
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

PageTurnerPJ · Anime und Comics
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74 Chs

Chapter 68: The Youth

The early morning sun cast long shadows across Konoha as Ryu set out on his daily run. Three months had passed since his last check-up with Dr. Yuki, and the changes in his body were becoming increasingly evident. His once-lanky frame had filled out with lean muscle, and his stamina had improved dramatically.

The cool morning air filled his lungs as he took deep, measured breaths. The rhythmic sound of his footfalls echoed through the quiet streets, a testament to his unwavering dedication.

As Ryu's feet pounded the well-worn path around the village, his mind wandered to the progress he'd made. The training regimen that had once left him gasping for breath now felt almost effortless. He could complete the full set of solo levelling challenges—10 km run, 100 pushups, 100 pullups, and 100 situps—without collapsing. While this might not be exceptional in the ninja world, it was a far cry from where he had started.

"It's amazing how much can change in such a short time," Ryu mused, a small smile playing on his lips. "A few months ago, I couldn't even finish a 5Km without wheezing. Now, 10Km feels like a warm-up."

He flexed his fingers as he ran, feeling the strength in them. His hands, once soft and uncallused, now bore the marks of countless hours of training. Each callus was a badge of honour, a testament to his hard work.

Lost in thought, Ryu almost missed the flash of green in his peripheral vision. He turned his head just in time to see a man in a green jumpsuit with thick eyebrows running past him, followed closely by a silver-haired ninja with a mask covering half his face. Wait—was that...

"No way," Ryu muttered, eyes widening. Might Guy and Kakashi Hatake?!

The two Jonin Ninjas were moving at a pace that made Ryu's run seem leisurely in comparison. Their feet barely seemed to touch the ground as they sprinted past, leaving small whirlwinds of dust in their wake.

"Kakashi, my eternal rival!" Guy's booming voice carried easily, "Do you see that young one? His youth burns as brightly as the morning sun! We must push ourselves harder to keep up with the next generation!"

Kakashi's reply was softer, but still audible to Ryu's keen ears. "Always the enthusiast, aren't you? But you're right, that's Ryu Hamua. He's preparing for the academy entrance exam."

Kakashi then continued, "He's considered quite the prodigy. The Hokage has high hopes for him, even suggesting he might surpass Lady Tsunade in medical ninjutsu someday."

Guy's enthusiastic response echoed off the buildings around them. "Is that so? How magnificent! The Will of Fire burns brightly in that one! We must nurture such talent, Kakashi!"

Kakashi nodded, his visible eye crinkling in what might have been a smile. "What's impressive is his recovery and progress in terms of physique. He looked like a skeleton a few months ago, but now he has improved so much in terms of physeque and looks also. I almost didn't recognise him."

"Ah, the power of youth and determination!" Guy exclaimed, his voice filled with enthusiasm. "It reminds me of our own journey, Kakashi! Do you remember when we were that age, racing through the village, pushing ourselves to new heights? The challenges, the rivalries, the growth?"

Kakashi sighed, though there was a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "How could I forget? You challenged me to a race every other day. You were... exhausting."

"Exhausting? I was glorious!" Guy corrected, giving a thumbs-up that seemed to sparkle in the morning light. "We should organise a village-wide youth training programme! Imagine the potential we could unlock!"

Kakashi shook his head, though there was fondness in his tone. "Let's not get carried away. About Ryu, though—keep it quiet. The Hokage has high hopes for him, but not everyone knows yet. I told you because I trust you to keep an eye on him if things get rough."

Guy's expression turned serious for a moment. "You can count on me, Kakashi. I'll watch over him as if he were my own student!"

Returning to his apartment, Ryu caught sight of himself in the mirror. His hair, now a striking mix of red and white, hung damply around his face. He ran a hand through it, marvelling at the changes.

