
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 43 : After the truth

In a lonely dark, cavernous space with cold, black walls. In this eerie silence layed a huge cage and two individuals conversing.

"And it was at that moment I felt that...The flow is changing !" She said with a small smile while looking at me.

"So what are you going to do about it ? Kill me now ?" I asked with a frown.

"Kill you ? Why should I ?" She asked while tilting her head.

"Didn't Hashirama told you to stop any changes from happening ?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Ah, oh well, I am getting tired of this nonsense of a story, So I thought maybe some changes will bright up my boring days" She said with a small smile.

"Hmm, So you will help your clan and the Senjus then ?" I asked thoughtfully.

"Amm, No" She replied.


"Don't look at me like that, Even though I don't care anymore but I still want to respect the last wishes of my suicidal husband, that's all" She said while looking at kurama who was releasing all his malice and hatred towards Mito.

"So what's your role in all the things that will happen because of my actions ?" I asked cautiously.

She looked at me for a second and then opened her mouth "I will just become a spectator and a reader of your story that you will make until I die of old age like what's written in my own story. I will neither interfere or stop what you will do except me helping with those 4 things you wanted from me, I prefer to rot in my own room...my life is already ruined at this point" She said with a sad smile and I clenched my fists in anger at this stupid woman.

'Hashirama really did a number on her, She is already a lost cause' I thought as I shake my head in disappointment.

"What about him ?" I said while pointing at kurama who was bound by many chains.

"I will pass him down to that Uzumaki girl who will soon come and let her take care of him" She said with her smile still on her face.

"He has NOTHING to do with your bullshit ! Just release him" I said with gritted teeth.

"No, I at least need that Uzumaki girl to survive the massacre, If i release kyuubi then there will not be any Uzumaki left which is something I don't want to happen" She replied coldly.

I looked at kurama who was fuming with anger then he turned his eyes to look at me too and I shake my head a little.

'From her look, it seems she will absolutely not agree to free kurama, So the original plan it is to free him' I thought with a nod to myself.

"But I have a request to make !" I heard Mito say.

"What request ?" I asked with a frown as I lock my eyes on hers.

"Can you help my clan ?" She said while clutching her clothes nervously.

"Absolutely not ! I am busy with too many things on my hands right now and I am too weak to take care of so many village attacks at once. let's not forget that I am just a single person, what you are requesting needs a special group of people to do that, like saving people, fight and heal...etc " I replied flatly with my arms crossed.

"Can't you at least help the innocent babies who has nothing to do with what's happening ?" She said while biting her lower lips and looked at me with tears welling up.

'Don't look at me like that woman, my manly self can't handle crying women that much' I thought in irritation.

And, innocent babies are my weak point.

Life is precious and babies are born to be loved not killed. this ninja fuckers have no remorse and will kill even babies without much thought.

And this is real life, who knows what atrocities this villages do to people that was not mentioned in the show.

'Damn, I am bout to have an existential crisis with this monsters running around doing all kinds of shit' I thought while clutching my head.

And let's not even talk about those defenseless Uzumaki babies with their bloodlines that everyone from this villages will kill for to get their hands on.

I then put a hand on my chin while thinking about the pros and cons of me helping those red heads in the future.

While they will do a great job in becoming my disciples and work for me but I will become a target to all the people around elemental nations.

But who do you think I am to back away from challenge !

I open my mouth to speak "Nothing is free in this world, me risking my life for your people even though it's your responsibility to do so will cost you alot y'know"

"That makes sense, what do you want then ?" She asked with a happy smile which for a moment I thought i was tricked but I shrug it off.

"First is that I won't pay for the fuin equipments, you have to pay it yourself" I said and she nodded quickly.

"Second is that I want you to create a stronger circular barrier seal than the one around Konoha, make it so it could sustain itself with nature energy and the ability to modify it's size at my will" I said and she looked at me for a second.

"What do you want that seal for ?" She asked with a frown.

"Not your business, just tell me if it's possible or not !" I said nonchalantly which made her annoyed.

"Hoho, Becoming rude the moment you know I won't kill you huh ?" She asked rhetorically with a chuckle while hiding her mouth with her long kimono and eyes closed.

"I never changed how I behave from the moment we met. If you stick your nose everywhere and annoy me then you should expect unpleasant things from me" I said with a shrug.

