
Naruto: The Erotic System

"During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi..." * Although, I have written system in the title...but its actually a scroll, please mind that! * :)

PenDora_Box · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter - 10

The Kyuubi had delighted in the joy of experiencing what the two females had. As the sensations faded it began to put its mind to work analyzing what was happening. It believed that it had puzzled out why it was able to gleam what the women were feeling and seeing during sex. This last time it had been caught by surprise as it didn't feel a pull of chakra. It therefore believed that the pull of chakra was how its host initially tamed his prey. The Kyuubi believed that it was a result of this pull that was creating the link that was connecting it to the girls.

Most likely Naruto was somehow channeling chakra into their systems and since some of its chakra was mixed with his, it was also connected to the girls. But it was aware of something that its host probably wasn't yet, which was that his chakra wasn't dissipating inside the girls. If anything since the visions were getting stronger in all likelihood the kunoichi's chakra networks had been altered. It had based its theory off of the fact that it had been able to gleam a bit of Naruto's plan during their conversation after they had enjoyed each other.

But the Kyuubi was growing tired of experiencing sex second hand. It wondered if it could lure its host into the seal to negotiate at a type of deal. First it would need a form, since its current one was obviously not human and secondly genderless. Luckily for the great beast its first two containers had been female. Concentrating, it began to imagine its first host Mito Uzumaki, after forming a mental picture of the woman it did so for Kushina Uzumaki as well. Staring at the two women in its mind, it began to combine them giving it a form of its own. It kept Mito's more noble features but supplanted them on Kushina's more athletic body. One it was satisfied it decided to keep the dark red hair of the women, but added streaks of gold to highlight it and then had it done up into nine ornate braids that reached mid-back. Once its mental picture was complete it then began the task of using its chakra to construct it and then when the nude form was complete, transferred its essence into the construct.

As it opened its new eyes for the first time it saw that its fox form was still there. It reached out to touch its original body and fell finding moving rather confusing, having to basically learn how to balance on two legs. After much practice it finally succeeded getting at least the basic motor controls down. Looking down at its form it ran a hand down it finding the lack of fur rather strange. It ran a fingertip over one of its nipples causing a moan to escape its lips. It smiled having used its previous experiences to craft the erogenous zones that Naruto had stimulated on the other women.

For a moment the Kyuubi almost got lost in exploring it's, or perhaps her new body, but realized she still had work to do. Pulling her hand away from her breast, although reluctantly, she held out a hand creating a red and gold kimono for her to wear. The task was far harder than it should have been, making her realize that most of her power was still locked inside of her original form. Staring at the bars that contained her, Kyuubi wondered if she could slip through.

She approached them hesitantly, and stopping in between two of them, closed her eyes and ran through. When she wasn't repulsed, she opened her eyes and saw that she was on the other side. She looked up at the seal holding the gate shut, and deciding to hell with sex as she would simply free herself. Kyuubi reached up to pull the seal free and received a large electric shock that sent her flying. Lying in a puddle of water, she decided that maybe she'd leave the seal alone after all and sat up.

Going back to her original plan of having Naruto make love to her, she decided she needed a way to convince Naruto of her sincerity. Something that would show that she was serious about her desire to experience more at his hands. It decided the best way to do that was to help Naruto in his quest to seduce the various women of the shinobi world. But first she would need to make a good faith gesture, believing she had the perfect, one she knew she would need to return to her original body. Slipping back through the bars, she returned her mind to the Chakra Beast and waited for the pull of chakra that signaled Naruto was seducing the Senju.


Tsunade had woken up in a foul mood, as it was just one of those days that reminded her that she was getting old. That morning, she had dropped her henge, if only to see times progress on robbing her of her youth, and had found her hair had a few more streaks of grey. To add insult to injury, she had tweaked a muscle reaching for a paper from one of the large stacks on her desk. She put down her pen rolling her shoulder for the hundredth time wondering where the time had gone. But sighed when she realized that in truth most of it had been wasted feeling sorry for herself, and traveling the world running from her pain.

