
Naruto : The Flow Artist { On Hiatus }

This shi is getting a rewrite for obvious reasons.

The_Zen_Boy · Anime und Comics
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86 Chs

Chapter 34 : things that you are not aware of

I look at myself in the mirror, more specifically my hair that had some new strands of red hair follicles between the white ones .

' the side effects are showing ' i thought with a narrowed eyes as i remember the pain from last night .

I could feel it clearly, my senses of surroundings amplifying and changing each time i lose a portion of my humanity.

* sniff sniff *

I inhale the scent of the food that was coming downstairs, probably my mom cooking breakfast .

I quickly ruffle my hair and start to pluck out the red hair strands one by one, so not to make my parents worry and get suspicious of me .

I slowly make my way to the kitchen after plucking out the red hairs and throwing it out , only for me to see my dad reading a book and mom putting the food on the table .

I sat beside my dad who gave me a side glance " you alright ? " he asked .

" i guess so " i answer as i pick up some bread on the table and eat it .

" you sure ? " my dad asked again .

" do i look like i am not ok ? " i ask back with a raised eyebrow .

I had long known that my dad is suspicious of me . he is a really powerful ninja and my senses are going haywire every time i am near him.

also, last night's pain awakened some new monster instincts that is already ringing bells frantically in my head to get as far away as possible from him .

So him not noticing anything wierd is simply unrealistic .

" hmm, well, it doesn't matter if you don't want to tell me " he shrugged and focused back on the book in his hand .

I didn't add or said anything until i remember that i had something on my mind for quite a while " hey dad can i- " i was about to ask .

" no, you can't drop out of the academy " he said calmly .

" why tho ? " i ask a little irritated .

" ask your mother that " he answered and shut me up .

' sighhh, maybe i should just run away and start my own journey outside ' i thought gloomily .

" you can't run away either " my dad suddenly said .

" did you just read my mind ? " i ask as i raise an eyebrow at him .

" no, but your expression said that to me " he answered as he turned look at my mom with a smile who placed the last plate on the table .

" so baby, when will you invite the friends you told me about ? " my mother asked with small a smile .

" ahhh, i don't know mom. maybe when i am sure that they will have time, i will do so " i answered while looking at the food with saliva filling my mouth .

" hmm, ok but don't forget to invite them, alright ? " she said and i nod absentmindedly .

" let's start to eat ayaka-chan, garou has to go to the academy soon " my dad said and mom nodded .

" itadakimasu " × 3

2 hours later at the academy /

I stand in front of my classroom door with an annoyed and reluctant face while i heard the voices of the kids behind it .

I sighhh and open the door then walk inside...

* silence *

Everyone immediately became silent the moment i entered. they started to look at me with surprise, nervous and fearful expressions which i ignored .

* step step step *

I start to walk through the now quite classroom, looking for my seat at the back of the class where it was between Yuji and satoshi .

After a few seconds i spot my seat, i walk towards it then sit down between satoshi and yuji who were already here .

" so what's up guys ? " i asked the moment i sat down .

" hmm ? " yuji slowly raised his head tiredly and looked at me .

" everything is good daifuku-san, thanks for asking " i hear satoshi reply, not knowing how his thought processes worked .

me and yuji look at satoshi who was busy eating something, weirdly, and then we ignore him afterwards .

" it's good garou, how have you been this past week at home ? " yuji asked with ting of jealousy in his voice .

" well, it was actually great, better than being stuck in here " i replied while looking around the class full of students who were giving me side glances while whispering among each other .

I turn to look at yuji, i was about to tell him to come to my house to meet my parents if he didn't mind but...

" Yo guys how are yo- " someone suddenly said beside satoshi but stopped mid sentence.

i turn to look at the guy to see a blonde boy with green eyes who was looking back at me with a fearful expression.

" ohh, ken, you arrived " yuji said to ken who was trembling " this here is hatake garou and garou, he is yamanaka ken, he will be in the same team together with me and satoshi " yuji added .

I raise my hand forward ken " nice to meet you " i said in a deep voice.

With trembling hands he reluctantly grabbed my hand " li..like wise " he said while stuttering .

