
Naruto x Boruto: Multiuniverse

While fighting Urashiki, young Naruto and young Boruto are transported to another dimension

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2 Chs


Young Naruto, along with young Boruto, Sasuke, and Jiraya were fighting Urashiki, when the father-son duo created a huge Rasengan, they attacked a member of the Otsutsuki clan. Urashiki created his own chakra balls, after colliding techniques created a strong earthquake, a moment later a hole appeared that sucked two teenagers. Sasuke and Jiraya jumped in after them, and after a while they landed in a completely different place

"Where are we?" Naruto asked

"I have no idea" replied Boruto

"Looks like we've been transported to another dimension," Sasuke said

"I didn't think it was possible," Jiraya added

"Sensei, what are we going to do now?" Boruto asked

"First we'll find some accommodation, and then we'll look for a way back," Sasuke announced

When the group came out of the forest, they stood in front of a large city. Naruto and Jiraya were most surprised to see the city

"This city is definitely different from the ones in our dimension," Sannin said

When the shinobi explored the city, they found out that they had to pay the appropriate cash to buy an apartment or rent a hotel room. After several hours of searching, Sasuke found an abandoned building.

"At the moment, we have no better option"

"Man, if I had known it would end like this, I would have taken my Ramen from home"

Boruto looked at his father. "Wait, didn't you take it before you went on missions?"

"Yes, but I ate it earlier, there are still a few left at home"

When Sasuke and Jiraya went to gather information about the dimension they moved to, Naruto and Boruto decided to have a sparring match.

"You know what we could do with money to buy some food at least," said Boruto

Suddenly, Naruto had an idea "You know, maybe we can sell those stupid Ero-sennin books" he said with a wide smile

Boruto raised an eyebrow "I doubt anyone would want to buy them"

"Then let's check it out"

Naruto took several books from Jiraya and together with Boruto they went to the city to sell them

At that time, Sasuke and Jiraya were out of town

"Tomorrow I'll leave for a few days, I'll leave Boruto in your care" Sasuke announced

"Do you have any clue to return to our dimension?"

"I don't know it yet, that's why I'm going to check it out, it can be dangerous, so you'd better stay here with the kids"

"I understand, take care of yourself"

Sasuke nodded and they both started walking. After a few hours, Naruto managed to sell all of Jiraiya's books, making a lot of money

"It's more than I could have imagined, dattebayo"

"This world is full of perverts"

As the two genins approached the house, they heard Jiraya scream.


"We'd better come back a little later, when Jiraiya has calmed down," Boruto suggested, to which Naruto agreed