

After the death of Zabuza and Haku, Riku and team 7 went to bury them giving them a small funeral. As well as thanks to the passing of Gato the bridge was finished by Tazuna creating a new way for the land of waves to live. After the bridge was finished they headed back to the hidden leaf village. Kakashi went to the Hokage's office to report about the mission going home Riku thought about many things that Haku told him. He thought that he needed to talk to his father. He arrived home and saw his father and told him that he needed to talk to him.

Riku: Father do you know someone by the name of Reo?

Father: How do you know that name?

Riku: I heard it from my mission I meet a kekkei genkai user who told me about the downfall of the Kattos.

Father: What? What actually happened to the family? I was banished at the time and don't know most of the details were kept in the village.

Riku: The shinobi told me that the massacre started because of the Kaguya clan they were suspicious of the kekkei genkai clans so they exterminated us. After they killed the Kaguya's they thought that the Kattos were the next biggest threat and that is when you probably found out. But the clan pushed the idea off as you betraying the clan because Reo made a deal with the village with his hatred for the clan in exterminating the clan.

Father: I always knew there was something up with Reo. *sigh* Reo is my brother I knew he had a lot of hatred in him from the clans traditions and overall to our father. Lets not get into the traditions honestly there is a reason I don't know about a lot of them some of them were really bad. The traditions of the Kattos were very harsh from the ancient times many of the traditions were to create warriors.

Riku: But why would he destroy the clan instead of try to change it.

Father: As I told you before I was next in line to be the clan head. ALthough I never wanted the title and my brother wanted it to change the family I was always the better fighter and my father never allowed the change in clan head because power is everything for the shinobi world as well as for the Katto clan. Reo hated that rule and eventually he lost many things from that rule.

Riku: What that's why he has so much hatred for the clan?

Father: Yes that is but it is so sad all he wanted was to change the clan when he was young but the clans ideals just started to breed more and more hatred in him. He might even come for me because of the fact that I didn't like the traditions but I could never say that it was wrong to do as if you are not strong in this world you will get stomped on and it is better to be done b your clan in a lesser degree then to go into the harsh realities of the world sadly. But I did tell myself to not make my son learn the ones that I do know because in the end those traditions did fail to save us as well as now I know it probably was apart of our destruction sadly.

Riku: Wow the traditions were that bad?

Father: Although he may seem like a bad man for letting his family be slaughtered I do think that if you see him try to make peace with him. But if e attacks you fight back because when he sets his mind to something there is a high chance he will strive on to do them. Sadly as well I do think that he set his mind to change the Kattos and somewhere in his mind he thought the best way was to exterminate the Kattos.

Riku: I know father but do you not feel you hate him for all of these things now that you know that he is still alive and did kill the clan.

Father: I cannot say that I hate him as I saw some of the things that happened to him in the clan. In fact I think that I owe hi for that and although he played a role in the clans death after all of the years I reflect on and how I never approved of the clan but could never rebuttal to the clans ideals so I do not know how I feel about my brother.

Riku: You never told me all of this and now I understand why you never talked about the clan a lot thank you father.

Father : Alright go to sleep we need to train you more now just in case your uncle appears with the idea of continuing his quest to cleanse the Kattos.

He went to sleep but that night all that he had was a nightmare. He saw a man that looked like his father standing in front of him with 2 blades in his hands. The man had a crazed look in his eyes and he exuded a deadly aura so much so that it nearly suffocated Riku. The man looked at bodies on the ground one looked like his father and another body looked like his mother. The bodies were lifeless and bloody. All of a sudden the blades in the man's hand were in front of him and he could smell blood on them.

Mystery Man: This is for Retribution.

Riku immediately woke up before the slash connected and was sweating profusely and you could see a terrified look in his eyes. Paranoid he went to train for the rest of the night he knew he would not be able to fall back asleep after that nightmare.

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