
Naruto: With A Impregnation System!

Everyone else receives a system or gets cheats as alms from some random omnipotent being... which is kind of sus, but yeah, who cares? Not me, actually. In my case, the system is my bitch. I created it in my past life—not exactly, but you get the idea. So, what does it do? It helps me impregnate women and take the abilities of my future children, aka the wills of heaven bestowed upon them. So... yeah, this fic is going to be very erotic and naughty since I shall conquer all the women in existence. And no, I am totally not breaking the fourth wall—pinky promise! {A/N: This fic is going to be extremely cultured, so I invite all the men of culture to give it a read. Another thing: I upload extra chapters for comments and power stones, so please give me those! Lastly, the first chapter is more of a prologue, so I didn't add much detail into it, though it is still over 3,000 words. But the chapters after it are much more detailed.}

Pepe_ · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Impregnation System

{A/N: Drop da comments and power stones for extra chapters, deal?}

"STEP-BROTHER! I'M STUCK!" The woman's scream cut through the chaos like a siren, somehow louder than the raging battle around her.

She had the kind of beauty that could stop traffic—sharp, seductive features, with a body that screamed dangerous curves ahead.

Her figure was absurdly eye-catching, rocking some serious "mommy milkers" and an hourglass shape that would make a goddess jealous.

Somehow, she'd managed to get herself stuck in a magical spell that bizarrely resembled… a washing machine? Yep, a cosmic-level, enchanted washing machine. You couldn't make this stuff up.

Around her, eleven figures—men and women alike—lay scattered on the battlefield like broken toys.

Each one was drenched in blood, twisted and motionless, as if they'd just been through the universe's worst 'rinse cycle.' If you counted the bombshell currently trapped in the magical washer, that made twelve of them total.

But no one dared to turn their heads and offer her help. Why? Well, in the middle of a battle where death was practically around every corner, who'd risk it?

One second of distraction, and boom—you'd be even worse off than her… which, considering her situation, was saying something.

The battlefield itself was jaw-dropping. They stood atop a massive tree, Yggdrasil, its bark smoother than polished marble.

The tree stretched endlessly into the sky, like it was trying to reach the gods themselves. Beneath them?

A breathtaking view of… everything. No, literally, everything. Reality itself seemed to flow like rivers beneath the tree—time, space, even chaos and nothingness twisted below in an endless swirl of color and darkness.

It was like standing on the edge of existence, staring straight into the universe's most dangerous secret.

One of the fighters, a man clearly losing his grip on sanity, finally snapped. His voice boomed through the madness, dripping with frustration and disbelief.


Before he could hear a reply, a spear came flying out of nowhere and nailed him square in the head. The impact was so brutal that his skull exploded like a watermelon at a summer picnic.

Blood? Gone. Vaporized on impact, like the poor souls in Hiroshima and Nagasaki when Uncle Sam dropped the bombs.

"Oh shit," was the collective thought of everyone who witnessed the gruesome scene, each of their faces showing a different reaction.

Regret. Anger. Despair. And… wait, was one of them… horny? Yup, there it was—someone in the crowd definitely had a weird expression.

The guy who just had his head turned into confetti was Lurion, the eldest of the group—kind of like their leader, or at least the strongest of the bunch. These twelve were siblings…

Well, sort of. It was complicated, but you get the idea. And just like that, their strongest member was wiped out in one shot. One single hit.


"Guys! What happened?!" The woman still stuck in the magical washing machine yelled out, her voice breaking with frustration.

She'd been stuck for what felt like forever, her body twisted awkwardly, trying to free herself. And, to top it off, she had already peed herself over ten times from sheer terror.

Not her finest moment. But, like before, she was ignored. Completely. No one had the time or the energy to deal with her ridiculous situation.

 "You people are no fun."

Suddenly, the air around them shattered, as if reality itself was breaking apart, and a man stepped out of the crack in space.

His appearance was enough to make any guy question their preferences, and as for the women? Well, they didn't stand a chance—instant fan-girl mode. His chiseled face was perfect, almost inhumanly so.

As he appeared, the spear that had turned Lurion into an exploded meatball suddenly teleported back to his hand. Then, with a simple flick, the weapon was absorbed into his palm, vanishing as if it had never existed.

This was Aesir. His shoulder-length black hair swayed as he moved, his golden eyes gleaming like molten gold.

He wore a strange but stylish combination of modern clothes mixed with something out of a xianxia novel—a robe with sleek sneakers? Only he could pull that off.

"Brother... How about we talk things out peacefully?" Hua, one of the remaining women, piped up, trying her best to hit him with some classic talk-no-jutsu magic.

