
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 57 : Stream Energy

[4500 word count ]


I looked at Katsuyu in shock who was busy looking at her own hands in bewilderment and surprise. She started to then touch her face to feel her small nose, eyes, hair and pink lips that could make men go crazy at her looks.

"What ?!" She shouted With her eyes suddenly widening, then she started to touch every inch of her body while I was just standing on my place with my mouth agape at this spectacle.

"It worked ?!" I uttered in surprise as I slowly look at my hands too in shock.

'I didn't think it will work on someone of her caliber but if that's the case then...' I thought as a grin slowly formed on my lips.

'Just thinking about the possibilities that this ability could bring me makes me wanna beat the crap out of someone' I thought with my fists clenched and feeling excited.

I then turned to look up at Katsuyu who was still checking herself and touched her own body all around which made me uncomfortable for a moment but then...


The next moment She simply disappeared from my sight leaving only some dust clouds in her place.

I quickly put my guard up and looked around cautiously in case she attacked from somewhere but to my surprise, even my monstrous senses couldn't find anything in this small desert for a kilometre far from here.

"Where is she ?!" I said as I looked around to locate her but still found nothing.

*Krrk vrr*

I quickly covered my whole body with my armour and tried to get away from my place as quickly as possible because I felt a very feint danger coming at me but to my dismay, the next second, it was as if my whole body was glued to the ground and couldn't move a single muscle because I felt a very soft and delicate arm envelope around me that sent goosebumps all around my body.

'Fuck I need to get away !!' I screamed in my mind with sweat running down my face and my senses were screaming inside my head nonstop to get run away ASAP which made me really dizzy for a second.

"There there Garou-sama, you don't need to be afraid of me" I heard Katsuya's soft voice near my ear that sent a shiver down my spine.

'Something ain't right !' I thought quickly while thinking for a way to come out of this alive as fast as possible 'Shit ! this is why I hate meeting final bosses without completing every side quest, now what to do ? I need to know her intention !'

"From San to sama, what do you want ?" I asked her ominously with my voice as monstrous as it could get while giving up the futile struggle to get away because of her unshakeable arms that was hugging me from behind.

"Why should I want something from my..." She said and paused which made me curious.

"My ?" I asked in confusion.

"Fufufu nothing, but I guess time could change many things in this world, like it always does" She softly said with a creepy laugh that made me narrow my eyes immediately at and side glanced at her menacingly.

"Don't give me that creepy Doflamingo laugh woman, What do you mean by that ?" I asked, incredibly suspicious.

"But What's Dofla bingo ?" She asked in confusion with some question marks appearing on her forhead which made me wanted to pat her head with some punches out of cuteness overload.

"Hmph, When you pronounced the name of his greatness right then I will tell you" I replied with a shadow hiding my armoured face.

'Greatness my ass, I only like his quotes' I thought with an imaginary shrug.


She didn't say anything and we just stayed in this position with Katsuyu hugging me from the behind and looked at the bamboo forest far away from this small desert like crater until...

"Tell me, Do you know how it feels like to be a lonely slug woman for thousands of years in this harsh world ?" She suddenly asked in a sad tone.


"You may not know, but to be what humans define as normal was what I was craving for for a very long time"


"Having normal legs to walk, a normal nose to breath, a mouth to eat, hands instead of weird tentacles to write or pick up a fork, beauty to admire and... to be able to love like everybody else" She said as she slowly buried her head on my spiky back.


"Thousands of years of being alone without finding someone of my kind to be with, thousands of years with me observing civilisations building up and disappear while I stood alive... alone, Thousands of years I mourned the moments I stared at the dying moments of those little people I formed a fake bond with through some pathetic one sided way of exploiting my powers without giving me back something in return"

"You know, All this power I accumulated through my endless struggles at the beginning of my existence couldn't help me avoid this curse of loneliness I feel all the time, and me being an ugly huge immortal slug couldn't help my situation either"


"This was the biggest dream that I had to achieve one day, to have a normal body like everybody else, And you just granted me that wish easily without even me expecting it, you just gave me hope and light to continue forward once more" She said in a happy tone while burying her head further into my back and started to sniff it much to my annoyance.

