
Naruto The Shadow King [OLD] (Dropped)

In the mystical world of Naruto, a seemingly ordinary individual finds themselves inexplicably reborn as Shikamaru Nara, a brilliant and lethargic ninja known for his strategic genius. The story delves into the complexities of balancing the responsibilities of a ninja with the overwhelming potential of the Ten Summon spell. As Shikamaru adapts to his new reality, he faces moral dilemmas, tests of loyalty, and battles against formidable enemies. "Shadows Reborn: A Shikamaru Saga" weaves together elements of strategy, fantasy, and self-discovery, offering fans of the Naruto universe a fresh and captivating tale of reincarnation, summoning magic, and the enduring strength of a lazy yet brilliant ninja. I do not own Naruto. The only thing I own is my own character here. Join my Patreon and get 20+ chapters ahead of Webnovel updates. patreon.com/Kamidemond Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4

kamidemond · Anime und Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 2 : 10 Shadow Technique


I, seem to have found myself in an empty and soulless white room, that seems to stretch infinitely.

Of course, I have absolutely no idea how I just got here.

Maybe I am drugged, I can't remember anything. Man, I shouldn't do those cheap drugs. Maybe once I'm 18+ but at 14 this might be a little too much.

Turning, I am met with... A giant and majestic Statue? I meet its Amethyst eyes with my own as I feel a terrible chill go down my spine. What is this, "Solo Leveling"?

"Welcome!" It responds with the same cheery tone.

I froze much like the statue but even more realistic.

"Wowo, calm down boy! Could you keep an open mind for a second for me?" The statute states.

I raise my head to meet giant eyes, as I shakingly respond to the clear anomaly in front of me

"Okay Okay you are definitely sleeping, just get back to sleep and you will open your eyes in the real world..."

"Oh don't worry, that won't be necessary! After all... You're already dead, there is no going back after that, believe me." The Statue stated with a tone as if he were talking about the weather.

"W-What? No, no no. This is just a prank right !"

"Nope! I can prove it! Take a look at yourself now!" The Statue stated as it pointed at me with its claw.

I do as instructed only to see...

"A-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!" I let out a guttural scream, at noticing nothing below my head, nothing. My entire body... gone. Unfeeling.

"Do you believe me now?" It states gently, putting the nail in the coffin of my denial.

I can't help but cry in silence, accompanied by nothing but a Statue looking much like a solo levelling setting and a white soulless void of a room.

"So I'm dead... I take it you're god? Never expected you to be a Statue, is a truck have anything to do with this? Usually in all those Isekai stories and fanfictions he is without a body or he's just an old man."

"Correct~!" The Statue responds to my thoughts, tactlessly reading them.

I stand up to my feet and glare weakly at the Statue.

"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop reading my thoughts, not like I can force you to do so, but still... *Sigh* Let's just get this over with."

"Sure? Well! Here's how it goes! You get a second chance in life! Aren't you excited?!" The statue announces enthusiastically.

"Yay..." I respond with a contrasting amount of enthusiasm.

"Alright~! So, see this wheel that just appeared in front of you?!"

He states as a wheel that is divided into a lot of words and options appears in front of me.

"Let me guess. I spin the wheel and whatever world or setting gets chosen, I reincarnate into?"

"Hmm, Correct! Wow, you're on a roll!" The statue hums as he proceeds to compliment me at the obvious deduction. Is he just messing around with me?

"Okay? Continue?" I respond with hesitance at the statue's weird and rather creepy cheery attitude.

"So... statue, Sir. Do I get an advantage? Cheat? Wish? Before I Reincarnate?" I ask the critical question, failing to hide the elusive hope in my voice

Please give me a wish

Please give me a wish

Please give me a wish

He's responding!

"There's a wheel for that too! you wanted to get this over with didn't ya? Go ahead and spin it!" The statue states impatiently.

"Okay, I'm doing it." I walk up towards the wheel.



For the love of god, please! A good world, A Easy World!

Having said my prayers to god and the reincarnation statue I spin the wheel.

*Whirr* *Whirr* *Whirr* *Whirr*

It spins, for what seems like an eternity and then eventually it stops at something.

*DING* A sound comes from the announcement board.

I take a look at it and...



"Y-You know, it could have been worse! Haha! Ha." I state more to convince myself than the grinning Statue.

"C-Can we just get to the 2nd Wheel and get this over with?" I ask, pain and suffering lacing every word in my sentence.



"Let's go..." I breathe out as I spin the wheel.

*Whirr* *Whirr* *Whirr* *Whirr*

And... It stops.

Please something good for fucks sake! I can't be going to the Naruto world with the ability to shit out bubbles or something!

*DING* A sound comes from the announcement board.

I take a nervous look at it and...




-Current Time-

Shikamaru could barely remember what happened back then but that statue never told him about being reincarnated as Shikamaru. Sigh

He looked at the ninja academy building in front of him and internally groaned. He really didn't want to go to school again, didn't he work so hard in his past life to get out of school?


Finding his own class was not at all hard, their class was about to graduate soon enough, something which he was looking forward to and wanted to avoid both at the same time.

