
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 2

Ino gave it some thought but was torn. On one hand she really wanted the dress but allowing Naruto to grope her in order to get it sort of made her feel cheap. Yet on the other hand she'd have to do a S-ranked mission simply to afford it. "Besides," she reasoned with herself, "It's only Naruto. He'll probably suck at it and give up after five minutes and there are Kunoichi who do this kind of thing for a living. Might as well see how the other half live."

"Alright Naruto, but you keep your hands above my clothes," Ino said her tone promising consequences if he didn't listen.

Naruto allowed the smile he felt to reach his lips as he said, "Fine, Ino and thanks." Placing the dress back in the box it had resided in he began making his way towards young woman.

Ino turned away and closed her eyes waiting for his initial rough grope of her body. However, she opened them again in surprise as she felt Naruto's hands on her shoulders. He then began to gently massage them.

He must have sensed her confusion because before she could speak he said, his tone hushed, "Shh, Ino I know that this is a mission to you but that's no reason not to enjoy it. Relax you're too tense." Ino almost couldn't help but do as Naruto suggested feeling the tension melting from her body. It almost felt like his hands were warming her insides.

Naruto smiled as he felt Ino sag as he worked his magic on her shoulders being careful to channel the chakra his hands were omitting into the blonde girl. According to the scroll the Temptations Touch was currently using his chakra to raise Ino's own desires in effect making her far more malleable. However it cautioned him against pushing for too much, too soon saying that the key to the jutsu was to make the target beg him to continue. The scroll had used the analogy of the pitcher flower and a fly to explain the reasoning behind it. Which basically was that it wasn't the smell of food that lured the insect to its doom, but the temptation that the smell represented.

When Ino actually leaned into his chest he knew it was time to begin really working her over. He began by moving his hands up and down her arms almost as if to keep her warm. Her head leaned back against his shoulder and he moved his right hand towards her breast. He wasn't surprised to feel that her nipple was hard or that Ino gave a suppressed moan as he gently rolled it between his thumb and forefinger.

When Ino didn't tense or complain he moved placed a kiss on her neck while he moved his other hand towards her stomach. He rubbed it in circles across her exposed midriff before bringing it up to join his other hand in exploring Ino's chest. When that hand gave Ino's other nipple a slight tug and she responded with a guttural moan, Naruto believed he had her right where he wanted her.

Moving his right hand down her body he reached into the flap of her skirt and began rubbing her pussy over the material of her shorts. He felt her tense so whispered into her ear, "Relax Ino I'll honor our bargain," he finished his sentence by nibbling on her ear lobe. Ino did relax and even began panting as he started to increase the speed of his ministrations, knowing that she was getting close to her release he prepared to up that ante.

Ino couldn't believe that it was Naruto doing this to her. Even the dreams she had of Sasuke having his way with her never felt anything like what she was currently experiencing judging by her increasingly dampening panties. It almost felt like an electrical charge was passing through her and the circuit was between wherever Naruto put his hands. As he began to speed up his rubbing, she knew she was about to cum and she knew that compared to the few she had given herself it would be one for the record books. That was why it almost hurt physically as Naruto stopped all together, prompting a weak, "no…" to escape from the kunoichi's lips.

"Sorry, what was that Ino," Naruto said having taken several steps back from the girl.

"Why…why'd you stop…?" Ino asked finding standing, let alone coherent thought difficult.

"Oh that," Naruto said sounding fine something that bothered Ino, believing he should be as flustered as her, "I believe I learned all I can at this current level of training. Thanks, but I guess I'll find a more willing partner for next time.

He turned to leave and smiled as Ino quickly said, "Wait…" she trailed off as he turned and shyly asked, "What do you mean by current level?"

"Well as good as this session turned out, I can't help but feel your clothes aren't allowing me to use my technique to their maximum effectiveness. Thanks for your help, but there really is no point in continuing."

Ino could think of one really big reason to continue, her impending orgasm. Wanting to experience it she said embarrassed, "I…I suppose I can allow you to explore a bit more…"

Giving her his biggest smile Naruto said, "Really that would be great Ino." She began to unbutton her shirt but was stopped as Naruto closed the distance between them whispering huskily into her ear, "No, allow me." The way his voice reverberated through her made Ino even wetter something she didn't think possible.

He picked up where he left off turning her to face away from him again except this time the hand that had been on her breast began to unbutton her shirt. Leaning back into his chest Ino watched as more and more of her chest was exposed to Naruto's eyes. When the blouse was fully unbuttoned Naruto gave her bra encased nipple a rough squeeze eliciting a moan from the kunoichi. He smiled before pulling the bra up exposing her breasts fully and showing off her pink nipples. Maneuvering her, he leaned forward running his tongue around the aureole of her breast before sucking on the nipple. Ino moved her hand into Naruto's hair pulling him into her breast wanting more of the sensation his tongue flicking her nub was creating within her.

Meanwhile he slid the hand working her pussy over, up over the band of her shorts and in a smooth motioned moved them and her panties down to her knees. With direct access to Ino's special place he began to work her lower lips and clit directly using his chakra encased hands. As Ino neared her climax Naruto pulled back from her breast and gazed into Ino increasingly cloudy gaze before placing his lips to hers. She responded immediately to the kiss, meeting his tongue with her own in a duel.

The kiss only ended when Naruto gave her clit a gentle squeeze sending her over the edge and causing her to pull back to shout her orgasm into the sky and coating his hand in her release. All strength left Ino's body, so as best he could he straightened her clothes before leaving her sitting against a tree all glassy eyed. Giving a lecherous smile he said, "Thanks Ino, let's do it again sometime."

There wasn't a response but then again he didn't expect one. Making his way to his apartment trying to ignore the throbbing hardon he had as well as being careful of the hand that was coated in her juices he finally arrived. He placed the hand on the scroll the key to unleashing the next level of training being the cum of the woman he tested his technique on. He watched as the words began to unjumble and explain what the next step was.

Reading on what to expect he hoped the next part would at least allow him some release of his own as he was sure that at the moment he could drive a nail into wood due to how hard he was.