
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 26

Ayame had watched the clock all day, and much like a watched pot never boiled, the hands never seemed to move closer to closing time. But despite how she felt, time did inevitably march forward. She had been a little disappointed when Naruto didn't show for lunch, but figured he was waiting to see her for their date. She was just glad her dad was out of town and in Suna setting up a new stand, as she knew that if everything went well that she'd be staying out very late. Despite her being nineteen her dad still tended to worry. But to be honest his instincts were good as he had never liked Toshio.

Thinking of Toshio made her remember how Naruto had not only manhandled him, but sounded so possessive of her. She still got a little wet at the memory and later had been glad when Naruto had stopped the night before as otherwise probably would have gladly been taken on the ramen shop floor.

Deciding to close up early she began to pull the metal gate down to cover the front of the store when she felt a pair of strong arms gently embrace her from behind. She instinctively knew that it was Naruto and leaned into him shivering a little as he whispered, "My, someone must be eager to start our date," he then placed a kiss gently on her neck.

"Mm-hmm," she moaned appreciatively. "Let me just lock the gate, and we can go."

Naruto let her go and she quickly pulled the gate down locking it before turning towards him. She was a little disappointed that he hadn't dressed up, but considering she was still dressed in her waitress uniform supposed she shouldn't be surprised.

"Where are we going?" she asked linking her arm in his.

"It's a surprise."

"Please don't let it be too fancy as I'm still dressed for work," Ayame said a little self-conscious.

"Oh, does the Golden Pagoda sound too fancy?"

"Naruto," she exclaimed, "that's one of the most difficult restaurants to get into and most expensive. I'm not dressed for that, I'd need to bathe not to mention I don't want to put you in the poorhouse."

"Relax Ayame," Naruto said calmly, "I've taken care of everything. I just want you to have a good time."

Deciding to take his words to heart she leaned into him, resting her head against his shoulder as they walked. They eventually stopped in front of a bathing house where each of them washed off in separate area's before meeting out front again. Naruto then led her to a clothing shop known for its expensive brands.

Taking a seat Naruto told her to pick out what she wanted. He smiled when she passed the dress he knew she really wanted for something far cheaper. After she tried it on she came out and asked, "How do I look?"

"Beautiful but the dress isn't quite you," Naruto answered. "How about something else?"

Her eyes drifted to the shimmering white dress that she really wanted but she moved past it to grab something else causing him to say, "I don't think that one will be much of an improvement."

As she moved her hand over another she got the same response, after the third time she said, "Naruto, why don't you just tell me the one you want me to get."

"That would be the one you want yourself," he replied with a smile and nodded his head toward the white one.

"I couldn't," she said, "it's so expensive…"

"Shh," he said, having gotten up to retrieve it and place it in her hands, "I told you I want you to have a good time. Besides, if it's the money you're worried about. Let's just say that Pervy Sage is paying me back with interest and should be far more responsible with his checkbook."

Ayame grinned and nodded rushing to the booth to change into the dress. When she came out she saw Naruto dressed in a white suit that matched. "You look stunning," he said as she moved towards him.

Blushing at the compliment she said, "So do you. But when…?"

"Shadow clones," he said and left it at that, "Now I believe we have dinner reservations." He held out his arm for her which she eagerly took and headed towards the restaurant.


Ino and Hinata watched as Naruto led Ayame away. Tsunade upon finding out about their meddling in Ayame's relationship had been pleased and wanted them to observe them. They were all convinced that soon Ayame would be joining their group as it were and Tsunade wanted Hinata to observe what exactly happened when Naruto's chakra entered a new girl.

Watching as Naruto pampered Ayame the two kunoichi felt a little jealous but it was eased by the knowledge that he had promised to treat them all equal so they could each expect a date as well. They waited patiently as the pair ate and it appeared that Naruto was leading Ayame home when she stopped."


"What's wrong," Naruto asked turning to Ayame her stopping having caught him by surprise.

"I…I don't want to go home," Ayame said, "Can we stay out a little longer?"

"Would you like to go to a bar, or…?" he said leaving it hanging between them.

"Or," Ayame repeated not sure what Naruto meant.

Getting closer he whispered in her ear, "Or we could get a room together."

