
Naruto: True World

A lazy guy reincarnates into Naruto world. What does he do?. He waits for the tropes to kick in. Where are my advantages. Where is my cheat? I don't like to do hard work. I don't wanna. But there is no choice here. I don't wanna die in this dangerous world. it's do or die here. 1. There will be lots of elements that will be explored in the novel. 2. There will be Newer arcs as the story setting is atleast 12-13 years earlier than anime. 3. MC will build his power bit by bit. All of power will reflect the training he undergoes. 4. Although Novel name is decided on a whim, a lot of exploration will be done. 5. There is a strong focus on personal relationships as well. I'm starting a new book for casual writing, and I welcome new ideas from the readers. This is my first novel so I may have some difficulties. But I hope to improve as I am writing it. So any feedback that can help enhance the book is highly appreciated. I am open to any suggestions that can improve the overall quality of my writing. I am a very big fan of Naruto. Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters (except for the original characters that I will Introduce in the novel) Promotion Rewards: I'll probably write one more chapter per day if there are some milestones achieved like 100 power stones, 100 comments or any reviews added to the novel. The cover isnt mine. If the original creator wants me to remove it. please write it in the review section.

Admirers_Quill · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Allowed to be Released

Shin watched Doctor Harumi giving him a final check-up with dull eyes. She had a stethoscope around her neck. With an imposing dignified personality, she looked the very picture of a department head of the Leaf Central Hospital.

"Kid, you gave me way too much trouble. But your case is one of the most unusual ones I have ever observed in this Hospital".

She paused for a moment and said cheerfully,

"Did you know that during your sleep? Even Lord Hokage saw you and checked your condition"

Okay. Good acting skills are required here.

"Even the Hokage was here. Tell me. Tell me what did he say?"

Watching his face beaming with enthusiasm. Harumi got a bit uncomfortable.

"He said that you're good to go and there is nothing wrong with you. However, while you're good on the outside. There may be some unknown injuries on the inside so don't try anything rough for a week".

"Yes, ma'am," Shin replied in a meek tone.

Shin's face fell, his disappointment evident.

Nothing wrong with me? Seriously? After enduring all that pain, I was expecting to gain some epic powers or at least a talking animal sidekick. Isn't that the basic rule of trope tome 101?

In his mind, Shin was already conjuring up images of himself throwing giant fireballs like footballs and performing incredible feats of ninja prowess.

Harumi took a cautious step back from the bed, eyeing Shin with suspicion. "Kid, wipe that grin off your face. It's giving off some seriously creepy vibes."

Panicking, Shin waved his hands in defense. "Oh, no, no, no, you've got it all going! I was just, um, imagining the art of chakra control fireball. Nothing weird or inappropriate, I swear! And definitely not ogling your... um, impressive intellect. Uh-oh."

But just as he spoke, a book flew through the air, smacking him square in the forehead with a loud "Dhmmppp."

"Oww!" Shin yelped, rubbing his forehead where a comically square bump had formed. "Note to self: Doctor lady is scary. Very, very scary."

Shaking off the pain, Shin let out a determined sigh. "Well, who cares what she says? I'm going to discover my hidden powers one way or another. There's something special about this transmigration of mine. I just know it!"

Trope Tome Rule 01.

MC Reincarnates/transmigrates and gets a system.

Trope Tome Rule 2.

MC has a special lineage.

Trope Tome Rule 3.

MC has a unique constitution for special powers.

Trope Tome Rule 4.

Reincarnation was special so he can get special powers later after special activation condition .

"Well, these are just what I can think of, off the top of my head".

Okay, let's try the first one.

How should I try this?

Shin's face contorted into a comically serious expression as he mustered his best deep heroic voice.


He paused, waiting for a grand spectacle or a burst of energy. But nothing happened. Not even a flicker.

"Hmm, that didn't quite go as planned," Shin muttered, scratching his head. "Maybe I need to be more assertive. Let's try this again."

Taking a deep breath, he shouted at the top of his lungs, "SYSTEM RISE!"

In the adjacent room, the nurse jolted awake from her drooling slumber. Her eyes widened, and she muttered in her half-dream state, "Wait, Alfonze, no... not now!"

Shin continued undeterred, "SYSTEM! I AM HERE!"

The nurse, now fully awake and slightly disoriented, rubbed her eyes and muttered, "Ah! Just when it was getting to the good part..."

Confused by the commotion, she decided to investigate and walked into Shin's room. "Hey, kid! Did something happen? What's wrong?"

Shin quickly composed himself, trying to hide his embarrassment. "No, nothing at all. Just... practicing my vocal exercises. You know, for ninja training."

The nurse raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "Uh-huh. Well, if you say so. I'll leave you to it then. Take care."

As she walked away, she muttered to herself, "Great. That boy ruined my precious nap time. And what's with the thin walls? I can practically hear his every shout."

With a lighthearted chuckle, Shin embraced the hilarity of the situation, determined to discover his hidden powers in any way possible.

After all, laughter was the best medicine, even in the world of shinobi.

So, that rules out the first one. 

The person who was the owner of my body previously was called Shin Hoshino, right, Hoshino, hmm, I don't think that I remember any prominent ninja or any ninja clan named Hoshino in the Naruto series. 

So, he must be a regular orphan. Ah, what shitty luck. Talk about a lack of ninja pizzazz! No Sharingan, no fancy eye powers, and definitely no ripped Senju body. Seriously, what's the point of this reincarnation gig? It's not like I was a go-getter in my previous life. If I want to make any progress here, I guess I'll have to...

Work... Hard..... 

The little boy's face contorted with exaggerated dark lines.

"What a drag". shin sighed

Hmm. What did I just say? I am lazy but not that lazy. that character deserves a medal of his own in this field. 

So back to the common tropes. I can rule out the Second option as well. Well, at least until I find some sort of evidence to support it. 

Now, to the third option. Special powers. There were numerous powers that could be classified as special in Naruto. Elemental Kekkei Genkai, Kekkei Totas, Orochimaru snake weirdness and horniness for Sasuke, Jiraiya Hair, Demon Seals, or whatever I don't remember the name of it. Hanzo`s poison. 

But what would mine be? 

Shin decided to get off the bed and head to the toilet. As he looked at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but admire his features for a 3-year-old. "Not bad," he thought, examining his good cheekbones and bright blue eyes.

Hmm same spiky black hair. What's with these curls?

But something caught his attention.

"Huh? Why is my forehead slightly... light black?" Shin squinted at his own reflection, noticing faint golden motes circling his forehead, and just like that, my little injury from the scary witch doctor was healing bit by bit. 

Shin felt a lot better as the pain from the previous headaches was all gone as well. He closed his eyes and after a few moments, he felt a bit of movement in the lower area. 

Hmm bit too soon. Dont you think?.