
Naruto: The Honoured One

A Naruto with six eyes Who can travel the multiverse

SDOxGENESIS · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

The Bell Test

The next morning when I woke up I was still feeling a little exhausted but I decided to endure and do my morning exercises and the morning lap around the village.

While running I decided to check my status.



Name: Naruto Uzumaki 

Age: 12 years 

Affiliation: Konoha

Title: Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails, Demon Fox.

Str: low Kage 

Agi: Mid Kage 

Int: High Kage

Dex: Super Kage

Vit: Super Kage

Chakra: two tailed beast level

Kekkei Genkai: Six Eyes, Adamantine Sealing Chains, Healing Bite]

After seeing my dexterity that had a sudden increase I asked the reason for it from the system and system replied saying.

[While you were absorbing the excess chakra your muscles and tissues were tearing apart because of the strain but it was also healing at the same time that's why there was a level increase in dexterity]

Hearing the answer I was thinking 'How the f*ck did I not thought about that possibility am I also becoming stupid like the canon Naruto, aaah it must be the effect of only absorbing Yang chakra I again have to balance like before or I might really become stupid'.

After returning to my apartment I did a very hearty breakfast and after seeing the clock I decided to go to the the training since it was already 8 in the morning. I knew that kakashi would still be 1 hour late but I decided to arrive before him and relax a little.


When I arrived at the training ground, I saw that sakura was fuming with anger and saying some incomprehensible words.

I arrived near them and said, "Yo is sensei still not here?" 

Sakura yelled "Forget about sensei why the hell were you late?"

I was about to make up an excuse, but that's when I sensed a familiar chakra appear behind me. I turned around and saw that Kakashi has appeared with his infamous eye smile on his face.

After Kakashi appeared sakura started to rant about the value of time and irresponsible he is.

Kakashi just made an excuse saying "When I was coming a black cat crossed my path and I had to change my route, after that I saw an old lady carrying a heavy bag so I offered to help her and that is why I was late".

Sakura and Sasuke gave him a deadpanned look and while thinking something. After all the being late stuff he told us about how our test will be conducting.

Kakashi said, "Yesterday I gave an advice so did follow it?".

Sakura and Sasuke said "Yes sensei as you've said we haven't had any breakfast or anything". Then Kakashi looked at and asked "And what about you Naruto?".

I replied "Well I had a sumptuous meal". Kakashi then said "Why even though I said not to". Sakura also chimed in said "Yes Naruto why did you do that", while also thinking with regret 'Why didn't I also had my breakfast now I am famished'. Sasuke also with "hn".

I gave them a you-know-how-stupid-you-sound look and said "You don't think that I can complete a task with an empty stomach do you, and sensei just gave an advice he did not order it".

Sakura and Sasuke had their mouth agape and then Kakashi said "Yep it was just an advice it wasn't and order". Then he looked at both Sakura and Sasuke and said "A ninja should look underneath the underneath, you should have your own judgements and shouldn't blindly follow orders".

After reprimanding them Kakashi removed two bells from his pocket and a alarm clock and said "Here are two bells if you get one within three hours you pass". 

Sakura looked at the bells confusedly and said "But sensei there are only two bells and we are three, what about the third one?"

Kakashi then said "That's right Sakura there are only two bells, there is no third one, In this test only two people will pass and last one have to back to the academy".

Both Sakura and Sasuke went silent when they heard Kakashi's words, then Kakashi also added "Also the one who fails won't get to eat any lunch that will be a punishment".

Then Kakashi said "Right now it is 9 am you have a total of 3 hours till 12 pm, get the bell within the timeframe and you pass, and your time starts ...now"

Just when Kakashi gave we all hid within the forest. I also hid since I don't have the fighting experience to fight with an elite jonin or an anbu captain after all even though he is rusty he was still a genius of his era. I also won't limit myself since he is a opponent whom I can test my power to. But I won't go all out.

kakashi as same in the anime removed his book from his pocket and started reading it feigning ignorance to the current situation.

