
Naruto with Jougan.

Naruto wakes up with memories of Boruto, with a completely new personality... Given a system that is not overpowered at all. Naruto will continue his journey in a different pattern than anime. It has Romance, Harem, Action, Adventure, and a new frontier of the Shinobi world... With the power of Jougan for both eyes, Naruto's power will be hard to go unnoticed by others. As he will climb the power ladder of the Shinobi world. The image did not belong to me. So, I hope the person who had made this image, will allow me to use it... igeeksblog.com Thank you for the wonderful image...

shubhamgosai · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Naruto next steps...

Walking inside his room, Naruto had something inside his mind.

But then again, he knew that he had to find a way, to strengthen his body.

After all, in the case of Otsutsuki, it is impossible to kill, them with only ninjutsu and other cool stuff.

To kill them, what he needs is taijutsu.

This is one of the things, Naruto, and Sasuke from the real timeline had used to kill Otsutsuki clan members.

After all, all of them are true freaks and hard-to-kill personalities.

Being immortal and all, they are able to leave karma, which can dissolve and they could take over the body.

When Naruto thought about it, he looked at the black circular dot, on his palm which was definitely karma.

But it was not of the Otsutsuki clan, it was something related to others. Since, he had each on his hand, making them two Karma...

"I had to be careful, since I don't want to die, becoming a host of some other parasite..."

That is why, he needs to train his body quickly, for that he had planned to exercise indoors, in his room everyday evening and night...

So, he started to act, according to his push-ups, squats, and pull-ups plan he had made, to train his taijutsu.

Report ➡ Master Tai-Jutsu):- First Task.

Quest):- Exercise for 20 days (Exercise manual and Pattern)

Remembering something, Naruto opens his task and looked inside the Exercise Manual option of the quest.

In which, there were given the different exercises, he can do, which included the indoor exercise, though they looked like weird stretching methods.

But he had no other choice, but to believe it. With this, the night silently passed the beautiful village.

Where Naruto was finally asleep tired from all the exercise.

The next morning, he woke up at 4 am.

With the help of the natural clock, inside his brain, it has been waking him up at 4 am.

But it was quite a good thing for Naruto.

He woke up and brushed and washed his body, taking a bath. While taking out the cooking utensils, started cooking some fresh omelets and toasted bread.

With two glasses of milk, which he had to swallow with a closed nose. He did not like to drink the milk.

"I wanted to have Youghart Milk..."

Making a comment, he rushed out for jogging. Instead, he made a dash all the way to the training ground.

As he lay flat out there and started to climb on the tree, gripping the tree trunk with his leg.

He let his upper body fall down, as he put his hand on his head. And continued, to do exercises that train his stomach muscles.

After which, he started to do some pull-ups.

On the other hand, he did not notice that a pair of eyes were watching him.

As he continued to train, his muscles for a good foundation. For any kind of taijutsu. After he was totally spent after an hour.

He tried to sit back up, from the ground and walked toward his home.

Given it was already five and half hours, he wanted to rest a little, to ease his muscle pain.

Today was going to be his first class. In the shinobi school, his previous self always wanted to get into.

There he wants to train in shuriken jutsu, and for that, he had to borrow them from the school.

After all, he did not have them, although he wanted to train them for becoming a shinobi...

"Naruto!" Naruto looked at Iruka, who seemed to be surprised to see him up early, and reaching for school in time.

Made him a lot happy, as he called him out from the teacher's room.

Where Naruto was walking toward his class.

Where Naruto turned and smile at Iruka, where Iruka looked at him dressed well.

Making him look very close to the fourth Hokage, from the photo he looked at Naruto, which was becoming the splitting personality of the fourth.

With the strange calmness, he had gotten, after Yesterday.

"Good morning! Sensei Iruka..." Naruto smiled, and Iruka took out a bag and handed it to him.

"This is something! Which was arranged by someone who cares for you."

"So keep them safe. As long as you grow stronger, I will allow you to open each chain. Which are at the moment sealed by someone..."

Naruto looked at the thing and nodded. After he walked out, he thought of something and asked Iruka sensei.

"Sensei! Can I get some practice kunai and shuriken? I want to train. In Shuriken Jutsu." He looked at Iruka's expression, who remained calm.

As he handed him one set from his arsenal, given he can ask from the shop.