
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 52 : Time skip 6

"MMMMMMMM!!!" I let out muffled sounds of pain underneath my blanket.

My skin was deep red because of the accumulation of blood, every single vein inside my body was pulsating and my heart was sending blood in unnatural speeds through my arteries, My body convulsed uncontrollably and muscles started to twitch unnaturally.

I could feel my bone marrow and thymus changing to something...more, And I could feel myself becoming heavier because of how my blood is becoming denser by the second and changing to a darker tone of red as if I was smoking for years.

Some little blood was dripping down my palm so that's how I knew but the wound started to regenerate and stop the bleeding but my attention wasn't on that.

"HMFFF HMMM !!!!" I gritted my teeth with all my might so I wouldn't let out shouts of pain.

Then suddenly my right eye started to twitch and burn as if thousands of needles were piercing it slowly to inject acid in my eye balls which sent a neural shock to my brain that rattled my whole body.

"AGHHHHH!!!" I let out a painful sound and quickly clenched my right eye with my shaky hand to ease the pain even if it's just a little but to no vail.

With difficulty I could see a shadow behind my room's door which disappeared after a moment much to my reli...

"AGHHHH !!!"

20 minutes later /

"Huff huff finally huff it's over !" I uttered with my eyes wide open staring at the ceiling while breathing heavily.

Ding... { Monster %71 > %84 }

Ding... { Racial abilities unlocked }

Ding... { You Unlocked---> The Progenitor }

Ding... { You Unlocked---> Monste%#$%@$ }

Ding... { You Unlocked---> Humano%@$#$ }

Ding... { You Unlocked--->  Lesser Shape Shifting }

Ding... { You Unlocked---> Lesser Bio Material Generation }

"Huff, damn !" I uttered as I looked at the screen that popped up infront of my face then I take a look at their details.

[ The Progenitor : You are the first of your kind to walk on this unknown universe ]

[ Monste%#$%@$ : @$@%@;#&@$!$!%@^@@*#$ ]

[ Humano%@$#$ : @$@%@;#&@$!$!%@^@@*#$ ]

[ Lesser shape shifting : You can now change your physical appearance to a lesser degree ]

[ Lesser Bio Material Generation : You can now manifest various forms of matter, whether it be weapons or tools by harnessing your own biological tissues, skin and muscles within a limit.

Note / Needs energy or nutrition to convert ]

"What are those nonsense of a description ?" I muttered with a frown as I looked at the first two abilities.

Even though I know that the OG garou could manipulate his physique at his own will but I don't remember him having more than those racial abilities except Some other that he unlocked at the later parts of his fight against saitama.

'Maybe this is my own unique abilities because I was born as a monster instead of turning into one ?' I asked myself not so surely.

I then move my hands towards my hair in a quick motion and pull out a single strand of hair and look at it.

"Red" I mumbled without much emotion visible on my face.

*sniff sniff*

I smell the whole room for a second to check something then start to smell the tree leaves which were far away from my house until my sense got to the training ground that was 700 meters away and then to a little further away until I hit the 1km mark and stop because I couldn't smell further than that.

"I think at this point I will turn to a dog" I muttered mockingly at myself because I could feel that some of my main hum-monster senses increased somewhat.


"Hungry" I said as some saliva uncontrollably fell down on my mouth which was weird.

"This ain't Tokyo ghoul man, wrong Anime" I said with a smile as I gulp down all the saliva and remove the remaining ones on my lips with my sleeve.

"And what's with this urge to go and destroy some boulders for no reason ?" I said to myself in a little concern and then shrug a second later.

"A hour in Tsunade's hug could cure cancer, So me calming down is easy I guess" I said with a nod to myself and go back to sleep with a hungry stomach.


Tomorrow of that day /


"Can I get some meat to eat mom ?" I groggily with my cheeks sunken said to my mom from behind who was picking up some plates and then turned around with a smile on her face.


With all the plates falling from her hands she immediately dashed towards me with a fearful expression and started to look at my eye and hair.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU AGAIN ?!!" She said with some tears welling up in her eyes quickly which made me confused before I remember last night and my hair turning red.

