
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 63 : Know your place

"Soryu Style : Destructive Death : Compass Needle" I cried out the name of my next move for the first time after so many years and slowly the tip of my fingers started to emmit a dark blue wisp and the same for my leg toes.

Unlike Akaza's extraordinary visual effects of this style, mine was just this simple because of whatever reason but let's just say it's because mine is not a blood demon art but a skill.

Compass Needle, I am still unsure how it works completely but right now, the world in my eyes is gray and the only thing that was different was the image of Tsunade who was bathed by a yellow and green like aura that was fluctuating in random directions.

From the little info I analysed and have on this Technique, then it allows me to sense a person's Fighting Spirit or a person's will to fight, which I can use to achieve numerous effects while in combat, so that yellow and green aura is probably her fighting spirit.

As for the effects while using this, Firstly, I am able to determine the strength of anyone at a glance which is useless cause I can already gauge out anyone's strength levels easily but who knows maybe it will come in handy if I encountered someone who could conceal their Aura just like how Katsuyu told me she can do it, so maybe some people out there also can do it too.

Secondly, I am able to detect the presence of my opponents in my immediate surroundings even in my blind spots which is kinda strange to 'see' as if I have eyes on my back but if I say so myself, it is still not that useful as my senses already have that kind of function and my nose can smell danger a kilometre away but if her fighting spirit now could mean anything then she will appear behind me, so that probably means that I can use this to predict where and how my opponents will strike me next which I have to say, this is awfully how Observation Haki is described and I feel quite delighted.

Right now, I can see some few strange light red dots around her body that moved and the dots changed places with every intention and movement she does which I can say that those dots are probably her weak points and openings ready to take advantage of which my fists are strangely getting towards it on their own which indicates that my instincts have amplified and my body are on a semi-auto pilot or battle mode.

'Grr...aghh But above all else, I can feel it ! No one else is able to use this technique without having regeneration !' I thought with a wide grin and ignored the small droplet of blood running down my nose and the extreme pain in my brain and lungs.

My way of breathing instinctively changed and it's like I am inhaling small wind needles that's piercing my lungs and forcefully activating more cells of my brain than it should be which is painful but not totally unbearable as my pain tolerance is top notch, so pain of this level even though slightly distracting, it is nothing.

'But my stamina is being consumed real fast because of the constant regeneration of my lungs and brain and I don't want to depend that much on Katsuyu for sending Nature Energy to my body and recharge my lost stamina' I thought as I looked at the fluctuations of Tsunade's fighting spirit change which made me ready to make my next move before her.

With my grin still plaster on my face I pulled my right hand backwards and clenched it tight "Bwahahaha, take this fuckerrr !" I shouted at her who was far from me which made her more vigilant and put on her guard expecting something like Rankyaku to be sent towards her.

"Soryu Style : Destructive Death : Air Cannon"

I punched forward with my fist leaving a trail of dark blue until my arm fully stretched and I felt I hit some kind of barrier which is the compressed air reacting to my shockwave like punch and finally, I stood in this position with an arrogant smirk and...waited.

She looked at me in confusion and relax a little as nothing seemed to happen "Nothing happ-RGHHHH !" Tsunade muttered but immediately shouted in pain as a solid ball of air hit her left shoulder which was still healing even after using the Mystic palm technique and was sent some meters backwards due to the force which made her unbalanced and disoriented.

Seeing this, I did nothing but feel absolutely like a genius as I stretched my lips and grinned as much as I could and clenched my fists in excitement.

"You really never stop to amaze me Garou-sama, you really are amazing !" Katsuyu complemented on my head which made me raise my chest in pride more.

"Stop you will make me blush, you can keep going !" I said shyly and Katsuyu had some awkward sweat come down her forhead but she just shook her head in amusement.

"Well anyways, I figured you don't want her to know about your true nature, so I suggest you shouldn't let her go like this and continue sending those air projectiles until she is down before she starts to fight back because this time she will probably not hold back against you !" Katsuyu said with a small peculiar smile as she rested on my head in her human form and looking at the disoriented Tsunade with interest filled in her eyes.

"I know, my stamina is draining rapidly, so you don't need to tell me" I replied as I focused back on my stance and got ready to send more of those invincible air cannons.

*Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh*

I punched the air 4 times so fast that it seemed as if my arms didn't move from their place but you couldn't be more wrong as 4 invincible air cannons head towards Tsunade who slowly came back to her senses and quickly jumped and ran towards another side as he saw what I did and the air cannons hit some trees behind her and it immediately destroyed the trees trunks.


My senses alarmed me and quickly crouch to dodge a kunai attack aiming for my shoulder behind me with difficulty and then react by grabbing the hand holding the kunai after that with some strength put into my grip, I break the hand and the person behind puffed out of existence.

I didn't get distracted as I felt the fluctuations of Tsunade's fighting spirit change continuously "The front ?" I muttered as I predicted her next movement in a matter of milliseconds and delivered a front kick where Tsunade will most likely appear which she did a second later and got herself in front of the kick unintentionally "GAGHHH !" She shouted in pain while coughing some blood out and she got thrown away again far from here because my kick wasn't just any normal kick as I made sure to also send an air cannon with it.

Yep, Another plus of this technique is that I can send invincible air cannons or shockwaves with every part of my body which I will take advantage of to my heart's content.

Her flying body hit a tree that made a dent in it and then stop. I took a look at Tsunade who was sitting while leaning on the tree behind her. She had a shadow hiding her face and a trail of blood visible on her mouth. Amidst the gentle breeze that made the leaves of the trees scatter and the dust to disperse, she wiped the blood from her mouth and stood up slowly.

She suddenly gave me a glare "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU !!" She shouted and her hands blurred [ "Fire style : Fire all jutsu !" ] She shouted again and then out of nowhere, a huge fire ball was heading towards me.

"Ohh fuck, this is new !" I muttered in astonishment while looking at the beautiful fire ball that came out of her mouth and now heading towards me with incredible speeds but still nothing to worry about as big things like this are easy to dodge but why dodge when I can use this situation to recreate more moves ?

So I quickly move my clenched hands beside my core and thought...

'Soryu Style : Destructive Death: Eight-Layered Demon Core'

*Swoosh Swoosh Swoosh*

My arm blurred and I unleash eight powerful punches, each strike creating large and strong invincible ball of shockwaves that travelled fast towards the huge fireball until the two forces collided.


The shockwaves immediately pushed back the fire ball and made it explode before getting closer to me.


My senses again tingled 'Front, back, right and left !' I thought really fast as my new precognition like abilities warned me of the threat and I immediately manipulated every muscle from my right arm and made it move like a wave then hit the ground with as much strength as I could muster.



The ground under my punch teared apart and some ripple like effect generated from my fist which were the vibrations caused by the shockwaves my fist produced which made a web of fractures spreads across the ground for over 40 meters all around me, Dust and debris swirl in the air, caught in the shockwave of my mighty blow.

I smirk as the four shadow clones of Tsunade puffed out of existence because of my punch's impact...


"Heavenly foot of pain !" I heard her shout but even with my amplified senses that saw the attack a mile away, my body simply couldn't react to her in time but I still tried to dodge which made her heel hit my shoulder instead of head.


The already destroyed crater under my feet got shattered more and our surroundings got decimated.

After sometime, now I layed on the ground face forward and grimaced as my shoulder and some of my ribs are broken now by her kick.

'Fuck body flicker' I thought in annoyance.

"Huff huff ! Now you are dow-"

I didn't let her finish what she had to say, so ignoring the pain, I quickly do a hand stand spin on the ground then jump towards her using my hands to close the distance and deliver a spinning double kick aiming for her stomach.

'Soryu style : Leg Type : disorder'

*PAW !* *BAM !* "AGHHHHH !"

Using her palm, she blocked the shockwave mixed kick that surely must have cracked some of her hand bones. She was about to retaliate but I didn't let her and stopped my body from falling to the ground using my right hand and did a handstand spin next to deliver another kick but this time to her head.

*PAW !* * BAM!*

She blocked the kick again with her forearm but she obviously couldn't block the shockwaves and vibrations of my kick which made her disoriented and back away groggily which made me let out a grin. 

I immediately jumped and landed on my feet then dashed forward her to engage in close combat. realising what I am doing, she quickly adjusted herself to deliver a chakra enhanced punch but she was unbalanced and still recovering from my kick, so I just simply dodged and was about to use another Soryu technique but when I looked at her pained expression, I stopped from continuing using the technique, and just used a normal but powerful punch to her stomach which made her cough all the air inside her lungs out.