He pulled back to gaze into her eyes and she simply nodded. Placing his arm around her he led her to a hotel and asked for their best suite. He thought he recognized the girl at the counter as one of the girls that had used to bully Sakura and had failed to become a shinobi. She may have recognized him as well as her eyes widened when she gazed at the brunette beauty hanging onto his arm.

After getting the Kage suite he led Ayame to the elevator sending one last look at the purple-haired girl whose name tag read, "Ami." For a moment he wondered if he should seduce her as it would probably be nice to have a place to take his more influence visitors and dignitaries besides his tiny one room apartment. However he decided to think about it later as he felt thinking about another woman at the moment did a disservice to Ayame.

Arriving at the suite the pair were blown away at how opulent the room was. Ayame moved to the center feeling nervous but they melted as Naruto wrapped his strong arms around her from behind. "Well what should we do," he asked placing kisses along her shoulder and neck.

Ayame turned in his arms saying, "I'm sure we'll come up with something," before kissing him hotly. As his tongue battled hers in a wild dance he moved his hands to her shoulders to remove the straps of her dress.

Ayame sudden felt nervous again as she was afraid her body wouldn't measure up to the kunoichi he knew so broke the kiss saying, "I would like to shower first." She smiled thankfully when he nodded, and quickly left the room.

Naruto was slightly relieved as she left as well. He hadn't been able to resist taking her in his arms and had almost broken promise to tell Ayame the truth about what she was getting into before they got to far ahead of themselves. Taking off the jacket of his suit he draped it over a chair and unfastened several of his shirt's buttons before moving towards a couch and sitting on the edge of it. Again, he felt a sense of nerves that since he didn't know how Ayame would react to his being involved with other women with more on the way. Especially since he hadn't used the Temptation's Touch on her and while it would undoubted make things easier since his chakra alone could now bind a woman to him felt with Ayame at least he needed to take the high road.

His nerves grew worse when he heard the water of the shower turn off and heard Ayame approaching the central room. He swallowed hard as she appeared in nothing but a towel with another wrapped around her head drying her long brown hair. "Ayame," he said sounding nervous, "I need to tell you something."

Worry appeared on Ayame's face as she said, "You don't care for me and you're only doing this to make me feel better?"

"What no," Naruto quickly said, "It's nothing like that." Seeing her relax, he began to explain, "I'm…well the thing is…I'm kind of different then how you probably remember me."

"No you're not, you're still as kind and sweet as I recall. Just maybe a little more dashing and handsome."

He smiled gently saying, "Thanks, but I am. You may have noticed I've been spending time with Ino and Hinata now?" Ayame nodded, so he continued, "You see while I was away I was given a scroll and…" Naruto explained everything that he had done up till now and that she would in fact be the fifth girl he slept with as well as everything that would happen should they continue. "And that's basically everything."

Ayame stood there stunned, but finally said, "You didn't use that jutsu on me did you?"

"No," Naruto said, "that's why I had to tell you before…if we went any further."

Ayame looked away before saying, "Do you think of them as yours?"

"What do you mean?"

"As your Hinata, Ino, Tayuya, and Tsunade," Ayame asked. "Does that mean you care for them like you said you care for me?"

"I do," he admitted.

Reaching up to the top of the towel wrapped around her Ayame said, "Then I still want to be your Ayame," she then pulled it loose allowing it to fall to the floor. Naruto stood advancing on her before sealing his lips to hers. The kiss only ended when he picked her up into his arms and carried her to the suite's bedroom.

Laying her down on the bed he stepped back and began to take his shirt the rest of the way off. He took the time to admire her body in a way he hadn't when the towel fell away. He smiled at the sight of her covering her breasts and keeping her legs closed even as she eyed him hungrily as more of his chiseled frame appeared before her eyes. Once free of the shirt, he knelt on the bed before laying next and over her his face just above hers. Lowering his head to partake of her lips again he said, "My Ayame," before placing his lips to hers. As they kissed Ayame eventually moved her hands from her breasts finding other uses for them such as running through his hair or along his back. When that happened, he reached up cupping one of them causing her to moan into his mouth. Rolling a nipple between his fingers he broke the kiss to take the other into his mouth causing the waitress to arch her back up towards him.

"Oh yes, I've wanted this for so long," she moaned enjoying what Naruto was doing to her.