"Is this really me?" Ryu murmured, studying his reflection intently. His cheeks, once hollow, now had a healthy fullness to them. His eyes, always sharp and observant, now held a new intensity, a fire that spoke of his growing determination. "It's like looking at a stranger."

He leaned closer to the mirror, examining the subtle changes in his face. "Any longer, and it will be hard to cover with just a cap. I really do look like an anime character now," he chuckled to himself. "Maybe that's not such a bad thing. If I'm going to be a legendary ninja someday, I might as well look the part. Who knows? Like with "Red hair Shanks," perhaps my unusual appearance will become a part of my legend."

After a quick shower, Ryu settled into his daily chakra control exercises, the ones his adoptive grandfather had taught him. He sat cross-legged on the floor, focussing his energy on sticking a leaf to his forehead. It was a basic exercise, one that academy students often practiced, but Ryu had found it to be invaluable in improving his control.

"Breathe, focus, channel," he murmured to himself, his voice barely above a whisper. "Superfine chakra control is the foundation of medical ninjutsu. I need to master this if I want to be an exceptional medic one day."

He closed his eyes, concentrating on the flow of chakra within his body. He visualised it as a river, flowing steadily through his chakra network. Gradually, he directed a small stream towards his forehead, feeling the leaf stick firmly in place.

As he meditated, the world around him seemed to fade away. The sounds of the village outside his window became distant, replaced by the subtle hum of chakra flowing through his body. Time seemed to lose meaning as Ryu delved deeper into his meditation, exploring the intricate pathways of his chakra network.

Hour passed, and as the leaf finally fell from his forehead, Ryu opened his eyes, feeling both exhausted and exhilarated. The sun had moved across the sky, casting different shadows across his room.

"That was... intense," Ryu breathed, slowly stretching his stiff muscles. "But I can feel the progress. My control is getting sharper, more precise."

As he stood up, Ryu's mind wandered to the new exercises he had been considering. He had thought about sticking leaves to the soles of his feet, a more challenging variation that would require even greater concentration. But for now, he decided to stick with the basics, mastering the forehead exercise before moving on.

What truly fascinated him, however, was the concept of chakra enforcement. Ryu had been careful not to use chakra enforcement during his physical training, understanding that it could potentially hinder his natural physical development. Instead, he saved it for after his other exercises, using it to push his chakra reserves to their limits.

"Time to test my theory," Ryu said, a determined glint in his eye. "If muscles grow stronger when pushed to exhaustion, then perhaps chakra reserves work the same way. It's risky, but the potential benefits..."

It was a theory he had come up with earlier but hadn't fully tested. And as the weeks had passed, Ryu could feel his chakra reserves expanding, slowly but surely.

"It's like discovering a new dimension of myself," Ryu whispered, concentrating on the flow of chakra within his body. "A power that's always been there, waiting to be unlocked. And with each day, it grows stronger. I wonder how far I can push it? How much potential is still untapped?"

As the day wore on, Ryu stood up, ready to put his theory to the test. He began with light stretching, focussing on flexibility while simultaneously enforcing his body with chakra. The sensation was strange at first, like a warm current flowing just beneath his skin.

Gradually, Ryu moved on to more difficult yoga positions, maintaining the chakra enforcement as he twisted his body into challenging poses. He could feel the strain on both his muscles and his chakra reserves—a dual exhaustion that left him feeling both drained and invigorated.

Finally, as the sun began to set outside his window, painting the sky in vibrant oranges and purples, Ryu released his pose and let the chakra enforcement fade. He collapsed onto his back, breathing heavily, a mix of exhaustion and determination etched on his face.

As Ryu lay there, letting his body and chakra recover, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation mixed with a touch of anxiety.

"I hope this exhaustion helps my chakra grow," he said.

# Author's Note##

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##PoWeR StOnEs##

How are you guys doing, I wish to end the current arc fast and skip to academy arc. You can help me do that. If in next 24 hours there are for every new 200 collections, I will upload a chapter. Max upto 3 chapters.

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