"Hmm, what else ?"She nodded and asked.

"I want to ask for Tsunade's hand in marriage" I said with a wide grin.

*Stare* ×2

Mito and kurama were looking at me weirdly and I just smiled at them.

"What ?" I asked while looking around me trying to feign ignorance.

"Why ?" Mito asked with slight anger.

"What why ? Because I love her and want to mark her as my own sooner than anyone could stretch their hands on her" I said with a shrug.

"You are lying" She said and I narrow my eyes immediately.

"What do you mean ?" I asked with a frown.

"You were telling half the truth, you don't love her. Tell me what are you hiding ?" She said while I internally cursed her kagura eye ability and my mouth to ask for such a stupid thing.

"You said that you won't interfere with my life" I said with a frown.

"Yes but I care for Tsunade more than your life" With a narrowed eyes she said.


'Tch, It means that she will kill me if i don't tell her my intentions' I thought in annoyance.

"Because I need her" I said through gritted teeth.

"For what exactly ?" She asked with some chains raising behind her.

"Sighh" I tiredly rubbed my forhead while pondering about what to tell her.

"So ?" She said and the chains slowly made their way towards me.

"I am...similar but slightly different from kyuubi here" I said which made Mito to look at me strangely.

"What do you mean by that ?" She asked curiously.

"I need a sense of attachment strong enough to keep me sane from me going berserk" I replied with clenched fists.

"And why is that ?" She asked again much to my annoyance.

"My body functions entirely different than a human, generally as a race we are more of like an evolved version of intelligent animals with amplified instincts and emotions but not exactly too" I said with my arms crossed as I explain what kind of creature I am.

"Is that all ? So what makes you and your race that special ? Why do you need Tsunade for this" She asked in doubt and frown.

"My race is more special than you think, more than the Alien suckers from the sky in the long run" I said with a smirk

*Clank Clank*

"Wait, what ?!" She asked in shock while kurama looked at me angrily and was moving around frantically so I won't tell her about them.

'So it seema the toad didn't tell this people anything regarding the otsutsuki clan' I thought while nodding to myself.

"It's nothing you should be worried about, I will tell you later, so let me continue" I said and she reluctantly nodded.

"This emotions tend to be so great that sometimes it can't be controlled, you will get drown in it then you will become a full fledged monster with no intelligence and only know how to spread chaos" I said seriously.

"Hmm, maybe killing him is better than leave him alive then" Mito murmured to herself which I could hear clearly because of my stronger hearing capabilities.

"BUT... It's not likely for something like that happening to me because I never lost control till now except me having some tendency to go ballistic when things involve fighting and battles, but again this is just a countermeasure for that when I in a slight possibility lose control, I need Tsunade to stop me, emotionally that is" I quickly said seriously with some sweat running down my face.

She looked at me for some moments skepticaly and I sweated profusely more while slightly getting ready in my mind to start fighting again to the death this time but...

"Hmm, if that means you will love my granddaughter then who am i to stop my own descendants to depend on each other" She suddenly said with a grand motherly smile much to my relief.

I look at her with an excited grin and rub my hands together "So does that mean you will agree for the marriage ?" I asked while thinking about what I will do to that girl mhehehe...

"No" She replied flatly.

'NOOO ! Ok THEN WOMAN ! IT SEEMS PEACE WAS NEVER AN OPTION' I thought darkly while my armour like skin covered my skin again and lounged at her quickly.


I appear before her really fast but the suddenly, the scenery got blurry around me, I close my eyes for a second and open them again to...

*Plop !*

'Aghhhh, where am i ?!' I asked myself with pain suddenly coursing through my whole body and look around to see that I was laying on the floor bare chested in a messed up huge room.

"You can come inside Tsunade" I hear the loud and calm voice of Mito calling Tsunade outside this room.

I look at myself for a moment, and I have to say that I look like shit. blood and some broken bones spread across my body that I could feel healing, fingers bent the wrong way, shredded clothes and disheveled hair.

I turn to look at Mito "Are you really going to let her see me at this state ?"

"It's not my fault, you acted like a barbarian hobo instead of being respectful the moment we met, and this is the consequence of that, so deal with it" She shrugged and the door of this room opened to reveal a cute blond jade-


'Ohh no'

The End.