
Naruto: True World

A lazy guy reincarnates into Naruto world. What does he do?. He waits for the tropes to kick in. Where are my advantages. Where is my cheat? I don't like to do hard work. I don't wanna. But there is no choice here. I don't wanna die in this dangerous world. it's do or die here. 1. There will be lots of elements that will be explored in the novel. 2. There will be Newer arcs as the story setting is atleast 12-13 years earlier than anime. 3. MC will build his power bit by bit. All of power will reflect the training he undergoes. 4. Although Novel name is decided on a whim, a lot of exploration will be done. 5. There is a strong focus on personal relationships as well. I'm starting a new book for casual writing, and I welcome new ideas from the readers. This is my first novel so I may have some difficulties. But I hope to improve as I am writing it. So any feedback that can help enhance the book is highly appreciated. I am open to any suggestions that can improve the overall quality of my writing. I am a very big fan of Naruto. Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters (except for the original characters that I will Introduce in the novel) Promotion Rewards: I'll probably write one more chapter per day if there are some milestones achieved like 100 power stones, 100 comments or any reviews added to the novel. The cover isnt mine. If the original creator wants me to remove it. please write it in the review section.

Admirers_Quill · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

The Predecessor

"That covers all the aspects of my current investigation, Lord Hokage", reported Kakashi.

"Very well, Keep investigating and file it in the report. You're dismissed Kitsune."Minato replied

Kakashi and his team left the office, leaving Minato to ponder over the report. His mind raced as he analyzed the information,' Snake sounds, the words Immo, and a poison that can induce sleep found in all three locations. Although, there are shinobi with snake summons in the leaf. They are not a lot. The available evidence does point to him'. 

Just as he was lost in thought, a knock on the door interrupted his contemplation. Minato's voice carried a sense of authority as he responded, "Come in."

It was Shikaku. 

After hearing the account of the case, He said, "Well, my Lord Fourth, before you take any action, it's imperative that we conduct a thorough investigation. Even if there is some truth to it, we can't just accuse one of the Sannins this easily.", Shikaku presented his thoughts to the young Hokage. 

Minato's determination flickered in his eyes as he listened to Shikaku's advice. "I understand the gravity of the situation, Shikaku. But if Orochimaru is truly responsible for these kidnappings, regardless of his status, we cannot let such evil go unpunished."

Shikaku nodded, acknowledging Minato's resolve, "Nevertheless, you must discuss this with Lord Third. Get his opinion on this case as soon as possible. After all, Lord Third might be the only person who understands him the most".

Minato sighed, realizing the importance of seeking guidance from his predecessor. "You're right, Shikaku. Delaying this discussion serves no purpose. I must consult the Third Hokage without further ado." 

With a swift movement, Minato stood up and vanished from the room, leaving Shikaku behind.

Shikaku couldn't help but mutter under his breath, "It's so annoying when he does that".

In the courtyard of a grand estate, Minato materialized in a flash, startling an older couple who were peacefully enjoying the serenity of the garden. The couple, Sarutobi Hiruzen and his wife Biwako, looked up with surprise as Minato appeared before them.

Hiruzen regarded Minato with weariness in his eyes. Retirement was meant to bring him rest from his long tenure, but it seemed that Minato had a knack for seeking him out whenever faced with a challenge. The initial months had been particularly trying, with Minato seeking guidance on even the most trivial matters, like how to properly wear the Hokage attire to display authority.

"Sorry to disturb your evening, Lord Third, but I assure you this time it's a matter of great urgency," Minato said, scratching his head sheepishly.

Hiruzen let out a chuckle, his fatigue momentarily lifted. "Can't give an old man a proper rest even after retirement, eh, Minato?" he remarked with a warm smile.

Biwako, the wise and no-nonsense presence beside Hiruzen, chimed in, warning her husband, "Simmer down, you old prune. Don't give the kid too much trouble." She turned to Minato and kindly offered, "Would you like some tea, little one?"

"Yes, Lady Biwako, I would be honored," Minato replied respectfully, grateful for the hospitality.