"Why is your hair like this ?!! Is your eye alright ?! Are you ok ?! Let's go to the hospital immediately and let the doctors have a check on you let's go let's gooo !!" She quickly said with tears falling from her eyes as she came behind me to push me towards the exit door but I didn't budge from my place.

"I am fine mom" I said in a calm lazy tone.

"No you are not, Something is probably going wrong with you ! At first I shrugged it off but now look what happened ! I should have told hiro to bring you to the doctor ! You shouldn't have trained that hard ! And look at your snow white hair turned bloodly red-"Mom started to speak frantically as she kept on pulling me towards the door slowly so she wouldn't hurt me accidentally or something to make my 'disease' worse, but if she wanted, I know she could body flicker me, she is a jounin level ninja.

"Amm, what the hell is happening in- Ayo what the fuck ?" My dad said in surprise as he looked at me with wide eyes.

"See !! Even your father is worried baby, let's go immediately !" My mom urged me as she hugged my huge arm.

'I became bigger it seems" I thought as I look at my dad who is 176cm but now I am a head taller than him which made me look slightly down at him to lock my eyes with his and then looked at him pleadingly to take care of mom which he just nodded after he understood and he came towards mom to hold her shoulder.

"Calm down Ayaka-chan" My father said in a soft tone.

"You really asking me to calm down ?! What is wrong with you ?!" My mom retorted angrily dad with a glare which made him flinch.

"Ahaha, but look Ayaka-chan, he seems quite alright to me" My dad said as he pointed at my muscles which was a little bigger and more defined and for an extra effect I start to move my muscles around my body everywhere like Terry crews which made my dad raise an eyebrow and mom to get into a daze.

After a few moments of awkward silence...

"Annnd..." My dad said so he could get back mom's attention, he was not jealous of course.

"And ?" Mom said with a frown.

"Our son has a Kekkei Tota honey, So that's why he is like this" My dad revealed with a smile which made my mom get shocked with her mouth and eyes wide open.

"WHAT ?! A KEKKEI TOTA ?!" My mom shouted in surprise.

"Yes honey, our son now can become very strong to defend himself like we wished for" He said with his smile still plastered on his face.

"You mean it ? You are not lying ?!" Mom asked in disbelief.

"Yes mom" I replied before dad did which made mom hug me tightly quickly with tears running down her face which I recouperated the hug.

After a while dad joined us and we stayed this way a little.


I look at my mom stoically while feeling as if I could eat an elephant right now.

"Haha, don't worry baby, I will cook you anything you want just wait a minute for me" My mom said and pulled my cheek as we broke the family hug then she went away to the kitchen.

"Hey dad..." I called dad.

"Yes ?" He replied.

"Can you write a form to the konoha hospital that I have some kind of another rare disease, so that's why my appearance is like this ?" I told him my concern.

Even though I could just shape shift so I could get my white hair back but I don't like to hide my true appearance that much, Even garou didn't mind it and was just strolling around the streets in this form without much care.

Well, my monster appearance is another matter all together, so let's not even talk about that.

My current appearance is from my crazed hybrid form but without the exaggerated buffs. In the crazed hybrid form, my blood flow, mass, reaction and reflexes increase, so except the racial abilities, this appearance change doesn't do anything if I didn't want to purposely get into my battle mode or something.

"Why ?!" He asked immediately with his eyes narrowed.

"Well, it has been a long time since I felt someone is watching my moves everywhere except our own house and the training compound which is near here. And I know it's maybe the Hokage's ninja who spies on me to gather information for him, ever since the party, this feeling has been more alarming by the day, so in case something happened, I just want to be informed about it fast and also I don't want the Hokage or his advisers to know any two shits about what can I do" I explained seriously and he nodded with his fist clenched.

"Live your life and don't worry about a single thing, I will take care of this" He said ominously with a pat on my shoulder and I nodded.

"Thanks" I replied gratefully.

"Don't be" He replied with a smile and left for the dining room and I followed along.

'And, why do I feel mom is becoming more emotional by the day ?'

The End


{ No borruito then }