
Naruto: The Life Of A Shinobi

Ren is reincarnated in the world of Naruto before the first shinobi war. He is reborn with the Kekkei Genkai of gravity, follow him while he tries to become the strongest Shinobi of the world!!

EnDGamE · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 2: I became a Genin!

(A / N: Hi this is the author, I'm just going to tell you some information about this story. First of all, I wanted to ask you if you like this story. Then, I want to tell you that there will be two more time jumps in this story in these few chapters. The time skips will be mostly in the first chapters. After these few chapters there will be almost no more time skips. That's what I wanted to tell you !👋)

<Time Skipping>

I am now seven, I have been in this world full of danger for seven years, today is the day I will become a Genin. The Genins are all together at the moment which means there is no team yet. I found out that the first Shinobi war hasn't happened yet, which means it will happen soon. Since I know this I've been training a lot, trying to raise my level to the maximum.

Let's imagine that I am too weak during this war, how do you want me to survive? That's why I have an extreme determination, I don't want to die, I even decided that later I will look for a way to become immortal. This is my goal, but to become immortal I must first be powerful. Without power we are nothing in this world!

Power does everything, training is the basis of everything, to be able to master a technique it's very simple, you have to keep repeating the technique thousands of times without giving up. This is what my parents taught me in my old life, you must not stop even if it starts to get hard, you must never give up. If it doesn't work once, it will work the next time, if it still doesn't work keep going until you get it right. That's the real power, it's having enough determination to become the best. Look at Lee for example, he persevered and now he is one of the strongest Shinobi in Naruto. He is the perfect example of a Shinobi with an iron determination.

I am mastering more and more my Kekkei Genkai, which allows me to release from the gravity of my body with chakra. It is really a super good Kekkei Genkai, even if it is not at the level of the best in the world, it is still very strong. During these two years, our teacher trained us a lot, now I master several C rank ninjutsu. I still don't master any ninjutsu of rank B or other.

I mastered ninjutsu quickly thanks to my determination and I understood that being determined could even replace talent! I kept practicing jutsu for days and days without ever stopping, finally I managed to master jutsu perfectly. I mastered exactly 7 C-rank jutsu, that's 4 wind jutsu, 2 taijutsu and one genjutsu. The Genjutsu I make are much more powerful than the others because I master Yang thanks to my Kekkei Genkai.

The Jutsu I master are powerful but can only help me to fight Chunin or some Jounin but at some point I won't be able to fight Jounin with only grade C jutsu! That's why I decided to master grade B jutsu as soon as possible. The sooner I master grade B jutsu, the sooner I will be safe!