Getting out of the academy means, that he will be becoming a shinobi and taking dangerous mission, again something he always wanted to do but only now he is realizing that he can actually die.

Upon entering the class, with his years of habit just walking up to his seat, putting his bag on his side and making sure that his position was right, he put his hands on the desk correctly and went to sleep.



"... one minute what I am doing," he almost shouted but closed his mouth before he really attracted anyone's attention.

He once again put his head back on the table but didn't sleep this time around. Although his eyes were closed, he was thinking.

Okay, let's put all this genius mind to work.

Before anything he has to see how much of Naruto he still remembers. It's been a long time since he watched Naruto so one thing is sure he doesn't remember many things. But the basics are clear at least.

The memories about all the important major characters and the plots are there in his head. But again is there any way for him to find that he is forgetting something until someone points it out for himself? 

No this is not the right way, he has to go through everything that happened in the first season of Naruto to find out.

Let's see, Naruto start just exactly at this time when his class is about to graduate.

He remembers that Naruto didn't pass, and then he was tricked into stealing the scroll of sealing by one of the teachers whose name he doesn't remember. 

Next is the team test, there was only the mention of team 7 so for him, it's pretty much unimportant.

Then from there, it's the land of waves arc. Again there was no involvement of Shikamaru, I mean his character or team 10 at all.

Then there are 3 consecutive arcs of Chunin Exam arc, the Sannin Arc and the Sasuke defection arc.

"Hmm, considering the plot ahead of me. The only time when I will truly face life-threatening crises might be in the Chunin Exam which is around 7 months from now," he mutters under his breath.

After internally thinking about it, he comes to his decision. 

"I need to start training, damn that wheel of worlds, why Naruto world, I like Naruto but only till when I am watching the anime. Not living in this world, in this crazy place, people die like leaves dropping from tree branches. Even if I try to avoid the danger, it's impossible. So the best way to protect myself and my current family and friends is to get stronger.

But how much....." he muttered while asking himself.

Thinking about the potential of Shikamaru. 

"I was never supposed to be an on-battle character. Shikamaru's character always resolves around his brain. How far can my brain and plot knowledge alone can take me ?" Shikamaru asked himself.


He has to get stronger. Mind and future knowledge are fine and all but personal strength is the most important in a world like this.

He finally raised his head and then looked at the scroll in his hand. This scroll was given to him when he was woken up, but he did not have the time to check it out as his mother came after him seeing him not moving towards the academy with a broom in her hand.

"Damn Troublesome Woman," 

Looking around, he notices many students acting just like normal kids, but his eyes roam around to find the rest 8 students who are the main cast of the series.

First, there is his own future team, Choji and Ino. Slowly turning his head to his left, he notice a fat boy eating chips. 

Choji was his good friend, and he sat just beside him. On the other hand, Ino was sitting all the way on the other side. Where Sasuke was sitting.

"Sigh, one is a foodie and another one is a fangirl. How I'm supposed to do anything with this team-mates," He muttered with irritation.

"No, don't think like that. It's possible to do it, first I need to get stronger myself and then I will approach them. One thing at a time." 

And while he was thinking this, this was the time when Iruka entered the class.


By the time Iruka left, he gave the final date of the final exam. It will happen after one month. Shikamaru now had one month before the cannon really started.

He didn't waste any time, taking the scroll he got from the system, he got out of the class while avoiding anyone who might waste his time and after coming to an open ground he finally opened the scroll.


This technique was from the Jujutsu Kaisen anime. It allows the user to summon 10 Shinigami for their aids.

But as Shikamaru read the technique. He started to see how this technique was different from the one he saw in the JJK world.

"There are only 9 shikigami here who he can summon. The last and the strongest one is a combination of all the previous 9 shinigami. 

Exactly like how the tail beast goes, from 1 to 9 there are 9 beasts denoted by the number of tails they have and their powers also vary like that. This exact concept applies here as well.

From 1 to 9, the power of the shikigami will grow and it will become harder and harder to tame this shinigami.

But one good thing is that the 10th summon is not required to tame as it is the combination of the previous 9 summons. 

Bad thing that if that 10 summon the combined of all summon dies then its over for all of his rest summons as well. Well for the time being let call then spirits.

Interesting," He muttered as then after looking around him, he finally decided.

'Let's start with it then, without taking action, I can never achieve my goals,' Shikamaru said and formed the first-hand sigh to summon the Shinigami. 

"..." nothing happened.

Hmm, he took out the scroll again to see what he was doing wrong. 


It took Shikamaru a few tries to understand this technique but he finally did it. With a hand sigh, suddenly his shadow moved, and from the shadow came a white rabbit with red eyes.

'finally, man this is so troublesome.' 

"So tame the shikigami, I just need to either kill them or capture them.

Fine enough," he said and jumped at the rabbit.


But with a single jump, that rabbit was able to escape Shikamaru. And he fell right on his face.

"Awh, awh awh awh.

I gonna catch you if that the last thing I do, damn Rabbit," Shikamaru said and rush again at the rabbit.