She tried to retaliate again quickly by striking and deliver some chakra enhanced punches which I easily dodged and countered with my own normal strikes that some hit her and some she dodged with difficulty.

I slowly lost my smile as I looked at her becoming more pathetic by the second.

*Paw Paw !*

I punch her head twice which made her spit out blood "Your internal organs are not in a good condition, so we better stop and heal yourself" I said in a monotonous tone.

Her fighting spirit is diminishing and the fact that I didn't let her heal herself from those internal injuries caused by my shockwaves made her appear more exhausted, and I doubt despite being a jonin her pain tolerance will be high because till now, she never encountered a situation where she had severe injuries or even if she was, her will is still not that strong and didn't go through or honed in the second and third shinobi world wars.

"I.. I hafe to... tak u dawn" She said incoherently and punched again to which I just dodged, and again she punched and continued to punch which I easily dodged all of them and punch her back sometimes which made her fighting spirit get weaker and weaker.

"You underestimated me too much" I said with a shake of my head "Your victories till now made you arrogant and think no one will gonna beat you in a fight which I will admit, if someone less skilled than me fought you, he wouldn't be able to last long even for some seconds" I said.

*paw !* "Aghhh !"

I punch her in the face a again breaking her nose in the process "As you have said to me before, if it was a real enemy in my place, you would already be dead !" I said as I slowly go back to breath normally and stop sending oxygen to my brain forcefully as I no longer need to bother and use the Soryu shiki martial arts, and I feel exhausted too.

*paw !* "Gahhhh !"

I punched her in the stomach which made her spit out saliva mixed with blood "You have power but don't know how to utilize it to its maximum potential, and you fight like a thug which is very disappointing as I expected more from my wife and a princess of the Senju clan !" I said which made her grit her teeth and look at me with bloodshot eyes.

"I..was n..not s..serious fighting y..you !" She said with difficulty with her face now black and blue and blood running all over her face.

*paw !* "Gahhh !"

I punched her face again which made her back away until her back hit a tree "Hooo, so you think I was serious all the while I fought you ?" I asked with a smirk which made her look at me and tremble slightly as weakness was slowly catching up with her because of the injuries.

"I didn't even go all out and use my main martial arts against you otherwise I myself wouldn't even know how you would end up in the process, so you should be thankful" I said with a shrug which made her look at me as if I was laying or something.

I admit that the [ Soryu Shiki ] martial arts is powerful with its arrays of techniques and versatility like sensing the intent and fighting spirit of someone, but it still is not as powerful as [ Whirlwind Water Stream: Roaring Aura Sky Ripping Fist ] and its only advantage is the long range attacks, otherwise, beside the precognition abilities you get from it, it's nothing special and a skilled person can counter most of its moves unlike this noob Tsunade.

I have to add to the fact too that I only recreated this art for a situation where I get myself into a fight with a muscle head like her where I won't need to fight in close combat and just fuck them up from far even though the point of this martial arts is close combat.

*paw !* "Aghhh !"

I punched her again in the face just for the sake of it even though she already is down and unwilling to fight "This fight is over, heal yourself" I said she looked at me with deep resentment without saying anything for a few moments before she slowly puts her hand on her injured parts and uses her Mystical palm jutsu on herself then after waiting for 10 minutes of healing, she was as good as new which made me let out an evil smile.

'Now is the best chance to use another technique I love to use every time I fight Dai !' I thought excitedly as I secretly got ready and I manipulated every muscle in my right arm in weird directions until I created a momentum and send it towards my index and middle finger then rushed towards Tsunade real quick and raised my hand to strike an artery near her heart.

"By the way, how can you still use your broken shoulde- !!" She turned her head up, about to say something but I didn't let her.

'Tai Lung : Leopard Style : Nerve Attack'

As I moved closer to a bewildered Tsunade who didn't expect a sudden attack from me, my index and middle finger crackled with a blue like coloured wisp, I grinned as I jabbed her right boob.

*Poww !* "Blurgghhhhhhh !!"

She coughed and her eyes rolled back then immediately, as if her strings got cut, she fell and hit the ground... paralyzed.

"Know who is the boss of the house bitch huuuh ?!"

The End.


{ sup dudes }