"I absolutely understand but can you get away from me please ? I have a fiance and you make me uncomfortable" I said impatiently because my body can't handle this much stimulation caused by her aura alone.

My body is too sensitive to the aura of the things around me, for example when I first met Mito, her and Kurama's aura combined made me go berserk for moments until her punch hit me which put some sense into me.

And the only reason I am in control of myself now is my adaptation did it's job to resist going berserk when I meet powerful people like Mito and Kurama, And I made sure to meet Mito frequently to get exposed to her aura and meditate infront of her to gain resistance to it.

Elite ninjas and even some low kage powerhouses can't feel this natural aura released from someone but the more experienced ones can even if the targets tried to hide using a ninjutsu or some kind of stealth technique, this is because of their primal instincts as a species gets heightened to the extreme through killing and battling too much.

But for me ? I am the peak and pure blooded of my kind, I don't need to break my limits to get access to my animalistic sense as I already am beyond a beast or animal in sensing department, so something as aura is easy for me to feel, I can gauge out the strength of my opponents as easy as breathing now that I am a king. This feeling is like a natural authority you get access to after surpassing a threshold of your biological limits as a species. 

And I am sure that entities like Katsuya all have this ability or people like Madara, Hashirama and some other genuine kage, they all have it. Which is why that even if you were some kind of big shot at stealth or trick shit, you wouldn't simply be able to escape from the eyes of this kind of people, but the level of technique, strength and how much experience you have matters too sometimes to avoid this people, so nothing is omnipotent.

"Sorry Garou-sama, it's just that I am just so much grateful to what you have given me that I don't even know how to make it up for this" Katsuyu said as she slowly got away from me and I was free to move again.


I immediately left after images using one of the rokushiki and got away from her the moment she let go then made a distance of 100 metres between us.

I quickly turn around to locate her figure standing straight away from me which was still as naked as she could get which I didn't give a crap about it and focused hard in order to deliver my strongest attack at the slight possibility she did something out of line.

Even though I know she won't start a fight because of how I truly feel relaxed in her presence that I dare to say that I can't really feel the same feeling when I am even with my parents or Tsunade's, but it's better be safe than sorry, You never know what an overpowered ancient being has in store for you, so...

"Not even the slightest lust in your eyes, is my body not that enticing to you Garou-sama ?" She said in a fake sad tone while looking at her own body which was a great deal of distraction that didn't faze me.

"I have long conquered my lust, And my lust is reserved for my love life, so even if you were a goddess I would still not hesitate to beat the crap out of you woman !" I said in disdain as I looked at her beautiful moon like eyes which shone brightly.

'And I have literally made your body look like that through my blood virus, so it feels weird to lust after my own creation' I thought with an imaginary nod to myself.

"Fufufu, how loyal of you Garou-sama, commendable. Your fiance must be really lucky to have you and I feel quite jealous right now" She said and let out a chuckle with her hand hiding her mouth.

I could feel that she really was jealous which made me smirk.

"As you should be" I replied in a proud tone "Now get down to business, are you satisfied with my gift ?" I asked without beating around the bush.

"I am beyond satisfied Garou-sama and I am very grateful for that even tho it came as an unexpected welcoming surprise, but I still have to say that the transformation really hurt me, that's the only bad feedback I need to give" She said with a hurt expression but still bowed elegantly which could make me smile in satisfaction at if she was not naked.

"No pain no gain" I replied which made her nod in agreement.

'She is more talkative than before, did the transformation fucked up her mind or what ? But I am sure if I don't will it, then the virus won't store the genetic information to mess up her mind to my liking and I am sure I didn't let that happen, so maybe she is just opening up to me if my guess is right' I thought in a matter of a second as I observed her calm demeanor carefully.

