
Naruto: The rise of Uzumaki Kingdom

As a family that built a country, with huge chakra and vitality, but was actually destroyed by others, Uzumaki Ryuto had something in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not. Therefore, Uzumaki Ryuto decided to vigorously develop national power. "Ninjutsu is the source of progress." The future development trend is one superpower with multiple powers. Only under the leadership of the Kingdom of Whirlpool can the ninja world achieve true peace.

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52 Chs

The Revolution Succeeded Halfway

"Snake - Horse - Monkey - Boar - Horse - Tiger, Fire Style: Majestic Destroyer Flame!"

The majestic fireballs rained down directly on the Molotov cocktails suspended in midair.





What were originally dark bottles transformed into a blanket of raging flames before the horrified eyes of the Kiri ninja.

"Quick, use Water Style jutsus to extinguish the flames!" The Kiri fleet commander shouted urgently, inwardly shocked. Were these people trying to destroy the ships? Did they want to trap them all in the Land of Whirlpools? However, he didn't dare take it lightly, because even for the Five Great Ninja Villages, mighty maritime powers like Kirigakure wouldn't be able to quickly reassemble a new fleet. If a large force got stuck here, who knew what might happen.


"This smell?!!"

The scorching flames rolled down like thunderclouds.

The Kiri ninja stared in horror at the approaching inferno, desperately using Water Style techniques.

"Water Style: Water Wall!"

"Ox - Monkey - Rabbit - Rat - Boar - Rooster -...., Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique!"


However, even with all the Kiri ninja using Water Style jutsus, they couldn't extinguish these bizarre flames.

"These flames..." The Kiri fleet commander's eyes widened as he shouted loudly, "Abandon ship, abandon ship now!"

Water Style jutsus simply couldn't put out this scorching fire!!!



Hearing the commander's order, everyone started abandoning ship. The scorching heat was too terrifying, especially since even Water Style couldn't extinguish it. If they didn't escape, they'd probably be consumed by the flames along with these ships.

"Damn it! What kind of fire is this?" The Kiri ninja stared unbelievingly at the burning ships from the water. It was just too horrifying.

"If even Water Style can't put it out, what do we do now?"

"Ove...over a hundred ships, just gone like that."

It's important to know that these weren't ordinary ships, but large wooden vessels!!

Not only would the Mizukage be in trouble now, but the commanders would probably be made scapegoats too. And without ships, damn, wouldn't this group of people end up getting trapped here?

The Land of Whirlpools really had deep schemes! To actually come up with such a method...no, everyone knew the two biggest idiot clans in the ninja world were the Hyuga Clan from their village and the other was the Uzumaki Clan!

They couldn't believe the Uzumaki could devise such a plot, let alone create flames like these...

Could flames that even mastered both the Wind and Water natures be used by the Uzumaki Clan?

The Kiri commander felt a chill, as if a great conspiracy against Kirigakure was looming. Could someone be trying to take them down?

As the Kiri commander frowned in thought, the ninjas around him suddenly began swimming away frantically, seemingly trying to leave the area. 

"What's going on? What happened?" The commander quickly asked, "Why panic? Even if there was a minor setback, victory will still belong to Kirigakure."

No matter what, he couldn't show a hint of cowardice now. He had to notify the Mizukage that someone was trying to take them down and find a solution quickly!

If it wasn't just Konoha, but multiple villages...

The thought sent a chill down his spine. The surrounding villages, instead of taking advantage of the Land of Whirlpools, could they be trying to take advantage of Kirigakure's situation?

That old bastard Hiruzen really had deep schemes!!


"Yawn, yawn." Hiruzen Sarutobi yawned and rubbed his nose, muttering, "Looks like I've been too busy lately and not getting enough rest!" He couldn't afford to relax. His teacher had entrusted him with such an important task in this crisis. Having accepted this mission, how could he rest so easily?

He felt ashamed before his teacher, Lord Hashirama, and Konoha!!

"Knock knock—"

Hearing the knocking, Hiruzen called out, "Come in." Seeing it was his good friend Danzo, he looked at him sternly. "What is it?"

Danzo, not yet equipped with multiple Sharingan implants, wore a black outfit. The scarred, menacing-looking man said flatly to Hiruzen, "Kirigakure has begun their invasion."

"Ah—" Hearing Danzo's words, Hiruzen sighed. "Are you sure we don't need to provide support? You know this friendship was established by Lord Hashirama!"

"Hiruzen, for Konoha to achieve peace, the Land of Whirlpools must be sacrificed," Danzo said seriously. "Only then will the Uzumaki Clan join Konoha, making us even stronger."

"But Lady Mito..." Hiruzen said reluctantly.

"Lady Mito will understand us, because we're acting according to Lord Hashirama's philosophy," Danzo told Hiruzen. "As long as it brings peace to Konoha, that's enough."

"If that's the case, we shouldn't tell Lady Mito about this," Hiruzen sighed. "We don't want to worry her."

"I told you not to let the Uzumaki Clan meet Lady Mito, but you wouldn't listen," Danzo said helplessly. "Lady Mito already knows what we're preparing."

"But those are Lady Mito's clansmen," Hiruzen said. "If we didn't let them meet her, Lady Mito would probably..."

Never see them again.

"Lady Mito is already very old now," Danzo said, narrowing his eyes. "We need to make preparations."

"What exactly are you trying to do?" Hiruzen glared at Danzo. "You can't mistreat Lady Mito."

"She has sacrificed too much for Konoha. Konoha owes her."

"The Nine-Tails," Danzo said flatly. Just uttering that name was enough; his friend understood. Now that Mito was elderly, it was time to find the Nine-Tails a new home. That dilapidated old house should be discarded.

Hearing Danzo's words, Hiruzen's pupils constricted. Finally, he sighed, taking a puff from the pipe in his right hand. Reluctantly, he said, "I'll take care of this matter."

"Don't take any action yourself. I'll consult with Lady Mito."

"Hiruzen!!" Danzo glared at him reproachfully, but seeing his unyielding gaze, he could only sigh. "Have it your way."

"But I want to tell you, you are the light of Konoha, while I am the darkness. For Konoha's safety, there are some things I cannot avoid doing."

"You...!!!" Hearing Danzo's veiled implication, Hiruzen roared angrily, "What are you trying to do?"

"Everything I do is for Konoha!!"


"Damn it, even the ocean can't put these flames out?" The Kiri commander stared in horror at the sea of fire, eyes filled with fear.

"It's ruined, everything is ruined."

He probably wouldn't survive this. Someone would have to take the blame for this incident. As one of the Mizukage's trusted subordinates of relatively high but not supreme rank, he would be the perfect scapegoat. But what could he do now?

How could he send word of this back to the village, or rather...

How were the Mizukage and the others faring? The Kiri ninja had been tricked. Someone was trying to take them down.

"No, there's still one ship left, one ship!"

(end of chapter)