
Naruto : The Great Ninja

Liam_Janine · Bücher und Literatur
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2 Chs

Chapter no.1

Once, in the same world as our own, an older person posed the question, "Where does this life come from?" to a younger person. The young man then responded by saying, "From the womb of my mother." He appears to be no more than 17 years old but is actually just a young man. He was worn down by the hectic pace of modern life all around him.

When the sensation of boredom can no longer be covered up, someone will undoubtedly engage in some activity in order to discover pleasure. Young Fuga Yadu is an immigrant, and he is sick and tired of being by himself all the time. Nothing could amuse him except the prospect of obliterating the planet he was currently residing on. This will prevent her from becoming bored. Both the contemporary world and his life are turning out to be increasingly uninteresting. He finds nothing even remotely interesting. The cost of explosion is zero. He has no good fortune.

Fuga is able to use his powers to travel into an infinite and empty space. He possesses the same abilities as a god, which gives him the ability to travel through time and space. It would not be difficult for him to destroy the moon if he so desired. It is not a difficult task to wipe out an entire civilization. Only Fuga Yadu put up a fight and refused to do it. He would rather make a mess of everything that he wants. In the room, he exhibited peculiar behaviour. "Oh, I'm so worn out from living this life." The short, silver-colored hair that Fuga possesses is a feature that is typical of half-siluman individuals. "In this uninteresting world, it would serve no purpose for you to have great power." After waiting for such a long time, he ultimately made the decision to skip ahead in time, and this was the initial occasion. The overwhelming sense of boredom he once felt has since passed. "No one is interested in learning my name." It's always my fault, they say. My dad gave me the name "Fuga Yadu" as if it were a random name with no significance. "Everything in the world is so uninteresting." He intended to locate a world that would allow him to observe it for as long as he desired.

Fuga Yadu is a host. A profound stillness permeates his being, endowing him with superhuman strength while also preserving his youthful appearance. In point of fact, Fuga has been around for well over half a century, but no one is aware of its existence. Fuga's true desire was for his people to welcome him into a home of their own, but it appeared as though this wish would remain nothing more than a dream as long as he remained in his world. Because of the atmosphere around him, he is constantly subjected to pressure, which causes his natural disposition to deteriorate into something foul, ugly, and callous. The environment, which constantly makes fun of him, bullies him, and discriminates against him, and in which nobody ever provides him with justice. He wanted to kill each and every one of those people, but it must be excruciating for him to want to kill his own heart. In addition to this, he suffers from a very serious deficiency. He is not immune to the effects of bullets. Everyone is aware of his vulnerability, so on multiple occasions he has been shot, and on some of those occasions he was very close to passing away. His host will not be in a life-threatening condition as a result of the illumination that resides within him. Fuga always manages to get back on its feet on its own.

Fuga declared, "I'd rather take out my three toys" and pulled out the three gates that he possesses, which are the Gates of the Future, the Gate of the Past, and the Gate of the Present. "I'd rather take out my three toys," he said. He extracted all three of his hands at once using only one of his fingers. After some time, he came to the conclusion that, "Hey... stupidly, I've opened the gates of the present and the future; I just want to live in a world that isn't boring.""

Fuga Yadu possesses frightening power. He is a messenger, but on the other hand, he is out for his own vengeance. As a result of the curse that prevented him from being able to kill, he eventually gave away a small portion of his power to anyone who piqued his interest in the idea of people killing each other. Carry on until he loses interest and gives up.

Fuga Yadu has decided. He opened the door to the past that was in front of him with a vile grin, like the one a fox would make when it's about to pull a fast one. There is a world that appeals to him, a civilization from the past, and it is well suited to his wish to be perplexed by it. He believed it would be an enjoyable experience. After that, he opened the gates to the past, and a brilliant white light engulfed his body as it entered the past. He travels to the realm of the Shinobi, which takes him to a unique location in the State of Fire known as the village of Konoha. He will make a mess of things there, behave however he pleases, and have the ambition to alter the lives of the people who live there and write a different ending to their story.

The events of Ulah Fuga will have no bearing on either the present or the future. The emergence of a parallel world is what is going to take place. Her horrifying grin is going to give birth to the entire world.

Tragically, Fuga was involved in a collision that ultimately proved fatal. He was able to successfully navigate his way to the Shinobi world he desired. only with the body of a young boy of five years old, and fifty percent of his powers vanished. He arrived in the middle of the night, wide awake, in front of the Konoha Gate. He was taken to the nearest ninja hospital for treatment after being discovered by a couple of mummies and brought there.

The arrival of Fuga will have a significant impact on those who are in his immediate vicinity. The degree of disorder that it spreads determines whether the effect is positive or negative.