Kakashi started reading his favourite book for a 127th times and he was also paying attention to the newbies '....hmm I can see sakura and Sasuke hiding but I can't even see the shadow of Naruto'.

While Kakashi was wondering where Naruto hid, Naruto suddenly threw a Kunai from behind, it was about to hit Kakashi dodged and catched the kunai in his right hand. while this was happening Naruto approached Kakashi and engaged in a Taijutsu battle with him, Naruto decided to go with aggressive and domineering attacks because he knew that he only have the advantage of speed and strength.

Every punch and kick that Naruto was throwing, Kakashi was able deflect it but he wasn't feigning ignorance or provoking Naruto by showing a bored expression, he was seriously paying attention to naruto's movement and after analysing Naruto and seeing that he was using aggressive moves Kakashi also decided to not hold back and he swiftly placed the book back in his pocket.

After fighting for sometime naruto decided to use a C-Rank ninjutsu that he learned after seeing a Jonin practice sometime ago. After all the years he spent he spent in the academy he also 'learned' different types of jutsus from the people who were training.

He made some distance between himself and Kakashi and formed some hands seals and said "Wind release: Great Breakthrough", A torrent of violent wind was released and Kakashi was stunned seeing an academy pass out perform a C-rank ninjutsu.

But through years of experience he quickly composed himself and dodged the attack by using a substitution jutsu , A tree log appeared in the place Kakashi was standing.

Kakashi appeared behind with a kunai in his hand and said "It's over Naruto". Hearing Kakashi Naruto smiled and said "Are you really sure about that Kakashi sensei". Then Naruto vanished with a puff of smoke.Kakashi seeing the smoke thought 'Hmm... a shadow clone, he must have substituted with it when I substituted myself, quite the battle IQ he has, it isn't expected from a dead last. I think I would have to have a alone talk with him sometime'.

While all the events were taking place the other two Sasuke and Sakura were watching the whole time. Sasuke was having a dilemma thinking 'Why does that dobe got to have that much power, I am an elite, I should have that kind of power to complete my goal'.

[A/N: Then work for it and stop bitching about it]


After naruto disappeared where Kakashi was holding him he quickly reappeared beside Sasuke and said "Sasuke I know that you don't think highly of me or whatever and think I am a deadweight, but listen here this test is all about teamwork, Sensei wanted to sow the seeds of discord by saying that only 2 people will the test because there is always a four man team there has never been a three person team. If we don't want to go back to the academy then we have to work together and snatch the bell from him, Go tell this to sakura".

Sasuke looked and said "Why don't you go say this to sakura why specifically should I go and tell her?". I gave him a deadpanned look and said "do you really think that she will believe me if it isn't anything came out of your mouth". "I guess not", after saying he swiftly moved his hiding place told the details and then we made a plan.

With swift movement Naruto started running towards Kakashi, he was also ready for a taijutsu battle again but before Naruto arrive near him a few shurikens were thrown towards him so he took a step back and just when he thought he dodged them a few shurikens were thrown from behind. He removed a kunai from his pouch and deflected the shurikens but because of this he wasn't able to pay attention to Naruto.

Naruto closed in while also making 100 shadow clones to distract Kakashi and do not let him substitute himself and while Kakashi was busy handling the clones, the real Naruto suppressed his presence approached kakashi from behind and swiftly snatched the bells from his pocket. After snatching the bells the clones dispersed and Naruto showed Kakashi that the bells are in his hands. Sasuke and Sakura also came from and stood beside naruto.

Kakashi then asked "so now that you've both the bells who would you like to pass naruto?". Hearing Kakashi say that Sakura was still a little nervous thinking that she have to go back she didn't want separate from sasuke.

Naruto gave both the bells to Sasuke and Sakura and then looked at Kakashi. Kakashi had a small smile behind his mask but he asked "Then what about you Naruto?". Naruto with an evil smile removed a book from pocket and said "Sensei if you don't pass all of us then say bye bye to your precious collection". Hearing Naruto and seeing the cover of the book Kakashi quickly checked his pocket but he was disappointed to not find the thing he was searching for.

And with anime tears he passed them all while securing the book as safe as he could.