
Naruto The Demon

His lifelong dream was to join their ranks, yearning for friends, family, and something more. But it was all a facade, a lie he realized when constantly asked for forgiveness. The plea for endless chances shattered his hope. Fueled by betrayal, he vows to bring despair, with their blood as the catalyst... ----------- Disclaimer I claim ownership of absolutely nothing. As this is a fanfiction.

Mystic_Verse · Anime und Comics
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106 Chs

Pact with Darkness

"I'm here because you wanted me to be, Hana. I have been through some great changes. Come, this is your last night in this compound. Tomorrow, you will cast aside Konoha and...you will join me. However, tonight...is your rite of passage," the former blonde said. He held out his hand to her.

Hana stared at the offering and a dark grin formed from her lips. Just like Naruto's, her eyes turned a beautiful shade of deep crimson. She slowly reached out her hand for his own. A secret oath formed between them both. For once, she had choices. For once, she had freedom. For once, she held control over her own destiny. She would offer up these things willingly...to Uzumaki Naruto, the holder of the Kyuubi no Yoko, and the provider of her coming vengeance. She would serve him with as much of her strength as she was able.

"May...May I ask one favor?" Hana asked.

"Speak your wish," the blonde said.

"The smallest piece of love I hold for this bitch and her clan, please...let me have my boys," Hana pleaded. As much as she loathed the Inuzuka clan, as much as she despised Konoha, as much as she wanted to wring the necks of everyone who had toyed with her life, she just...couldn't stay angry at her companions. She loved them too much. She...did not wish to see them die like the rest.

"Your wish is my command," Naruto replied, a bow of his head for dramatic flair.

Hana laid her hand upon Naruto's. Then, they were both gone without a trace. Not a sound was heard, not a sight was seen. There was...nothing.

About two hours passed by, the Inuzuka compound fell into silence. As clan members fell asleep in their beds, Tsume walked to her front door and opened it. Outside stood Hiruzen surrounded by at least six Anbu agents. "Is everything ready?" he asked.

"Yes, Hokage-sama. I just checked on Hana. She's fast asleep and won't be waking up for at least two or three more days. We can move her now," Tsume said. Hiruzen agreed and was led inside.

Once the group made it to Hana's room, they opened the door. They saw Hana resting on her bed, her face void of emotion. "Why do I smell someone else in here? Tch, probably one of those drunk idiots from earlier. Doesn't look like Hana was disturbed though," Tsume thought to herself.

"Alright, prepare her for transportation. Be very careful with her," Hiruzen said. The Anbu agents quickly moved into the room. Two of them slowly undid the covers and picked up Hana from her bed. However, as soon as they touched her...Hana started to spasm violently.

"Hokage-sama! Something's wrong with her!" an agent said. The Sandaime and Tsume turned to see Hana's body violently jerking up and down, right and left. Her shaking got so violent that blood began to seep from her eye sockets. Her mouth opened and she groaned in a gut-wrenching display as her jaw snapped itself into pieces. More blood poured from her mouth and stained her bedclothes.

The two Anbu agents dropped her and backed away. Once they did so, they were happy that they did. The reason for this was because Hana's chest exploded from hundreds of blood splinter piercings. From head to foot, the splinters grew in size until they reached the height of the Hokage. Then, Hana's body dissolved into a pool of the same blood that had killed her.

"What the hell was that?" Tsume asked.

"A blood clone. I did not think anyone could use such a horrifying technique. Hana has never displayed this proficiency before. I can feel the chakra surrounding the room now that the jutsu has been released. Either Hana has evolved more than we thought…,"

"...or she's been taken. Shit, Kuromaru was right. I...was too lax! Hokage-sama, we have to find her! This...is not a night that she should be out!" Tsume exclaimed.

"I am aware, Tsume-san. However, we cannot panic. I will round up some chunin and jonin operatives to look for her. We must be sure to protect the village as well. Hana's development has superseded even my expectations. I worry for the village if...she is not in capable hands," Hiruzen replied. He then stood before his Anbu agents, the aura of a grand leader surrounding him.

"Spread out! Find Inuzuka Hana! Kill anyone you deem suspicious! MOVE!"

"HAI Hokage-sama!" The six agents saluted before vanishing to fulfill their objective. Meanwhile, Tsume and Hiruzen looked at the blood which laid upon Hana's floor. Upon closer inspection, they could see the kanji of words they did not know the significance of. Within that pool laid the words…

...Have Hope.


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