
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 20

The trip to his apartment had been rather awkward since it was only after he had began carrying her home that they had both realized that underneath her hospital gown she was naked. The fact was only made worse when Naruto had cupped her bare ass as he lifted her from the gurney. After a string of curses they had worked out a passable solution.

Arriving in his apartment he gently set her down and once she was comfortable entered his seal. Kyuubi was waiting for him so he asked, "How are you going to go about making it so she can move on her own?"

"Take her as one of your conquests and I'll begin rebuilding her muscles," Kyuubi said.

"Can't you do it without me having sex with her?"

"Why, do you find her repulsive?"

"No," Naruto quickly said, "It's just she's just woken up from a coma. I'm sure sex is the last thing on her mind right now."

"Fine," Kyuubi said in a huff, "But it'll take longer and you'll need to strip." Naruto looked like he was about to protest but Kyuubi cut him off, "Look, I'll need to return to my original body. Since you refuse to penetrate her I'll need to use skin contact. The more of it there is the better and easier it will work okay."

"I…I'll tell her," Naruto said.

"Tayuya," Naruto said returning from the seal, "Kyuubi thinks she can make it so that you will be able to move under your own power. However…"

"Is that why you were space out just now?" Tayuya asked causing him to nod. "Is she some sort of telepath?"

"No," Naruto said, "Kyuubi is inside of me. You see, she is the actual Kyuubi as in the Nine-tail fox. It wasn't just a name. She was sealed inside me when she attacked the village."

Tayuya absorbed what she was being told and although she had a ton of questions ignored them for the more pressing concern of her body. "Sorry, you were saying."

"She can heal you; however, I'll need to be mostly naked and pressed up against you as skin contact will work best."

"This isn't some fucking attempt to get between my legs is it?"

"No its on the level," Naruto said, "although if I did it would work a lot faster she claims. Regardless, before I put some moves on you I'll give you time to adjust if that's what you want."

Tayuya nodded, so Naruto began to take his clothes off leaving on just his boxers. He climbed into bed behind her pressing up against her exposed back and pulling the covers over them said, "Goodnight Tayuya."

Naturally sleep was rather difficult to come by for both of them. For Naruto it was he was pressed up against a beautiful woman. He could smell the flower scent of her shampoo making him believe that Ino was the one that washed her before he had arrived since it was the same type she used.

His thinking of Ino and some of the events they had been up to recently caused the reason for Tayuya's difficulty. Which was his hardening member. However even before then she was thinking to herself, "He's so fucking warm. Is it the chakra that's entering me?" She felt that could be part of it however she believed there was more. Namely that after three years of loneliness, Naruto made her feel wanted. It was strange; she'd only really known him for a few hours. Knew that he was already involved with one girl and was planning to be with many more and that he wanted her to help find them. But when he talked to her, he made her feel like she was the only one there at the moment.

Yet her warm thoughts of him faded as she felt his dick harden against her back side. Elbowing him, although weakly she said, "Can't you control yourself you fucking pervert?"

"Hey, I'm in bed with a beautiful woman, I would be worried if I wasn't hard right now."

Tayuya felt her own body heat up at the comment. Embarrassed she said, "Well how do you expect me to sleep with that thing stabbing me all fucking night."

"Do you have some suggestions?"

Unfortunately she didn't so tried to adjust herself but as she moved she rubbed against it and felt it twitch. Cursing about perverts, she continued to adjust her position but stopped when she felt it directly against her skin, her movement having worked it out of the slit in his boxers. She heard him suck in a breath as he pulled back slightly to fix himself but she said, "Stop."

She as best she could, lifted one of her legs up and scooted back against him before closing them trapping his length between her thighs. "Now stay put," she said aloud, but thought, "Kami he's fucking huge and it's so hot."

But for Naruto being trapped between her thighs was anything but relaxing. He resisted the urge for as long as he could but eventually flexed his dick. It was then that his cock made contact with Tayuya's nether lips. Both of them breathed in then as Tayuya felt like his dick had scorched her when it touched her spot. She tried to fire an insult, but found it difficult as her body wanted to slide along the hot cock pressed against her. A temptation that she eventually gave into, as she moved ever so slightly. However it was enough to pull a small moan from her throat.