When you reach a certain threshold of strength, the way you see the world around you will get quite slowed down, And now even more so for someone of Katsuyu's calibre who is just beyond the word powerful, so the world in her eyes must be extremely slow as if time is stopped in her eyes, And that makes it hard for me to know what she is thinking or will do which is quite concerning.

You can control the flow of the speed of what your brain could process at will if you just try to concentrate or focus the same way like when a student is focused to answer his/her exam questions at school, so now thinking and taking the current situation fast before you try to speak or judge is quite an easy feat, especially when you reach the jonin rank prowess.

But someone like me who is a monster, must a have monster brain too, right ? So my situation awareness is just top notch if you compare it to ordinary people who are at the same level of strength as me, And that's why I feel really ashamed and humiliated that despite my near death training arc, I can't even predict where Katsuyu will hit if she tried to fight.

The sheer difference pisses me off.

"So about the deal we had, 1 big favour and 2 small ones, do you agree ?" I asked.

"Hmm ok, I agree but I need to ask, do you want to become my summoner Garou-sama ?" She said and asked which made me raise an eyebrow.

"Didn't you say that it's not possible because I don't have chakra?" I asked with my eyes narrowed a little.

"Don't get me wrong Garou-sama I really told you the truth, but I can solve this issue by just sending you a tiny me to be with you all the time and help you out with the summoning or whatever you want that has to do with me" She explained and I nod as I understood.

"But still, the size and strength of the summons depends on the chakra one must use which is something I don't have, so how are you going to fix that problem ?" I asked in confusion.

"You don't need to worry about that, you just need to draw some of your blood every time you need something from me and I will do the other work for you" She said to which I nodded and didn't ask any further about useless things, if she can do it means she can do it.

"Ok then, I will be your summoner from now on" I said which made her smile brightly.

"Now that this matter is over and you are my summoning master, I need to tell you something Garou-sama" She said with her smile still on.

I stretched my body and my armour disappeared into my skin again as I finally stopped being cautious of her and started to crack my bones "What ?" I asked.

"You are my summoner now, so I need to tell you 2 things about your body that I haven't told you before" She said calmly with her arms crossed under her chest.

"And that's ?" I asked again in interest.

"First one is that..." She paused and looked at me carefully for a moment then continued "You have an affinity"

I raise my eyebrow at that "Affinity ? Like chakra affinity ?" I asked in confusion.

"Yes" She replied.


"I know you don't have chakra but I didn't mean a chakra affinity, but a Natural affinity" She interrupted and said.

"And what does that mean ?" I asked in confusion again because I don't recall having any info on what she is saying.

"When I examined your body with Nature energy, Besides the shining dots and some other peculiarities about your body, I found what your affinity is. In this world, even non-living things without a soul has an affinity that describes their existence and you are no different. You see, having chakra makes it easier to know what an individual's soul and body represents in nature, but you can check your affinity with Nature energy too but it is a tiny bit different than what your chakra tells you, so do you want to know about what kind of affinity you have ?" She explained and asked calmly.

I listened at her in interest without understanding shit except me having affinity "Hmm yes please tell" I said with a hand on my chin.

"Your affinity is... Space" She said to which I just raised an eyebrow at.

I mean it really is a surprise to know this but what's the point when I can't even have any use for it ? Let's say that even if I had the affinity to Time, without a versatile energy like chakr-

"Can I really not use the Natural energy like chakra ?!" I asked immediately with a little excitement visible in my eyes.

If I could use Nature energy then my life would become so much easier and I will breakthrough this stagnation I am feeling since the moment I entered the Rank of a low jonin prowse.

My original memories and powers from one punch world is not coming back to me anymore and the Assimilation has stopped increasing further along time ago, so I literally have to start building up my original power again from scratch which is something totally impossible to achieve right now, and let's not talk about my memory missing all those martial arts school styles I copied during my journey that is very essential and the main essences needed for creating my God slayer fist series.