She wore a nervous smile, her hands trembling slightly as she tried to appeal to whatever sliver of humanity might be left in Aesir.

Her attempt lasted all of two seconds.

With a simple glance from Aesir, Hua's entire body exploded, like a balloon filled with too much air—just pop. There was no warning, no build-up. One moment she was talking, the next, she was red mist.

"Peace was never an option,"

Aesir said, a psychopathic smile creeping across his lips.

He began walking toward the rest of his "brothers and sisters" with a swagger that screamed confidence, fully enjoying the fear spreading across their faces.

Yep, the people who were being vaporized and blown to bits were, technically, his siblings. Family reunions were always a mess, but this one took the cake.

One of the survivors, still trembling, managed to shout,


For a brief moment, Aesir actually stopped, as if he was considering the weight of their words.

Then, with a smirk that could rival the best of them, he replied,

"I missed the part where that's my problem,"

channeling full-on Goat Maguire energy.

Before anyone could even process the absurdity of the situation, Aesir casually said,

"Anyway… die."

With just that, his words alone, the rest of his siblings disintegrated into ashes. Poof. Gone.

These were beings powerful enough to turn the heavens into their personal playground, and yet, they were wiped out with nothing more than a command.

Aesir glanced at the pile of ash where his siblings once stood and shrugged. "Well, that was easier than I thought."

"Well, that's to be expected! It's me, Dio! Cough—I mean, it's me, Aesir, after all!" Aesir chuckled to himself, striking a ridiculous pose, his ego inflating by the second.

He had just finished off his siblings like they were nothing more than annoying insects.

In truth, "narcissistic" didn't even begin to describe him—he was on another level. If there were a scale for it, Aesir would be off the charts.

"After all, throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the one who surpasses them," he muttered, his voice oozing arrogance, raising his hand in a slow, dramatic fashion like he was the star of his own personal play.

With just a flick of his fingers, he absorbed the souls of his siblings, their very essence vanishing in the blink of an eye.

No flashy lights, no overly dramatic monologues, none of that nonsense. He just absorbed them. Like the absolute chad he was.

But just as Aesir basked in his own greatness, Yggdrasil, the massive world tree he was standing on, suddenly began to tremble.

In an instant, it collapsed beneath his feet, sending him plummeting down through the sky. Not that he seemed too bothered by it; in fact, he barely reacted at all. "Eh, saw this coming," he thought with a shrug.

After all, he had drained its power to weaken his siblings before taking them down. Yggdrasil falling apart was just part of the deal. It had served its purpose.

The truth was, Aesir wasn't actually strong enough to take on all 12 of his siblings at once. You see, if their combined strength was 100%, Aesir was rocking only about 45%. Not exactly winning odds.

And fighting them one by one? Pfft, no chance—they would've ganged up on him in no time. So, instead, he'd borrowed Yggdrasil's energy to weaken them. Nerf them, if you will, and then swooped in for the kill. Smart, right? Aesir thought so.

As he fell through the sky, the ground rushing up to meet him, Aesir crossed his arms casually, like he was on some sort of leisurely drop ride.

His body was starting to slowly melt from the sheer heat being generated as the entire existence collapsed around him, courtesy of Yggdrasil's destruction. But again, he didn't seem all that concerned.

"Hmm… now all that's left is to hunt down Heaven's Will," Aesir mused, barely paying attention to the fact that his feet had already begun disintegrating.

At this point, you're probably wondering what the hell is happening, right? Right? I can practically hear your confused thoughts from here, so let me break it down for you.

In simple terms, back at the very beginning of everything, there was this super powerful entity known by a bunch of fancy names:

"The Origin," "Heavenly Dao," "The Path of Omnipotency," depending on which civilization you were from and how you liked to worship it.

This being was basically everything rolled into one, the ultimate powerhouse.

But then, like all good things, chaos eventually broke out within its body—some major inner conflict, you know?

And in the process, it shattered into 13 pieces of heaven, each representing a part of omnipotence, along with countless 'Wills of Heaven' that scattered throughout existence.

Now, Aesir's whole deal? He's trying to scoop up every last bit of power he can get his hands on, which brings us to now, with existence falling apart and him casually free-falling through it. Cool, right?

The 13 pieces of omnipotency didn't just float around forever. Nope, they eventually reincarnated as living beings—Aesir and his now very dead siblings. Rest in peace, or, well, whatever's left of them.

Over time, a tantalizing idea began to take shape in Aesir's mind.

What if he just absorb all of his siblings and every Will of Heaven?

It wasn't a common thing for Aesir to think too hard, but when he did, sparks flew. After a moment of deep intellectual genius, he realized that if he absorbed them all, he'd essentially become the Heavenly Dao itself—the ultimate being.

