
Naruto : The Eternal flame

Rise of the Eternal flame Raymond sins an Archmage who distroyed his previous world with his eternal flames is reborn into the naruto world. You want to know what's the most powerful genjutsu? - Obviously the one that can bend the REALITY itself. #Noharem

zippzapp · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

Seals at work

Our first war related mission was completed as we returned to the village.

Hiruzen smiled in satisfaction as he heard the mission report from Minato while Kakashi and I stood by Minato's side.

"Minato I have another mission for you."

Hiruzen said with a serious face after listening to the full report.


"It seems like you two will have to train alone for a while." Minato looked at us after we left the Hokage's office.

"Will you be alright alone sensei?" Kakashi looked at Minato as he asked, although he still looked the same as always, was he worried about him?

"You should be worried for his enemies Kakashi." I said with a serious face making Kakashi and Minato laugh, did they think that I was joking to try and ease the mood? Hmm! I wasn't joking though.

Seeing how Minato alone received the mission it seems like Hiruzen was really impressed with Minato's performance during this mission and had thus decided to utilise his full potential for this war.

"I will be fine Kakashi, you two should train hard while I am gone because next time we fight I won't go that easy on you two." Minato warned us as he smiled and bid us farewell.


Miso smiled warmly when she saw me return and hugged me while she asked if everything went well during my mission.

Looks like she was really worried, well that's a given.

After parting with her I made my way to the basement of our house to a room I had specifically prepared for myself, according to Miso my late father used this room when he was a shinobi.

I had told Miso to not come in here since it could be dangerous as I had my ninja tools stored here, and the truth wasn't far off.

As I put my hand on the middle of the door black markings spread out with my hand at center as they completed the already present markings on the door and the wooden door opened with a creaking noise.


I had decided to lock the room with some seals just in case someone uninvited decided to sneak in a peek, but there wasn't anything really impressive hidden in here at least not yet.

The room was mostly empty except for a wooden stand that held the ninja tools and some scrolls arranged in a neat row, but that wasn't the most peculiar about this room, the floor and walls of the whole room which were fully covered in black markings were the truly strange thing about this room.

Hmm! I smiled in satisfaction as I looked at the results of the past few months of my training, I weaved through the seals as I moved towards the center of the room while I avoided touching most of them.

Although many seals here were totally harmless for now, a few of them could effectively paralyze someone who touched them, the other seals were also something I was currently developing, once I am done with them things would get much more interesting.

As I sat down I analysed what I had experienced during my last mission.


Although we hardly did anything during the mission the time spent for this mission wasn't a complete waste as I got to see what the other ninja were capable of.

Honestly the ninja we faced weren't anything special and with time I think I should be able to handle ninja like them easily. On the other hand facing someone like Minato could be very tricky and he is still in his growing phase. Hmm! If even Minato is this strong I wonder how powerful the one hailed as 'The God of Shinobi' was and what limits are present to a shinobi's power.

I would love to know.

I smiled as I undid the storage seal and the body of the Iwa shinobi appeared in front of me, it looked like he was still unconscious.

Since his body was still bound with a paralysis seal he wouldn't be able to move even after he woke up, but just to be sure I added another seal on him that would make his chakra unstable if he tried to use it to break the paralysis seal.

Although the effects both these seals sounded amazing when combined together, paralysis plus chakra destabilizing, currently it required a long time to apply the chakra destabilizing seal on the victim while also requiring me to be in contact with the victim for a while.

Although it was not very useful for battle it was perfect in this situation for keeping a ninja from suddenly moving while I was busy.

Although I had no plans of torturing him for intel he would probably feel the same pain since I need to study the chakra and the human body in more detail.

Many questions have come to my mind since I came to this world regarding chakra and what the difference is between the humans of the previous world and this if any, it was finally time to get some answers.

After this is over successfully I might even be able to create an interesting jutsu that I have been thinking of for a while.