
Naruto: The Village on the Verge of Bankruptcy, I Dig Out Oil

Naruto: The Village on the Verge of Bankruptcy, I Dig Out Oil (Full Book) Author: Late-night Farmer Also known as "The Unscientific Ninja Tool User of the Sand Village." "Ganbatte, Gaara!" "If we dig out oil, the Sand Village will prosper." Gaara was puzzled. He felt indignant. “Sensei Mukaze, shouldn't hard work be about diligent training? Why are you making me dig sand and search for oil as if it's training?" “From a scientific standpoint, digging sand is a great form of exercise." "Just dig well. If we happen to find oil, everyone in the Sand Village will have a piece of white cloth on their heads, and I'll be the richest person in the world." This is an mtl then edited to make it more readable. If you read other translations of it, this is one is gonna be different since I edited to my own understanding. All rights belong to the author.

Yeeetoo · Anime und Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 12: You're right, only when I become the Kazekage can I lead the Hidden Sand Village.

Rasa doesn't believe in Mukaze's idea of developing the economy to strengthen the Hidden Sand Village. He doesn't believe in concepts like economy and development. Without power, it's all nonsense.

He sneered, his eyes filled with disdain beneath his hat.

"Heh, can all the money in the world withstand attacks from other shinobi villages?"

"It can!" Mukaze answered confidently.

"Scientifically speaking, money really can do whatever we want."

"With money, we can hire powerful ninjas as mercenaries. We can train more ninjas for the village, expand the scale of the ninja academy, and improve the treatment of our ninjas so they have more time to dedicate to training."

"We can also develop the production of scientific ninja tools, such as chakra cannons, explosive tag machine guns, scrolls of ninjutsu, robotic puppets, drone combat units, fully automated electromagnetic defense nets, and so on."

As Mukaze uttered one term after another that Rasa didn't understand, his temples throbbed with frustration.

He realized he was wasting his time with this madman.

He slammed the table and shouted, "Enough!"

"Like I said before, once you become the Kazekage, you can do whatever you want."

His voice was filled with suppressed anger.

Mukaze coldly glanced at Rasa.

"Three strikes and you're out."

"I don't want to talk to you anymore."

A chill ran through Rasa's heart.

Mukaze remained expressionless.

"You're right, only when I become the Kazekage can I lead the Hidden Sand Village."

Rasa became nervous, and his scalp tingled.

"What do you want to do?"

"If you assassinate the Kazekage, you become a rogue ninja of the village," Mukaze said seriously.

Rasa sneered.

"Then wait until you become the Kazekage to say that."

He would destroy Konoha himself and become the hero of the village, the ruler of the shinobi world.

Mukaze, if you want to become the Kazekage, do it in your next life.

Mukaze rubbed his hand, crushing the iron slag until it was invisible to the naked eye.

Due to the relationship between Gaara and me, it was inconvenient for me to kill him directly.

Not killing him would be equivalent to choosing to let him die.

If he was willing to be Orochimaru's pawn, then let him die.

After he died, I would proudly become the Kazekage and take control of the entire Hidden Sand Village.

One month's time, Mukaze could wait.

Without even saying goodbye, Mukaze turned around and left.

Rasa watched Mukaze's figure and slammed his fist on the table.

This person was unruly, showed him no respect, and was a thorn in his side.

After this cooperation with the Sound Village, Rasa would have the Sound Village ninja assassinate him.

Mukaze had long been on Rasa's blacklist.

This time, Rasa was truly determined to kill him.


Rasa stubbornly followed the path of military advancement.

Mukaze ignored him and continued to do what he needed to do at his own pace.

In the desert.

Mukaze walked on the surface of the desert, stepping on the head of a sandworm.

Gaara stood on a cluster of debris, flying in the air, monitoring the movement of the sandworm.

Gaara: "Mukaze-sensei, a little to the right."

A surge of electricity emitted from Mukaze's shoe, striking the head of the sandworm.

The sandworm obediently moved a little to the right.

After the sandworm passed, it left a smooth and wide pathway on the surface of the desert.

Mukaze used Earth Release to solidify the pathway and then constructed a cover over it using Earth Release, sealing it off.

This was the route for oil transportation in the oil fields and industrial park.

Building roads first is the right approach to prosperity in any world.

In the future, once the petroleum in the oil fields is extracted, it will be continuously transported to the refining plants and power plants in the industrial park through pipelines, providing energy support for Mukaze's industrial endeavors.

While others were engaged in their regular jobs, everyone else was recruiting employees for Mukaze's personnel needs.

As for the dangerous task of repairing the beheading sword with sandworm blood, only Mukaze was currently capable of doing it.

After becoming the Kazekage, he planned to recruit talents or develop devices such as puppets to address this issue.

Mukaze controlled the sandworms while contemplating how to solve this problem.

Perhaps utilizing biotechnology could be a solution.

Suddenly, Mukaze came up with a new idea.

When it comes to biotechnology in the ninja world, Orochimaru is the top expert.

He decided to seek Orochimaru's assistance in the development of technology. How could he not approach such a great scientist for the advancement of technology?

Moreover, Mukaze had a vague feeling that his body had already reached the limit of bioelectric enhancement.

Even though he constantly strengthened his body with bioelectricity, the progress was not as evident as before.


Let's go to Konoha and meet Orochimaru.

It took a whole day to dig the pipeline trench, spanning over 300 miles, from the factory to the oil fields.

The pipeline was straight, cutting through the desert.

In the future, metal pipes would be laid inside the trench to directly transport oil and gas to the industrial park.

Mukaze and Gaara returned to the factory in the evening.

Kankuro and Temari were in the office, looking worried.

Mukaze walked in and asked, "What's the matter with you two?"

Kankuro replied, "Boss, we couldn't get things done. We haven't recruited a single person."

Mukaze said, "The salary and benefits offered by my Faraday Company should be the best in Sunagakure. In the past, people begged to get in. Why can't we find anyone now?"

Temari said, "It's because rumors are spreading in the village. Boss, you had a major conflict with the Kazekage, and people are afraid to come."

That made sense.

Mukaze asked, "What do you two think?"

Kankuro and Temari spoke in unison.

"We stand by you, Boss."

"We believe in your scientific path."

"Only by following your lead, Boss, can the village become prosperous."

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