Now, even for someone as confident and full of himself as Aesir, the idea was almost too tempting. The thought of all that power… well, he was already greedy, but this? This made him even greedier.

So naturally, he went ahead and used Yggdrasil to kill his siblings and absorb their souls like the power-hungry maniac he was.

Now, the only thing left were the Wills of Heaven, and they wouldn't be much of a problem. Aesir had already cooked up a brilliant plan for them too—because of course, he did. His ego wouldn't allow anything less.

"Oh my, how genius I am," Aesir muttered with a smug grin, his voice dripping with self-admiration.

It was almost as if he had somehow read the narration above, saw the whole scene playing out, and took it as personal praise.

And just for good measure, he gave one last cheeky wink to the readers, breaking the fourth wall like it was no big deal.

But his moment of glory didn't last long. As existence continued to collapse around him, his body finally began to disintegrate completely, turning into dust.

Yggdrasil was gone, the plane of existence exploding along with it. There was nothing left to hold it all together.

"Well, that escalated quickly," he thought with a final smirk before the dust finally scattered into the void.


"Ah! Not this place again!" Aesir groaned, rolling his eyes dramatically as he opened them, only to find himself in a realm so breathtakingly beautiful it would put paradise to shame.

The sky glistened like gold, the air smelled like fresh flowers, and everything around him was annoyingly perfect.

But here's the thing: Aesir had been here before. In fact, every time he died, this was the place he ended up. And boy, was it irritating.

Truth is truth, though. This place wasn't exactly paradise for him. Why? Because he couldn't go to the heavenly afterlife to reincarnate like everyone else. Oh no, not Aesir. He had been banned.

How to explain it, though? Well… let's just say killing Death was step one, then Life was next on his hit list. And, in true Aesir fashion, he didn't stop there.

Oh no, the cherry on top was reincarnating male souls into female bodies. Cruel? Maybe. Entertaining for Aesir? Absolutely.

That's why the heavenly afterlife had a big ol' "NO ENTRY" sign with his name on it. So instead, he got sent to this weird place every time he kicked the bucket.

And if you're thinking, "Oh, it can't be that bad," well, it's not the place itself that bugs him—it's the owner.

Suddenly, a soft voice whispered right in his ear, "We've met before, but it's nice to meet you."

Before Aesir could fully turn around, he felt the cold steel of a sword pressed lightly against his neck. Typical. He smirked, not even remotely surprised by the situation.

"Yeah, I really don't wanna be here," he said with a lazy grin, tilting his head slightly to get a better look at the woman standing behind him. And there she was—an absolute bombshell.

Long silver hair cascading down her back, silver eyes that sparkled with mischief, and...

Well, let's just say the "Mommy Milkers" department was fully stocked. She had the kind of gyatt that would turn even the strongest of men into simps with a single glance.

But Aesir? Nah. He wasn't the type to fall for that. He was a narcissist, remember? Nobody compared to him.

The woman's smirk widened as she gently pressed the blade closer to his throat. "What's my name? Do you remember?" she asked, her voice teasing as if she already knew the answer.

Aesir didn't miss a beat. With a smooth move, he grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to him, ignoring the blade entirely.

"I'm pretty sure you've got my number," he said casually, his eyes glinting with amusement.

Without warning, he shifted his grip and grabbed her neck firmly, his expression suddenly shifting to something much darker.

The playful atmosphere turned tense as his fingers tightened, a clear warning that he wouldn't hesitate to snap her neck if he felt like it.

The woman blinked, but that mischievous smirk never left her face, her eyes gleaming as if she was enjoying the game.

And then they fucked. The end! Seggs.

"Not the end, actually," Aesir corrected, smirking as he stood over the woman, who was now very much unconscious, sprawled across the bed.

She had been so confident this time—fully convinced that her brain wouldn't get thoroughly scrambled by Aesir.

Spoiler alert: it did. Just like every other time.

With a lazy stretch, Aesir got up, running a hand through his messy hair as he casually changed the narrative—because, well, why not? He was the boss here.

"Might as well spice things up," he thought, before leaning over to grab the woman's limp hand. "Borrowing this," he muttered with a grin, as he made her hand wave in the air, summoning a glowing portal out of thin air.

"Alright, let's get this done with," Aesir sighed, stepping away from the unconscious beauty and facing the portal. Just as he was about to step through, something unexpected popped up.

A hologram suddenly appeared in front of him, glowing ominously on his palm. And then, with an absurdly loud, mechanical voice, it announced:

[The Impregnation System Has Activated.]