She smiled as she thought of the blond that had helped wake her up to what she had been doing. However, she quickly tried to find something else to think about as she began to think about him in a less innocent way. Ever since Naruto had returned, she had begun seeing him less as a boy that had shared characteristics with her brother and lover, but as a young man.

At first she had played it off as being sexually frustrated and him being one of the two men she was close too, the other being Jiraiya. Especially since as the Hokage it wasn't like she could go out and scratch her itch with some random stranger. But, recently as her dreams had gotten more and more explicit, she had come to believe that it was also because he had all the traits she would look for in a lover, strong, upstanding, courageous, kind, and loyal. It had been almost all she could do not to smack some sense in Sakura as she had pleaded for the chance to pursue the lead she had received from Sasori. How she could be so desperate to return a piece of trash like Sasuke to the village when such a great man would do practically anything for her was beyond Tsunade's understanding. She sometimes could imagine that people would feel that way about her and Jiraiya, however the horny toad sage was too much of a player to ever to settle down.

There were also times that Tsunade felt that if she was only a decade or two younger, that she would say to hell with propriety and stake a claim on the boy. Sighing at being alone, when there was someone as great as Naruto around, she picked up another sheet of paper, wincing as she did so, and got back to work.


Naruto was walking the village trying to work up the guts to make a move on Tsunade. As he had left his apartment, he had been hit with a major case of nerves. He knew the reason which was basically if his attempt failed it could go very, very badly for him. So bad in fact that a finger flick to the head that sent him through a wall would be considered getting off lightly. He wondered if there was another reason though outside of the potential for a painful outcome. After all, with Ino, he hadn't felt nearly so nervous, but he chalked that up to barely knowing her and he had made it a training exercise. With Hinata he figured it was because Ino had told him she would be easy pickings.

But with Tsunade, it would be the first time he targeted someone that in truth he wasn't sure which way it could go. He decided to stop at Ichiraku for a little comfort food. As he entered Ayame smiled at him and he returned it. He still regretted hearing that she was seeing someone but felt he had made the right choice in letting her be, as he didn't want to become a home wrecker.

But he did wonder what he would do if a woman that he needed to charm in order to advance his plan was involved with someone. He guessed he would have to deal with it when it came up. Ayame took his order but since it was lunch time the small stand was rather busy, so she couldn't really stay and chat. But as she walked by he asked for a glass of water and she immediately dropped what she was doing to fill it for him. As he took it from her, he felt a ghost like sensation rub along his finger tip, but then she was gone filling orders again.

Naruto took his headband off to eat, and plowed his way through several bowls. Leaving enough cash to pay his tab and leave a decent tip for Ayame. He grabbed up his headband and left the stand, but before he put it back on he remembered how Tsunade had knocked it off after they first met. But then he flashed to how she had knocked it off after the showdown with Orochimaru and the kiss she had planted on his forehead.

He enjoyed the memory as well as the feeling of warmth it left in his stomach. But despite the innocent nature of that kiss, he would be lying if he had said that it hadn't been one of the reasons he had added Tsunade to his masturbatory folder. Growing up alone like he had, he had no real experience with physical intimacy so had used the kiss to help his imagination. It didn't hurt that Tsunade was a total babe by almost any man's standards.

Guessing that he had put it off long enough he decided to pay her a visit and at least see if there was an opportunity for him to try. He made his way to the mansion wondering if he should instead target someone else as a warm-up; however his reasoning still held true. Once Team Kakashi, or in actuality Sakura, since she was the only true member on the Mission, got back, he'd probably be busy with missions again. Even though he didn't mind the idea of missions, it would probably be best if Tsunade was aboard, so that when missions that would move his ambition forward appeared on her desk, she would know to send him.

Kakashi and Sakura may pose a problem though he realized, which made it all the more imperative that Tsunade be with him. She would be able to change the teams around where they wouldn't be a hindrance. He just really, really hoped that his quest for world peace and some great sex didn't end under her terrible fists. Arriving at the brown doors of her office, he knocked and received permission to enter.