Right now, No amount of training or spars with Dai has any effects on my body anymore, even though I could build up my resistance to my surroundings more, but I already have done so and much more than that, at this moment, if I dive into a sea of fire, I could stay in there for 10 minutes without getting burned, And if I use my monster form then normal fire doesn't effect me in any way.

It's the same for other resistance.

"Hmm well, we will have to try and see if your body could handle Nature energy I guess" She replied to me and I nod.

Then she slowly came forward me and extended her hand to touch my chest which I allowed and didn't do anything.

"Stay still and don't move, you don't need to worry if anything happens like you turning into a slug permanently because I will just expel the Nature energy I will send you if you did" She said and I immediately stare at her serene face which had a mischievous smile that made me want to 'huh' at it for a second.

"You sure you are a pro at this ? Because Your punchable face says otherwise" I responded with my fists clenched ready to 'Water stream Katsuyu smash' her while pondering if it was really better for me to change her appearance to something more, but I don't know if that 'something more' really existed because her face is just beyond perfect already.

"How vulgar of you Garou-sama, you shouldn't talk to women like that or do you want to break their hearts hmm ?" She replied with a hurt expression and asked with a smile.

"I will talk however I want and with whomever, And I already said that I don't care about women or whatever, having a dick or not, if they act out of line then... they will get punched" I said with my eyes narrowed and fists clenched because I was literally a breath away from clapping this bitch with how pissed off I am at her powerful aura she is emitting.

"You wouldn't  do that to your loved ones, So that means you don't care about me too hmm, Garou-sama ?" She calmly asked while drawing circles on my chest with her eyes narrowed.

"Yes I don-"

"Stay still unless you want to be my slug partner forever !" She interrupted me and said in a menacing tone with shadow underneath her eyes to which I just complied and closed my eyes to feel whatever will invade my body.

"I will send a small amount first to see if you could take it, so here we go I guess" She said and I immediately felt a slight cold feeling spreading around my chest then it started spread to the other parts of my body.

"Hmm good till now but you need to circulate the energy which unfortunately you can't, so I will do it for you. For now, let's send more of the energy until it's saturated inside your body and see what happens" She said and again, another cold rush spread around my chest which this time made me extremely uncomfortable and... sluggish.

I opened my eyes and looked up to see that Katsuyu was looking at me with amusmen-wait ! Look up ?!!

"What the fuck !! quick ! fix me up you fucking woman fast fast fast !!" I yelled at her because I couldn't feel my legs anymore and my head was spinning around like crazy and lose its color in my eyes.

"There there no need to be afraid" She said in a tone as if she found a lost child in a valley but thankfully before I lashed out at her my body turned back to normal and the usual colourful world turned back to normal.

"What was that ?!" With my hand cluthing my head I asked a stupid question I already knew the answer to but there was something weird I could feel the moment she send the Nature energy into my body.

"You were turning to a slug but unfortunately, I was here to help you out and didn't let it happen" She said in disappointment which made some veins appear on my forhead "But I have to ask Garou-sama, have you ever used Nature energy somewhere before ?" She asked curiously while still checking my internal body with her hands and I could feel a tiny bit of coldness from her touch which meant she is using Nature energy to check.

"No" I answered while also thinking about the familiarity I felt the moment she send the energy inside my body.

"Hmm, how intriguing, but tell me why it seems as though you have been using Nature energy for a long time ? even though I know that you couldn't really use it properly and not in huge amounts but even that tiny bit amount is nothing to ignore !" She asked and said with a gleam in her eyes.

"I said I haven't used it" I answered which made her look at me for a few moments.

"What did you feel when I sent the energy ?" She asked.

"Well, I felt energetic at first as if I ate full and rested for an entire day but later when you sent the energy in waves, I felt like shit" I answered and she nodded.

"Well Garou-sama, it seems that you were using Nature energy all this time without you knowing" She said which made me think deeply about what she said.

'That feeling of coldness is not unfamiliar to me, Every time I use the water stream ar-' I thought until it clicked in my mind.

