

we can see a red-haired man fighting a pale looking man

Pale looking man : today will be your end Izuna Namikaze

the red-haired man name is Izuna Namikaze

Izuna Namikaze: that won't happen isshki after I kill you i put the end to otsutsuki threat

The pale looking man is isshki of otsutsuki clan

Isshki otsutsuki: in your dreams Izuna Namikaze you ants can fight godly beings like me

Izuna Namikaze: the ant is going to defeat you

Isshki otsutsuki: your will also fall down like Seventh and uchiha

Izuna Namikaze: you bastard you will pay for what you did to my village and my family

Isshki otsutsuki: killing you is my first step to become invincible

Izuna: Let's see

Izuna activates an weird form and a dojutsu

after seeing this isshki face turns into serious expression.

Isshki otsutsuki: the famous dojutsu and power of the strongest shinobi

Izuna Namikaze: today is the day you are going to die you damn otsutsuki

Isshki: so much confidence.let's see who shall rise and fall after this fight here

Both of them let out a loud battle cry

then the scene changes to past

we can see a brown haired boy clutching his head in pain.

Brown haired boy: aw my head