Naruto was at first positive he imagined the slight movement that Tayuya made. But when she moaned he smiled and flexed again pressing even harder into her pussy. In response she said, "Fu… fucking quit it."

"How can I do that when you make such sultry sounds Tayuya?" He began to pull his dick away as he added, "But maybe I should tuck it back in my boxers?"

"No," Tayuya said quickly already missing the heat, " Just… just keep it there."

Naruto pressed it back against her and this time she moved noticeably to which he responded. As they began to rub against each other their breathing picked up and Naruto began to place kisses along the back of her neck, marveling at the new seal that had been placed on her. He placed a kiss directly on it causing a deep moan from Tayuya.

He felt her grow wetter against his length as well as a ticklish sensation due to the fact that her pussy wasn't cleanly shaven like the other women he'd been with. No doubt the hospital didn't consider grooming the area to be a priority. Enjoying it nonetheless he grabbed the knot tied at the back of her neck which was holding the gown closed with his teeth and pulled the string untying it. Pulling the gown away from her, he threw it on the floor. He then began rolling her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.

Meanwhile he was rubbing himself along her pussy moving both faster and making his stokes longer. Pulling back almost all the way free of her thighs he moved forward and catching her well lubricated entrance ended up burying himself in her completely.

"Ah fucking hell," Tayuya shouted being penetrated for the first time. Naruto remained motionless simply enjoying the hot wetness that was Tayuya. He also feared he had gone too far when she began to pull away, but then she moved back towards him. Getting the hint Naruto began setting about pleasing his newest lover.


Kyuubi smiled in her cage and although in her original body found it easier to imagine what the sensations would be doing if she was in her new body. She was glad Naruto had penetrated his newest lover as she could now easily channel the chakra necessary due to his excited state. As she saw the visions of the two copulating she noticed that Tayuya's movements began growing stronger. Figuring it would be done with her work by the time the two finished. She hoped her host appreciated her efforts and would come to trust her soon.

But even as she thought that she wondered why it was that she was seeing the visions of their mating as Naruto hadn't used the Temptation Touch on the red-head. Crossing her paws in front of her Kyuubi began to puzzle out if something else was happening to her host.


"OH FUCKING HELL THE BLONDE WAS FUCKING RIGHT," Tayuya shouted as Naruto drilled her from behind. She had worked her way to her hands and knees but after a particularly vicious stroke that jabbed her womb fell face first into her pillow her arms no longer able to support her. Naruto leaned forward grabbing her around the chest and pulled her up against his.

They were both on their knees with Naruto slamming himself up into her with her returning downwards meeting each stroke. Naruto reached a hand down towards her pussy finding the red curls there soaked with her juices. Rubbing along her pussy as he continued to pound it he said, "You're so fucking wet Tayuya. Are you enjoying my dick that much?"

"Fucking A I am," she panted reaching down and rubbing his shaft as it pounded her.

Naruto groaned bringing his hand from her pussy up to her mouth where she proceeded to suck his drenched fingers into her mouth. Feeling her tongue traveling over them he asked, "How do you taste?"

"You tell me," she said turning towards him to kiss him. As their tongues met he tasted her sweet juices and redoubled his efforts pulling more from her mouth. He also sped up his pounding of her prompting Tayuya to break the kiss as she began chanting, "Oh fuck…oh fuck…fuck….fuck…fuck."

"You're ready to come aren't you," Naruto said feeling his own release approaching, "Come for me Tayuya."


Feeling her clamp around his dick as she came sent Naruto off as well as he buried himself in her completely pumping his seed directly into her waiting womb. The two collapsed forward with Naruto lying atop of her as they both caught their breath. Already their sweat covered bodies began to cool so Naruto rolled over to pull the covers over them. Tayuya snuggled up into him before saying "I don't think I'll be able to act as an agent outside the village for you."

Naruto looked at her surprised saying, "Why?"

Giving a satisfied smile she said, "I don't think it's fair that I'll be moving around far away from you while the bitches of this village get to enjoy you every day."

Naruto chuckled but sticking a finger under her chin forced her to make eye contact as he said, "Tayuya, I'll always make time for you, and with a little training this mark will help me know when you are near. Then when the shinobi world is at peace we'll be able together every day."

"Do… Don't ever abandon me," she said sounding vulnerable.

"Never," he said pulling her closer, and smiled when her breathing evened out as she fell asleep.