
Naruto: Winds and Changes

A few small changes can make a world of difference. Knowledge given at the beginning of ones can career can turn a hopeless loser into a shinobi of strength and skill. Differences in a history that have long since passed can create a totally different outcome from what we might expect.

William777 · Anime und Comics
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127 Chs

Chapter 080

Kakashi was just barely able to duck under a swing from Zabuza, the attack coming so close he actually felt the top of his hair get chopped off. He cursed as he realized his Sharingan was useless in this mist. He had only managed to catch a glimpse of Zabuza, and that was always right before he attacked. So far all Kakashi had been able to do was dodging the attacks when he felt them coming.

"That was a close one, eh Kakashi?" came Zabuza's amused voice.

"I've had closer," Kakashi replied nonchalantly while trying to come up with a plan to defeat Zabuza. Any thoughts on plans stopped when Kakashi rolled under a sword swing that came from his front, flipped over another swing that came from behind and sidestepped a third one that he caught out of the corner of his eye.

He's using Mizu Bunshins to attack from multiple directions…great.

"You know, your brats don't stand a chance," Zabuza conversed lightly, as if they were not in a life and death battle. "You guys may have gotten lucky when they ambushed you, but the Akuma brothers are a force to be reckoned with, and they won't be underestimating them this time. And Haku…well, Haku is my secret weapon."

"I think you're underestimating my genin," Kakashi said, ducking under another swords swing, before sidestepping the next.

Damn it, where is he? Kakashi gave a mental curse, though he did not let his inner thoughts be known, "After all, Sasuke is from one of Konoha's most powerful clans."

"Ah yes! The famous Uchiha clan, though I hear he is the last," Zabuza replied. "However, even an Uchiha can fall, and that boy is still nothing more than a runt."

"Don't underestimate Sasuke," Kakashi said, trying to keep him talking so he could find him threw hearing. "He's not one to be trifled with. As for your 'secret weapon' I'm afraid Haku has met his match. Despite not looking like it, Naruto is the strongest of my genin. He won't be taken down so easily."

Zabuza snorted in amusement at the man thinking some brat could possibly contest with Haku. Though in truth he knew that she would be unable to actually kill the kid after spending nearly an entire weak sneaking out of their base just to see him.

"I think it's you who underestimates their chances for survival. And don't think I haven't noticed what you've been doing. I know how to project my voice, trying to find me with your ears isn't gonna work. Also that Sharingan of yours is useless; since I am a master of Muon Satsujin Jutsu I don't need to use my eyes to fight."

Shit! Kakashi swore as he was forced to duck roll away from another sword swing. He should have realized this battle would not be the same as last time. He began dodging more attacks as he tried to come up with a new plan.

Sasuke ran at the two Akuma brothers. The demons brothers smirked before Gouzu, the older brother shot right, and Meizu, the younger brother went left. Sasuke was forced to stop as he tried to keep both of them in his sights.

It didn't work as Meizu came in behind Sasuke, making the raven-haired Genin roll left. When he came up, Gouzu was in front of him, slashing at Sasuke with his clawed hand. Sasuke jumped up and managed to kick the claw away with his left foot, at the same time he spun around and smashed his other foot in Gouzu's face.

Gouzu stumbled back and glared at Sasuke, "A lucky shot."

"Hn," Sasuke said with a smirk as he charged back in.

However, he had forgotten about Meizu who came in from the left and slightly behind him. It was only Sasuke's fledgling danger sense that allowed him to dodge, jumping back and to the right. Meizu continued on, jumping over Gouzu before turning around.

The two then came at Sasuke in a crisscross weaving pattern, forcing the Genin to try and divide his attention between them. Meizu came in high with a slash from his claw, while Gouzu came in low. Sasuke managed to duck the high slash, blocked the low slash by using his hand to redirect Gouzu's hand, placing it on the man's forearm and pushing it over his head. However, he ended up getting hit when Meizu continued on, jumping over Sasuke and kicking him in the face.

Sasuke's head snapped back as he stumbled backwards a few steps, his nose now bleeding as he glared at the two. He began going through several hand seals and took a deep breath,

"Katon: Goukakyuu No Jutsu!" A large fire ball spewed from Sasuke's mouth, barreling towards the two.

The Akuma brothers just smirked and began going through their own hand seals, "Suiton: Teppoudama (Water Release: Gunshot)!" The two shot out two large cannonball-sized bullets of water, which combined and doubled in size.

It struck the fireball and the two jutsu cancelled each other out and burst into steam that began to mix in with the mist, making it even harder for Sasuke to see. Said Uchiha was now forced completely on the defensive as the Akuma brothers used their impressive teamwork and the thick mist to attack.

Sasuke just barely managed to jump back from another claw swipe, only to be forced away from a jab with another claw. He blocked a kick, but was hit in the face with a thankfully, un-clawed fist. On and on this went as the two brothers worked in perfect synchronization to keep the young Uchiha heir on the defensive, never giving him a moment's rest with their relentless attacks.

Jumping back Sasuke tried to gain some room to think of a plan. However, the two were not about to give him any breathing room. Gouzu came in with a low kick, high kick combination. Sasuke ducked the high kick and then blocked the low kick, only to see Meizu come at him from the slightly behind and to his left.

Gritting his teeth Sasuke channeled chakra to the bottom of his feet like he would do with tree climbing; only this was to give him an extra boost in power and speed. Using Gouzu's leg for leverage he jumped up in a corkscrew style twist, spinning until his body was parallel to the ground. The raven-haired Genin brought one foot to bear on Meizu and smashing under his chin, the force of which lifted him a few inches into the air before stumbling backwards.

Using the small distraction Sasuke turned on Gouzu launching a feint with his left fist. When Gouzu went to block, Sasuke kicked him in the leg, making Gouzu wince and lurch slightly, allowing the raven-haired Genin to smash his fist into the man's breathing apparatus.

Gouzu went stumbling back and Sasuke smirked.

"Lucky shot?" he asked with a cocky grin. I think I'm getting the hang of this. Itachi, I'll catch up to you soon.

"Grrr! That's it! No more playing around!" Gouzu growled, "Meizu! Time to teach this punk a lesson!"

Meizu appeared at his brother's side and the two of them began to attack again, their moves even faster and more unpredictable than before.

Haku and Naruto continued to clash against each other, using their speed to move around and dodge each other's attacks. Naruto would come in with a powerful and unpredictable combination, while Haku would use her speed to either dodge or redirect all of the attacks. Haku would come in with her graceful fighting style, aiming for vital points with her senbon. However Naruto was more than up to the task of fending them off with reflexes he had gained from fighting against Lee and Anko.

The two seemed to be evenly matched. Haku had an advantage over speed, and more experience. Whereas Naruto was stronger, had an unpredictable style that Haku couldn't follow, and better reflexes.

The battle looked almost like a dance, more beautiful than deadly as the two continued to clash. The only sign that it was otherwise were the even number of bruises on the pair's faces and the tears on their clothes.

The two jumped back after clashing again, the battle had felt like it had been going on for an hour, when in truth it had only been two minutes.

"Damn, you're really good Haku-chan," Naruto said, his breathing only slightly heavy.







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