
Naruto: The Medical Shinobi

After being reincarnated into the fictional ninja world known as "The Naruto-verse," a scientist sets out on a mission to become a medical ninja and inventor. Since English is not my first language and I am a novice writer, I sincerely apologise for any errors. No NSFW content will be there. I will give you a heads-up and apologise in advance that the first five chapters are a little tedious and move slowly, but they are crucial to the plot because they set the stage for him to inherit his abilities. You can access the 20 exclusive chapters at patreon. com/PageTurnerPJ (no spacing) If you enjoyed the story, kindly donate the power stones. You can also tip me on Ko-fi. com/pageturnerpj (no spacing) There will be three chapters released every week in addition to a few bonus chapters on hitting goals.

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Chapter 51: The Cosmic Intermission

A gasp escaped Ryu's lips, a harsh rasp that echoed in the sterile whiteness surrounding him. He blinked, disoriented, his vision going hazy for a moment before sharpening into an amazing view.

He found himself floating amidst swirling nebulae, the vastness of space stretching out in every direction. This vastness was filled with many small bubbles of different colours—vibrant purples, deep blues, and fiery oranges. He somewhat recognised this place. It was similar to the celestial void, the same place his adventure had started after he died in his last life. Then suddenly a massive figure formed out of the nothingness, its form glowing with an otherworldly light.

"Welcome back, little fighter," boomed a voice that resonated through the very fabric of existence. The voice seemed to emanate from everywhere at once, enveloping Ryu in its cosmic embrace. Ryu recognised this voice well and remembed his first meeting with his otherwordly being. 

He asked, his voice barely above a whisper, "Mr. Beginning, did I... did I kick the bucket?"

Mr. Beginning chuckled, a sound like the tinkling of distant stars that somehow soothed the churning in Ryu's stomach. "Kicked the bucket? Not quite, young Ryu. Or should I say, Mr. William? However, I think Ryu fits you better."

Panic flickered in Ryu's chest, a cold knot of fear twisting in his gut. His mind raced with images, akin to a chaotic slide show: the hospital room, the tumultuous rush of medical personnel surrounding his bed, the searing pain that had taken over his entire being, and then... nothing.

Then he realised it was just a memory of the pain he felt, and he was not in the hospital. He looked at his hands and found that they were not as tiny as a kid should have. These were hands he recognised; they were old Ken's hand. His voice, weak but laced with a spark of defiance, croaked out, "How?"

Mr Beginning chuckled again as he explained, "For the moment, your soul is in the same place you began your journey in your new world, the same crossroads you visited earlier. And here you are in the version of Old Ken William that you know much better."

"But your body is in the same place you earlier were, in the hospital being treated as per your instructions," he said before Ryu could ask any more questions.

Relief washed over Ryu in waves so powerful they threatened to knock him off his feet, if he had any in this ethereal realm. 

 "So, I'm alright? Where's... where's Mr. End?" he stammered, a tremor of apprehension still lacing his voice. He'd heard whispers of this Mr. End, a terrifying entity that awaited those who crossed the threshold.

"Ah, my brother," Mr. Beginning chuckled again. "Let's just say you can't afford another encounter with him so soon. I wouldn't recommend it. Unless, of course, you're looking forward to a second reincarnation. They tend to be much less forgiving."

Ryu's brow furrowed, his mind grappling with the implications. "Second Reincarnation?" He mulled over the words, their weight settling upon him like a cosmic blanket. He then realised what Mr. Beginning meant. Meeting Mr. End now is akin to meeting your end, and he wouldn't want that.

"Although he may not be around to greet you personally this time," Mr. Beginning continued, his voice booming with amusement, "he sends his regards. He'll be waiting for you next time you... well, you get the picture." A low rumble reverberated through the celestial space, and Ryu gulped, a tremor running down his spine. Mr. End. Just the name sent shivers down his spine.

Gathering his courage, Ryu decided to lighten the mood. "Did you two laugh too much at my arrival in this new life?" Ryu blurted out the accusation, laced with a hint of humour. "You chose the perfect moment for it—when I was getting punched!"