Pulling away from her breast he said, "We've only just begun," and moved back up to kiss her again while his hand traveled south over her stomach and small strip of pubic hair before stopping at the junction between her legs. Although she held her legs closed Naruto managed to get his hand between them to find her quite wet, he then slipped a finger inside of her gently moving it within her causing Ayame to groan appreciatively.

As she began to relax as a result of his ministrations he felt her spread her legs a little. Adding another finger he broke the kiss with her again moving back down her body leaving feather light kisses as he went. When he placed one just above the patch of hair above her pubic region she snapped out of her daze and tried to close her legs again.

However, Naruto was already between them and with a small admonishment said, "There's no need for that Ayame. You have nothing to be embarrassed about. It's beautiful."

Ayame was about to complain at the way he stared at her pussy but couldn't as she arched her back again as he clamped his mouth to her nether lips. "Ohhhhh…" she moaned as he replaced his fingers with his tongue. She reached down planting her hand in his hair and her feet on his shoulders as she found that much to her pleasure he ate pussy with the same gusto that he used for ramen.

Therefore it wasn't long before she found herself tensing and raising her hips off the bed as she pushed her mound harder into his mouth as she exploded. Naruto drank the sweet release of Ayame as she came hard. He looked up from her just satisfied pussy to see Ayame staring down at him with hooded eyes and felt her legs spread wider apart. Holding her hands up like a toddler wanting to be picked up she said, "I want you Naruto. I want to become one with you."

Naruto knelt on the bed between her spread thighs. He released his cock from the pants he wore before chucking them and his boxers to the side. He rubbed his aching cock up and down her slit coating it in her juices before preparing to enter her. Pushing in slowly he only fed in about an inch before coming into contact with her barrier.

Glad he had taken it slow as he had forgotten that unlike Ino and Hinata who had lost their maidenhoods to their professions, there was a good chance that Ayame's would be intact. Looking into her face he could tell she felt the pressure he was exerting against it. As gently as he could he said, "This is probably going to hurt."

"I know," she said trying to relax, "But it would be worth any amount of pain to be with you."

Leaning forward he kissed her and as she kissed him back plunged passed her hymen. She tensed and screamed into his mouth. Naruto began to kiss along her face and neck giving Ayame the chance to grow accustomed to the feeling of him as well as to allow the pain to diminish. Eventually she cupped his face saying, "I'm ready."

Naruto began to move inside of her slowly and languidly, but Ayame soon wanted more and when she began to try raise her hips to meet his in a hurried tempo he began to increase his own pace as well. "More Naruto," Ayame pleaded.

Instead if responding to her request he rolled them over so that she was on top and stopped moving completely. She stared down at him with a pout he found adorable, but she eventually began to raise and lower herself over his tool. Soon she was riding him at a brisk pace when she suddenly tensed as she experienced her second orgasm of the night. Her tightening grip around his cock almost sent him over the edge but he managed to restrain himself.

Ayame collapsed forward breathing hard against his chest, but upon realizing that Naruto had yet to cum began to once more move her hips. As she did that she also began to run her tongue over his nipple moving back and forth between them. Responding in kind Naruto began raising his hips to meet Ayame causing her to lift her head away to shout out, "Yes Naruto pound me. Oh…Oh I'm going to cum again. Please cum with me."

Naruto sat up and began to aid Ayame as she rose and fell on his staff in order to comply with her request. As he felt his own orgasm approaching he said, "I ready Ayame. I'm going to fill you up and make you mine forever."

"Yes," Ayame shouted holding on tight to her lover, "I'm yours Naruto, forever."

'I'm cumming," he shouted.

Feeling his release Ayame threw her head back experiencing her third orgasm of the night and shouted, "I love you."

After their respective releases, they sat in the middle of the bed and the lovers stared into each other's eyes before kissing gently. It wasn't long before things heated up again and they were at it again.


Meanwhile on a roof across from them Hinata and Ino observed the room, although only Hinata had been able to see what had happened. "They finished," she said and to the blonde she sounded depressed about something.

"Did her chakra change?" Ino asked.

"Yes," Hinata answered, "It's red."

"Red, what does red mean?"

"Love," was Hinata's sad reply as she wondered what it was that Ayame felt that she apparently lacked as the two kissed before starting back up again.

---Next Target: Yuugao---