*step step step*

I turned around and slowly got away from Katsuyu until I was comfortable enough to move around freely then I closed my eyes, after that I started to slowly breath while Katsuyu was looking at me curiously to see what I will do.

'Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist'

I breathed for the last time and started to move until I was in a praying mantis pose for a few moments before I started to move around myself slowly with me using the unique water like movement and then I started to extend my arm and move it like a wave in a circular fashion.

I slowly put more effort and started to get faster while my eyes still closed...

'Water Stream Dance'

After I sped up more and more, I knew that at this moment, I was creating after images of myself as I moved around like how the water flows and slowly opened my eyes to see that I created a huge after images of blue like drawings in the air that resembled a Huge tidal wave that was dispersing dust and debris away from me.

While dancing, I concentrated at the tip of my hands that emitted a blue wisp of energy and I was right about my intuition.

'If the cold feeling is any indication at the tip of my fingers, then this wisp was always me using nature energy in tiny amounts while I used the water stream arts or some of my other arts that had the same effects like Whirlwind cut' I thought while traversing a distance of a hundred metres in a circular motion repeatedly in seconds that if you looked from far, one will mistake the image of my movements as if it's a river.

With a release of my breath I stop and after some moments, the blue wisp started to disperse that was still hanging in the air.

I turn around and look at Katsuyu who had literal stars in her eyes and her mouth was hanged open.

"Close it unless you want to die by choking on a fly" I said to her which made her wake up from her daze.

"I have never came across someone who could gather nature energy while moving, maybe your body is not that utterly useless and could actually use nature energy while moving, does it have to do the fact you don't have chakra pathways to stop you from using nature energy freely or what ? With this we can make you really strong" She excitedly started to hypothesise which I just ignored.

"Now that our business is over, I need to go back, I have things to do" I said nonchalantly as I approached her to send me back.

She immediately frowned "I suggest you invest your time here with me more and train together so you could become better at using the energy and get tuned to it fast then become my sage !" She said to which I just poked my ear at.

"As I said, I don't have time for that shit now, I want to go home to rest and get ready to do some other necessary things and the next clan meeting is near, so I have to attend it and soon leave the village to travel around the world as a merchant... oh and don't tell Mito or anyone about anything because you will be staying with me from now on as you said yourself, so any info you will be having about me will stay with you forever, understood ?" I said and extended my hand for her to slowly grab it.

"Sighh, ok Garou-sama but my offer still stands for you to stay here, it's more beneficial than wasting your time" She said in worry while a small part of her started to split from her arm that took the shape of her naked form but smaller and started to climb to my shoulder then hide in my clothes.

"Yea yea just send me back already" I said impatiently which made her sigh more and then started to envelop me with her energy.

"Goodbye then Garou-sama, have a safe trip" She said with a bow to which I just nodded and puffed out of existence.

Pov Katsuyu /

After thousands of years I finally got to meet my chosen one but here he is already married to another woman.

'Seems another century of loneliness is coming my way until his wife dies and I take him for myself' I thought to myself while looking at the clear blue sky pitifully.

This is my last ray of light, if something happens then I will just suicide and finally be free from this curse of immortality.

"And it's not like Tsunade is immortal like him, so my happy ending is near at last" I said with a smile and slowly take out a mirror to look at my beautiful self who was smiling back at me.

The End


[ Thanks for your support guys, I really appreciate it, I am packing my stuff and start my trip soon. Some were worried about my financial situation which I again am thankful for that but I am quite well off and money is not that problem, so thanks for your concern.

Some asked about my decision about me becoming a muslim and why ! And all I have to say hat this war was actually a trigger for me to research into islam more even though I was interested in the past but didn't delve into it that much, all I have to say is that it's really weird, I got this weird feeling and it urged me to focus on it and out of nowhere I just became a muslim but I have to say that some muslim friends factor had a huge role in me converting and even after this much pretty messed situation I have, I still feel at peace.

Thanks for your support and kind words again Gs 🙏🙏🖤 }