
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 35 : mistakes ?

{ unfinished and unrevised chapter, i am really busy this days...so sorry about that }


there was a big oak tree in the ninja academy's courtyard. Under the tree, there were two individuals looking at each other .

Garou's POV /

Me and tsunade were looking at each other for some moments with me waiting for what she'll say while i thought in my mind that she'll probably confess to me .

" hey garou ! " she said .

" yeah ? " i replied .

" amm, when i got back to the senju compound that day, i met my grandma mito " she said .

" ok, and then ? " i ask curiously .

" she said that she wanted to meet you " she said and i narrow my eyes immediately .

Mito wanting to meet someone is a big deal. there is nothing good comes out of anything when that cunning woman gets involved with that anything .

" why ? " i ask cautiously which made tsunade a little uncomfortable .

" i don't know but she said that she wanted to meet you " she replied .

" then tell her i won't come " i immediately told her .

" amm hehe but... " she said as she scratched her cheeks in embarrassment, probably didn't expect me to reject meeting her immediately .

" but ? " i said confused .

" she said that if you don't come then he will reveal your secret to the hokage " she said .

I was looking calm on the surface when i heard her but my mind was on full alert and my heart started to beat faster.

' Does she know that i am not a human ?! But From when ?! How ?! I didn't tell anyone about this ! ' i thought real fast, my mind in turmoil trying to figure out what she meant by secret .

I narrow my eyes and ask " did she say anything about the secret ? "

" no, she just said that she is expecting you to meet her " she answered which made me more cautious .

' should i pack some money and run away ? The land of rice and tea are quite peaceful and i could go there to train and become stronger then come back when mito dies ! ' i thought about somethings real fast not knowing what to do .

No one's POV /

* whisper whisper whisper *

" hey ! can anyone hear what they are saying ?! " a student said while looking at the duo through a window sneakily with all the other students trying to listen to what they are talking about .

" no i can't hear "

" me neither "

" anyone has a solution for this ?! " someone asked .

" i don't think so "

" hey yuji, you are the smarter one here, so can you help us with this ? " ken who had dried blood all over his face and clothes said to yuji .

" sighhh, try the bugs of aburame kinshi's to transmit what they are saying to kinshi and then tell him to tell us what they are talking about " yuji suggested tiredly while rubbing his forhead .

" that's a great idea, Ayoo kinshi come here for a second !! " ken called kinshi loudly .

Kinshi looked at ken who was some distance away and made his way to ken .

" yes ? " he quietly asked.

" can you use your bugs to tell us what those two are talking about ? " ken asked.

" well i think i can " kinshi replied coolly and slowly raised his hands, then sent some bugs towards the two .

" ayo guys come here, kinshi will tell us what they are saying " as ken said that, all the students flocked around kinshi quickly .

"well, they are saying..." kinshi then started to transmit their conversation .

Tsunade's POV /

I look up at garou who had a serious face while thinking absentmindedly at what i informed him about my grandma wanting to meet him .

' he sure is tall ' i thought while looking up at him because my head only reached his chest .

Then i slowly examine his serious sharp face which was looking attracting to me and then look down to his upper body which you could see his perfect muscles underneath his black sleeved shirt .

' i wanna touch those really bad ' i thought while gulping .

I shake my head and look back at him who was thinking deeply at the moment .

' i need to ask him and confirm what they were talking about in class, this is the perfect opportunity ' i thought nervously .

" ano garou, can i ask you something ? " i ask with some sweat accumulating on my palm .

" hmm " he nods seriously .

" amm... " i pause for a little while thinking if i should really ask him or not .

' if not now then i will miss this opportunity to ask him again ! ' i thought with a new resolve .

" Do... do you like me ?! " i ask with my body heating up quickly and wait for his answer .

No one's POV /

" she asked garou if he likes her " kinshi quietly said .

" woahhh "

" this is crazy "

" ahhh, she beat me to it " a girl said

" yea, i had crush on him the first day he came too " another girl said

"just look at those muscles ! " a girl said with hearts in her eyes .

" tch " × 25

" shhhh let's hear his answer, be quite guys " ken said and they immediately got closer to kinshi listening attentively .

Tsunade's POV /

" yes " he seriously nodded and replied with a hand on his chin .

" eh ?! " i uttered in bewilderment and slowly put my hands on my face in embarrassment .

" i will wait for you after the academy and go meet your grandma together, see you " he said and i shyly nod .

