
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Aktion
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32 Chs

020: Uproar in the leaf and A rank mission.


Hokage office(at night) :

Tsunade was sitting on his desk after finishing her paperwork .

Tsunade: Damn this paperwork, it's already 2 am .

Tsunade was cursing paperwork suddenly a member of anbu appeared in front of her.

Anbu: Lady Hokage, we have bad news.

Tsunade: What happened explain properly.

Anbu: Yes Lady Hokage, we feel some disturbance in the chakra field, when our one team go for investigation we found Root's secret base after further investigation we found sixty injured shinobis and eleven dead bodies and Danzo shimura is one of them.

Tsunade: Call all the council members and sensei .

Anbu nodded and used body flicker to get away, Tsunade's office door opened and Naruto and Sasuke entered the office .

Naruto: Hey granny, We come here to tell you something.

Tsunade: It has to be important because I have a council meeting to attend.

Naruto: I am going to tell you the news, you decide whether it's important or not.

Tsunade: Tell the news.

Naruto: Sasuke leaves the village with four sound shinobis and is going to meet Orochimaru.

Tsunade: Damn it, Another problematic news.

Ok Naruto let me finish the council meeting then we send a team to retrieve sasuke.

Naruto: So the meeting is about what, death of danzo shimura.

Tsunade: How did you know that.

Naruto: Sasuke kills him, that's why I know that and I know everything that happened there.

Tsunade: You are coming with me and filling the council with everything you know.

Naruto: Sure.

Naruto and Sakura start walking behind tsunade and Naruo has an evil smile on his face.

Tsunade enters the meeting room with Naruto and Sakura.

Homura: Why happened Tsunade, why did you call all of us here.

Tsunade: I am here to tell all of you the news and it's lady hokage for both of you fossils, may i clear.

Homura: Y..yes Hokage sama.

Tsunade: Good, now for the news Danzo shimura one of the elders of the village is killed by Sasuke Uchiha.

Hiruzen, Homura and Koharu was in disbelief, other clan leaders and civilian council was in shock.

Shikaku: Lady tsunada how did you know that Sasuke kill Danzo.

Tsunade: Naruto told me .

Koharu: And you believe him.

Tsunade: Yes, did you have any problem from this.

Koharu: No .

Tsunade: Now Naruto tell everyone why did Sasuke kill Danzo.

Naruto: Sure, Where did i start from, Let me give you a history lesson first , When second hokage die and oldman become hokage and Danzo ask him to create a special group of Shinobi which is only ordered by him, Oldman agree with him because that time it's important but after the war ended Oldman order him to disband the group but he did not disband the group and create a hideout from which he recruit new root anbu by mist's academy method.

Tsume: That means he made all the recruits kill each other until only one left.

Naruto: Yes , Now he sends a few of his shinobi to do his dirty work which causes the death of white fang of the leaf and the start of the third great ninja war.

Hiashi: Why did he want to kill white fang.

Naruto: Because he is one of the candidates who will become hokage after Oldman, Danzo thinks that the methods and the third hokage are very soft so he replaced him by becoming the fourth hokage.

Shibi: So when Sakumo's name comes on the surface as the next hokage candidate, he makes a plane to kill him.

Naruto: Correct he started the third great ninja war so Oldman died in the war and he became the Hokage.

He is the reason for the death of obito uchiha .

When my father dies after sealing nine tails inside me , he is the one who gives the idea to oldman that uchiha will protect civilians at the time of the attack of the nine tails and after my dead die he frame whole uchiha clan that they are responsible for nine tails attack and relocate whole uchiha clan to the outskirts of the leaf and start spying on them after the uchiha clan plan a coup on the leaf which can easily handled by Shisui uchiha's mangekyou sharingan ability but he kill him and take one of his eye so shisui did not use his Kotoamatsukami to stop the coup, so as a loyal shinobi of the leaf Itachi wipe out his whole clan just to save the leaf, but he did not stop there he take out eyes of uchiha and give it to Orochimaru who make a hand full of sharingan eyes with the cells of first hokage .

He is basically a traitor of the leaf who is treated like a hero but in reality he is a power hungry war monger who just wants to become powerful.

Tsunade: Thankyou Naruto any thing else you want to tell .

Naruto: Yes there is but it only concern pervy sage, so I will tell you later.

Oh can you tell this to everyone in the village with some twists.

Hiruzen: Naruto this is a S rank secret we cannot tell everyone.

Naruto: My status of being jinchuriki of nine tails is also a S rank secret but he tells everyone by the help of his root , i am not going to let him die as a hero , Oldman .

Everyone was shocked with the behaviour of Naruto , he is switching between attitudes so fast.

Tsunade: Fine Naruto I will tell everyone about this.

Naruto: Here, read this in front of the people of leaf as a report of Anbu.

Bye .

Naruto grabs Sakura's shoulder and teleports away.

Inoichi: This kid is dangerous.

Hiruzen: He is giving vibes of sensei from his vicious nature toward his enemies.

Koharu: You can't do that lady hokage.

Tsunade: Oh I can do what I want , I rule on this village by dictatorship not by democracy, here I am the rule.

The meeting is finished you can go now.


Hokage office ( 5 am) :

After finishing the meeting and getting a headache from the questions, she returns to her office and welcomed by Naruto.

Tsunade: What do you want now brat.

Naruto: I am not able to find Kakashi sensei in the village where he is.

Tsunade: He is on a mission, did you gather your team.

Naruto: They will be here soon until they take some rest because it's going to be a long day.

Tsunade: Yeah, You want to tell me something brat.

Naruto: Yeah, i didn't say this in front of everyone, Danzo tried to assassinate oldman when he became hokage again.

Tsunade did not say anything, she stood up and went towards a wall and punched it by full force.

Tsunade: Why did sensei let him live after that.

Naruto: For the same reason Gramps let Orochimaru live.

Tsunade: He was sensei's best friend and rival.

They are talking then somebody knocks on the door.

Shikamaru: Lady Hokage, may we come in.

Tsunade: yes, please come in.

Shikamaru opened the gate and everyone from the leaf eleven was there except sasuke.

Tsunade: So everyone is here.

Naruto: Yes.

Tsunade: Good, I am sending you on A rank mission , Naruto will be your captain and Shikamaru will be your vice captain.

Shikamaru: Did you have any plans Naruto or should I make one.

Naruto: Give me a second.

Naruto closes his eyes and opens it after a few seconds.

Naruto: They are Six hours ahead of us and I can teleport all of us to the place where they are , I am making a team of two to take out every member of sound four.

Choji and Hinata will take on Jirobo

Shino and Neji will take on kidomaru. Shikamaru and ino will take on tayuya.

Kiba and tenten will take on sakkon.

Lee and Sakura you will be back up who stays with me.

Shikamaru: There is something that you are not telling us.

Naruto: It's not that I am keeping something from all of you, it's like I feel a presence far away , who is coming toward them and it's a powerful one.

Tsunade: Before you go Naruto, from this day on you are a jonin rank shinobi of the leaf.

Now go and bring back sasuke .

Everyone: Yes, lady hokage.

Everyone grabbed each other and made a circle and Naruto teleports them to the location of sound four and Sasuke


Author's Note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.