A wave of amusement rippled through Mr. Beginning's form, causing the surrounding stardust to dance and swirl in mesmerising patterns. "Hahaha! Sorry about that, Ryu. That was entirely unintentional. The… Well, let's just say the timing of your reincarnation wasn't ideal but was undeniably comedic. But believe me, we wouldn't have sent you into a situation we didn't think you could handle."

"Easy for you to say," Ryu grumbled playfully. "Getting beat up on arrival isn't exactly a warm welcome. It's more like a cosmic practical joke."

"True!" Mr. Beginning boomed. "But consider it a baptism by fire. A test to see if your fighting spirit from your past life has carried over. And from what I gather, it did quite well. You faced adversity head-on, just as we expected."

"More like a sucker punch," Ryu countered, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "But alright, alright. I get it. It's all in the past. So, what now?"

"I must say, you surprised me, Ryu," Mr. Beginning boomed, his voice regaining its usual cheer. "You tapped into your potential far beyond anything we expected. Your resourcefulness and quick thinking in the face of danger were truly remarkable."

A memory flickered in Ryu's mind—the translucent screen displaying his vitals, the desperate instructions he'd rasped out to Isao. The fear, the adrenaline, the sheer determination to survive—it all came rushing back.

"I don't know," Ryu croaked, his voice still weak. "Did I?

"Oh, you did," Mr. Beginning boomed. "You harnessed the knowledge you inherited from your past life and the abilities awakening in your current one to a remarkable degree. It was a magnificent display of willpower. You pushed the boundaries of what we thought possible, combining your past knowledge with your newfound abilities in ways we hadn't anticipated."

"What's happening to me right now?" Ryu interrupted, his curiosity battling the awe he felt in the presence of this celestial being. "Am I in a coma? Or is this some sort of cosmic waiting room?"

"Ah, you, my young fighter," Mr. Beginning said, his voice tinged with amusement. "Your physical form is currently nestled comfortably in your hospital bed, with your foster mother by your side. A fierce one, that woman, when it comes to her children. She hasn't left your side since you were admitted, you know. Her love and determination are forces to be reckoned with. But don't you worry; thanks to her and the unorthodox medicine and treatment you prescribed, your vitals are stabilising rapidly. You'll be back on your feet in no time, ready to face the world again."

"How do you like your new life, Ryu?" Mr. Beginning boomed, its voice echoing through the vast emptiness.

Ryu hesitated for a moment, the weight of his recent experience settling on him like a cosmic mantle. His gaze wandered across the swirling galaxies surrounding them, each one a testament to the vastness of existence. "I..." he began, then stopped. "I don't know if I've had a chance to truly live it yet," he admitted, a hint of frustration creeping into his voice. "I've only just begun to know the people around me, and all my energy has been focused on staying alive. It's been a whirlwind of survival and adaptation, with barely a moment to breathe."

Mr. Beginning let out a hearty laugh, a sound that echoed like distant supernovas. "Hahaha! I think I owe you an apology for that, young one. But in my defence, there simply wasn't a more suitable body for your reincarnation. The process of finding the perfect vessel is more complex than you might imagine. Our priority is to find the perfect vessel, one that already possesses the potential to manifest the abilities you require. This was the best we could do. With this body, we didn't have to make too many adjustments. We knew what you were capable of. We knew you would take care of yourself and, as you've proven, heal yourself in the nick of time. You could also say it was a test."

"A test?" Ryu scoffed, a spark of defiance flickering in his eyes. "Did you make bets? Were Mr. End and you placing cosmic wagers on my life?"

Mr. Beginning boomed with laughter once more, the sound reverberating through the cosmic expanse and causing nearby nebulae to pulse with light. "Bets? Hahaha! We tried, but since we both believed in you and wanted to bet on you, the bets were called off. No, young Ryu, there were no bets."

A sly grin stretched across Ryu's face, his initial fear and confusion giving way to a more playful demeanour. He wasn't about to be tossed back into a life-or-death situation empty-handed. His mind raced with possibilities, considering what sort of cosmic boon he might be able to wrangle from this situation.

"So," he said, his voice still raspy but with a hint of confidence. "I mean, you say it was a test, and since I passed, should not there be some kind of reward? A reward for exceeding expectations? It is not every day that a human leaves an impression on celestial beings, after all."

## Author's Note##

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