' sh... shouldn't he stutter and get surprised ?! Why am i the only one who is embarrassed, this is unfair ! ' i thought while hiding my face between my hands .

I slowly remove my hands and look at his wide back that was retreating .

" am i falling in love ?! " i muttered to myself while feeling butterflies in my stomach .

Garou's POV /

' What does she want from me ? will she kill me ? she is probably the strongest person to exist right now, who can oppose her even if she killed me ? I just hope nothing too serious happens which i doubt is possible ' i thought about this things while i made my way back to the class to lay down on the table to sleep .

I arrive before the front door and open it to enter but...

* Silence *

when i entered, i looked around the class to see that all the students were staring at me weirdly which creeped me out .

Some with fearful expression, some with jealousy, hatred, anger and...pity ?

" what you looking at ?! Do you want a beating ?! " i shout at them angrily and they immediately look away in fear .

" tch " i click my tongue in annoyance.

my mind is in turmoil, and now this useless scrubs are creeping me out for no reason which pisses me off .

I continued on my way until i sit down between my two buddies again with the addition of a blonde dude .

" hmm, what ? " i look at the three who were staring at me like i grew some horns.

" you really ask that ? " ken asked but his proud looking face unsettled me .

" why tho ? " i ask back with a raised eyebrow . 

At that moment tsunade entered the class and went back to her seat between jiraiya and orochimaru who were looking at her weirdly but she ignored them with a ting of blush in her face and sat down.

" sighh, don't play dump, didn't you confess your feelings to tsunade moments ago ? " ken said loudly enough for tsunade to hear.

" what are you talking about ? I don't remember saying any of that crap ! " i replied, a little flustered .

I turn to look at tsunade who flinched at what i said and a gloomy aura surrounded her which made me feel guilty just a little.

" but didn't you say that you like her ? " ken asked me with a disappointed look plastered on his face immediately that made me feel irritated .

i was in a daze at that time we talked thinking about what mito has in store for me, so maybe tsunade said something that i wasn't paying attention to and replied without realizing it.

but i think i can take advantage of this situation...

I look at tsunade for a moment then " yes i like her but so what ?! " i blurted out with a smirk, so tsunade could hear me.

Even though this was not in my plan but making tsunade attached to me will give me an edge in my confrontation with mito. Besides, i hate lying, i like tsunade for real, she is lovely and totally my type of girl .

a strong man needs a strong woman in their life, and who is better than tsunade in this world ?

well, except obviously my babe kaguya freaking otsutsuki but she is out of reach and useless to me right now.

And for tsunade ? The sooner i mark her as my own the better. i don't want that femboy kato dan to steal her heart from me.

she is mine.

The End



Name: Hatake Garou

Alias: Human 30% / Monster Hybrid 70%

Assimilated: %22

Power Level:


Battle experience : mid chunin  ⬆


Physical fitness : high chunin ⬆


Situational awareness : mid chunin ⬆


Skills proficiency : mid chunin ⬆

Over all power level > mid chunin

Martial Arts :

Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist [ professional ] { one punch man }

Whirlwind Iron Cutting Fist [ professional ] { one punch man }

Watchdog man style  [ Great Martial Artist ] { one punch man }

Void boxing style [ Great Martial Artist ] { The boxer }

Niko style [ professional ] { Kengan Ashura }

Derivated Shigan [ professional ] { one piece }

Modern martial Arts [ Great Martial Artist ] { Earth }

Talnets :

• Fighting Spirit Amplification:

powers and physical abilities increase as you sustain damage during combat.

• Hand-to-Hand Combat Mastery:

You possess exceptional martial arts Talent .

• Adaptation:

You can quickly analyze movements, weaknesses, and strategies, allowing you to formulate effective counterattacks + adaptation .

• Reactive evolution :

The stronger the opponent the faster you get more powerful .


• Mimicry [ IV ]

• Regeneration [ II ]

• Psycho mode 

Your current limits of perception will be activated


• Carnage:

• Crazed Hybrid Form: 

         Time limit : 1 hour

• Monster Form %50 :

          Time limit: 10 minutes

• Perfected Fist : [ LOCKED]

• Monster Form :%100 [ LOCKED]

• Awakened Garou : Cosmic fear MODE "One With The Flow " God's Avatar  [ LOCKED]+

• God Garou : $#*!#^%  M$%$[ LOCKED]++

• ERROR  !!!  [ LOCKED]+++