" you don't need to be afraid ken, garou is quite chill. you can even do your special test on him if you want, and find out what kind of guy he is " yuji tiredly said to ken .

" amm ohh, i am so sorry that i appeared rude but you were really scary back then when you beat kanna, so i was afraid you will get angry at me too haha " ken said to me while scratching the back of his head, clearly embarrassed .

" nahh, i won't get angry if you don't annoy me, but i am more interested in the test yuji mentioned, what test ? " i ask curiously.

Then ken suddenly became serious when he heard me, and his whole demeanor changed to a darker one .

All the students who were busy suddenly turned towards us ( especially the boys ) and listened to what ken about to say with the same serious face .

I got curious about what will ken does until...

" what's your type ?! " ken asked .

" type of what ? " i ask back with slightly narrowed eyes .

" what.Is.Your.type.of.woman ?! " ken asked with spelling each word to me menacingly and i immediately became extremely serious .

' This question, why do i feel like if i don't give him the right answer, i will be damned for the rest of my life ?! ' i thought nervously .

" my type of woman is- " i was about to answer before...

* Bam ! *

The door of the classroom opened harshly and three familiar kids came inside .

" How many times i told you to open the door gently ?! " tsunade yelled at jiraiya who had a finger in his nose .

" gentle is a lie, harsh is the way " jiraiya said sagely but no one understood what he meant by that, so they all shook their heads at him .

" we are just wasting time being here " orochimaru added .

" sensei told us to interac- " tsunade was about to retort when her eyes met mine, she immediately smiled brightly and she made her way towards me quickly .

" hello garou, how are you ? " she asked with a smile .

I look at her beautiful face for a moment " i am fine, what about you ? " i replied and asked calmly .

" everything is ok, just those two making trouble for me, so what are you doing ? " she said then asked while looking at me and the boys .

I look back at ken who had his bangs hiding his eyes, his head tilted to the side a little with his arms crossed .

He looked up at me and came forward .

He put a hand on my shoulder and stood beside me "i know that kind of expression, and i have to say, i didn't know you were into flats, I am proud of yo- " he was about to finish but...

* PAW ! *

Tsunade immediately appeared before him and punched Ken's stomach, his green eyes about to pop out and he flew away to the other side of the room while giving me an encouraging sign with his fingers in the air .

" What are YOU saying you pervert !! " tsunade yelled at ken while blushing mad .

' salute to you soldier ' i thought while giving ken a salute in my mind for being my wing and his bravery but i didn't know that all the boys were thinking the same at me .

Tsunade's POV /

' wha..wha...wha ?!! Garou is into me ?!  were they talking about me before i came here ?! He likes flat chests ?! Didn'the say otherwise a week ago ?! ' i thought nervously while giving garou some side glances, only to see him smile slightly at me which made me nervous more .

Garou's POV /

" ahh, g..garou, i have actually something to tell you ! " tsunade said shyly while playing with her hair .

" well, you can go on " i said calmly while looking at her cute blushing face .

" amm but i can't tell you here, come outside for a moment " she nervously said, afraid that i will reject her .

' this is too fast, the plot shouldn't go like this, did i reincarnate in a messed up or god forbid, those 18+ stories where the women are as cheap as toothpicks ?! Where everyone is braindead ?! ' i thought about some really dark things gloomily .

" ok let's go " i shrugged and went outside with tsunade behind me .

But the moment we left...

Classroom POV /

* bam bam crash crash step step run run *

" go go go ! "

" she's confessing ! "

" oh my god !! "

" tsunade is confessing ?! "

" Holy papa sage of six path "

" what a drag let's go satoshi ! "

" daifuku-san is getting married to dumpling-chan ?! "

" i wannnna itch thiiis sppeectacle into my memmoory witttth my sharriiingan bah-ha "

" i have sacrificed myself for you my bro, this is your golden time, i pray you won't miss it " a blond yamanaka said with a proud bloody smile .

And the classroom got emptied like this real quick, only two individuals remained .

" You see this shit orochi ?! "

" i see it jiraiya "

" who would have thought ?! "

" yea "

The End