Biwako nodded and gestured for Minato to follow her inside as she called out to two children engrossed in their Taijutsu practice. "You two, come with me and help with the chores," she commanded.

The children attempted to protest but immediately fell silent, their faces morphing into expressions of obedience when met with Biwako's formidable gaze.

Alone in the serene garden, Minato and Hiruzen settled down on a bench. Hiruzen invited Minato, "Come, sit, Minato. Tell me what's troubling you."

Minato took a deep breath and proceeded to explain the details of the case, presenting the evidence and his suspicion of Orochimaru's involvement.

Hiruzen listened attentively, his face remaining composed despite the gravity of the situation. When Minato finished, Hiruzen asked with a grave expression, "So, you suspect Orochimaru?"

"Yes, sir," Minato replied, his voice steady and determined.

Hiruzen sighed, a mix of emotions evident in his eyes. "The clues collected so far do point towards him, but it doesn't all add up. Orochimaru, my former student..."

His thoughts drifted to the recent jutsu he had awarded Orochimaru, a legacy left by the Second, his mentor. The idea that Orochimaru might be experimenting with it, especially with the lives of their fellow villagers, ignited a flicker of fury on Hiruzen's aging face.

With suppressed rage, Hiruzen declared, "Leave this case to me, Minato. I will have a personal talk with my student."

Minato nodded, his trust in his predecessor evident. "Yes, Lord Third. Do you require any assistance in handling this matter?"

"No, I believe I can handle my student if the need arises," Hiruzen replied firmly. "However, assign an ANBU squad to secure the vicinity. We must be prepared for any potential collateral damage."

"Understood, sir. I will make the necessary arrangements," Minato acknowledged, bowing respectfully before vanishing in a blur of speed.

Left alone in the courtyard, Hiruzen let out a weary sigh. "Orochimaru," he murmured, his mind filled with a mix of concern, disappointment, and determination.

--------- Playground ---------

Shin was currently trying to simultaneosuly perform two hard tasks at once. To perform his daily physical exercises, along with vehemently rejecting Hiro`s continous barrage of invites to race. 

It had been 10 minutes since the converstation went on like this,











The kid just wouldnt back down. So Shin thought to give him new challenges such as running around the whole park for 1 hour. 

After the kid completed that, He said, "Okay we will try the no talking game this time. Lets see who can go the longest without talking"

After agreeing to Shin`s challenge, finally the loudspeaker calmed down. However excitement could be seen bursting in his eyes. 

Fed up with his antics, Shin cursed at Akiko in his mind a thousand times. The older kid had been engrossed in weight training at another corner of the park. Picking up rocks, with weights increasing each time. Last time, Hiro tried to disturb his big brother, Akiko started rubbing his fingers again and Hiro never disturbed him after that. He had found this new obsession with training after his big fight in the park last time. 

As each day progressed, Shin felt his mental burden become less and less. While his new body was growing and progressing quite fast. It was like a dry field quenching its thirst and filling itself up with water. He already had a little muscle growth in just six days of starting training. 

"Any day now," he thought eagerly. Unable to contain his anticipation, he made plans to incorporate rock climbing into his exercise routine, remembering some training regimens he had read about.

Just as Shin was lost in his thoughts, the annoying voice broke the silence, resurfacing after just ten minutes of the no-talking rule. 

"Not again," Shin muttered, his frustration growing. He braced himself for another round of negotiations with the ever-persistent Hiro.


It had been a few days since Minato had updated him about the case. 

Hiruzen was sitting in his courtyard listening to a report from Kakashi. 

"Lord Third, He doesnt go out much. The one time he did leave was in the middle of the day and that was just to visit the Leaf library`s S-rank section." 

"Okay ,dismissed",Hiruzen ordered. 

'I cant wait anymore, If I wait too long more of the people will suffer'.Hiruzen contempleted. He wore his battle gear and ordered the guard unit to accompany him. 

At night, Hiruzen left the Sarutobi compounds and moved towards the edge of the Leaf, where Orochimaru`s house was located. 







Author Poll:

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