice. First, I'll teach you the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. With your chakra control, creating eight clones shouldn't be a problem, but this jutsu is dangerous, so we'll start by seeing how much mental strain it puts on you, and you'll create four clones. Stabilizing the duration of each clone is also a bit tricky.

After mastering the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, with your real body, you'll do aerobic exercises to increase your endurance. With two clones, you'll practice the Body Flicker Technique, while the other two will sit and work on your chakra control to create a needle that's at least a hundred times finer than the chakra nail I've created, without increasing the chakra amount.

In summary, you must create at least a hundred needles from the chakra nail I've created, without spending an additional gram of chakra. You should also reduce the twenty seconds it took me to do it, down to being able to create a hundred needles in a second. If you can strike a hundred blows and combine them with a hundred Gentle Fist strikes, you can also create a hundred needles.

Once you've reached this stage, it'll be time to practice launching chakra needles at your opponent's chakra flow points to immobilize them from a distance," explained Naruto.

In reality, the Gentle Fist could wreak havoc on a person's organs, but Hinata had a gentle personality, so Naruto decided to ignore this effect and focused only on talking about chakra sealing. Most ninjas would be defenseless without it, although there were exceptions, like Konoha's Green Beast, who relied on taijutsu and would remain a significant threat even with their chakra sealed.

"Naruto, I don't have that much chakra. I'll run out in an hour," Hinata said with concern.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of replenishing your chakra," Naruto said as Hinata looked at him without understanding. "You'll see," Naruto added, and Hinata nodded.

Naruto estimated that with Hinata's chakra control, she could create up to twenty clones using the jutsu several times, but that would deplete all her chakra, and the goal was to practice chakra molding, not shadow clones.

"Very well!" Naruto praised with a clap, and twenty of his clones approached.

"Hinata, they will assist you in your training. I'll continue doing exercises, but don't worry, as soon as these clones disappear, I'll know everything you've practiced, and I'll also track your progress.

The same will happen with your clones; everything they learn, you will also know, which will accelerate your training progress by a factor of five," Naruto explained.

Hinata watched the clones training around her and opened her eyes wide. Naruto smiled.

"Yes, making the most of your own talents can have that effect," Naruto said.

Naruto stood up to grab a backpack filled with rocks, adjusting it to his back, chest, and waist, and began running around his army of clones.

Naruto didn't have Hinata do the same physical exercises as him because, first, his body was special, and a normal person would suffer severe damage if they tried to mimic it. Moreover, Hinata wasn't training for close combat; she would be a long-range attacker, so she needed to focus on improving her endurance and flexibility. Strength exercises were out of the question, and for fast movements, she could use the Body Flicker Technique.

Naruto had no doubt that Hinata would master chakra molding in no time. She was more talented than the Naruto in his memories and had a significant advantage when it came to controlling and emitting chakra thanks to her Kekkei Genkai.

Naruto didn't understand how the Hyuga clan, with eyes that literally allowed them to see through walls, focused on close combat techniques.

Naruto would correct that mistake with Hinata, as he didn't like the other Hyuga members.

Naruto continued running for an hour. Over the past three days, he had been training his physical body to the limit, and in this case, he couldn't use clones. Fortunately, he hadn't been lazy in the past and exercised every day. Combined with his Uzumaki physique and being the Kyubi jinchuriki, he had better physical conditioning than a chunin. However, he wouldn't settle for that, as he aspired to become a god.

While running, Naruto used his chakra to enhance his strength, strengthening his muscles and getting them accustomed to being augmented with chakra. This was something his clones couldn't do since they could only practice the skill without experiencing the physical effects on their bodies.

At midnight, Naruto dispelled the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, and both he and Hinata, exhausted, returned to their homes. Naruto had concluded that he could regenerate Hinata's chakra up to three times, but from what he could see, if he improved his ability, that number could increase.

The following day, Naruto created five clones to practice and study medical jutsu before heading to school. However, he was intercepted by the usual bullies who delivered their morning beating and warned him to stay away from Hinata. As before, Naruto didn't defend himself, and since they had taken him to an empty alley with no witnesses, he didn't have to crawl. After healing himself, he ran back home to change his clothes.

The Hyuga bullies had dirtied one of the new pairs of clothes Naruto had acquired somewhat questionably, so he decided to include this incident in the bill he would present to his clan head.

After changing, Naruto hurried to go to school. Today was the registration for the ninjas who had passed the exam, and Naruto wouldn't miss it. Becoming a genin would give him greater access to information. Although he knew this registration could be nullified if they didn't pass with their assigned instructor, it was an important step, and he had to attend. The following day would be the graduation ceremony where they would be given their ninja headbands, also known as forehead protectors with the Leaf Village symbol.

In the afternoon, while heading to the training ground after returning home, cooking, and changing into his orange jumpsuit, Naruto received another beating.

At dusk, Hinata returned to the training ground, and this time she was accompanied by a young woman from the Hyuga clan. The woman wore the traditional white attire of the clan and had white eyes. She was slender, with pale skin and waist-length black hair.

The servant approached and observed the army of clones surrounding her and Hinata while blinking. Hinata was completely flushed, and as she approached, she bowed. She seemed to want to apologize but couldn't speak in the end. The servant noticed her embarrassment and spoke.

"I am a servant of Miss Hinata. You can ignore my presence, and I won't mention anything about Miss's practices. I swear on the honor of the Hyuga family," the servant said in a formal tone. Naruto shrugged, and twenty of his clones approached.

"Hinata, your mastery of chakra control is too unstable. Your clones will continue practicing while you, with your real body, will perform endurance and flexibility exercises," Naruto said, to which Hinata nodded with a flushed face.

Naruto didn't need to ask why the servant was there. That was evidence that Hinata had defied her family to be with him. She was under pressure but didn't yield. Now, by insisting on going out at night, she had been assigned a servant to safeguard her reputation in case other clans talked.

Naruto ignored Hinata's companion and continued with his exercises while she moved away to practice chakra control and attempt to create a needle.

The servant kept her eyes lowered but observed the training of the numerous clones from the corner of her eye, especially those practicing the Rasengan, medical jutsu, and the Body Flicker Technique. At one point, the servant wanted to use the Byakugan, but Hinata immediately looked at her, and the servant promptly apologized with a bow for her indiscretion.

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