
Kiss of the Shadows

"If you truly believed the words which came out of your mouth, then you wouldn't be here and you wouldn't be acting like that after learning such...shocking discoveries. Don't overestimate your value to me, Hana-neechan.

Given the time I could just as easily wring apart your adopted family of bitches if I wanted. I'm merely extending the courtesy of you doing it yourself," the blonde asserted. It was the truth as well...sort of. The truth was...he was seeking to corrupt her. Slowly, ever so slowly, until she wouldn't be able to recognize herself. Call it...a special project.

"Who are you?" Hana asked. Naruto perked up at this question. He did not understand what she was asking for, but thankfully she continued to clarify.

"I know Uzumaki Naruto. I've seen you with Kiba and your other friends a handful of times. You never acted like this," Hana said. In response, Naruto leaned back into his chair. He intertwined the fingers of his left and right hand.

"You know, Hana-chan, there is a saying, 'True horrors are never created on their own, they are birthed from the thoughts of men.' Rest assured, I'm still Naruto. I would just say that my...mannerisms and behaviors have taken a shift from those I have encountered.

In a sense, perhaps I seek to help you because you remind me of myself a couple of days ago. Fighting, fighting so hard to find a reason to your life and your own existence. Every since I told you that story, you have questioned your entire being…," Naruto stood up from his chair and moved across the table.

"...for so long you've remained blissfully unaware of the cage and leash which have been tied to you. Now, that cage is open and all you need to do is walk through it. It excites you, doesn't it? To be set free, to bite the hands that subdued you, controlled you, deceived you.

You want to hurt them, just like they hurt you. Become what they feared you would be, their new master!" Naruto said. His breath tickled her ears and her neck.

Stunned she felt, unable to move from these trapped words that ignited the beast within her experimented body. Like a woven dream, she could see herself standing upon the bodies of those who had toyed with her, lied to her, used her.

A loud roar of triumph as she paved the way to her own future. She felt Naruto cup her chin. He held her eyes into his. She stared at the wondrous sight of rubies, burning with an intense glow of desire. "May I kiss you?" Naruto asked. Hana shivered from his tone.

"W-Why?" Hana asked.

"Call it...marking what's mine. Also, I'll have a good laugh out of Kiba when I tell him I kissed his beloved Nee-chan," Naruto remarked. Hana did not think on this for long. Instead, she quickly pushed her lips into the blonde allowing him to relish in his first kiss with a woman.

He could now fully understand the thrill that his memories from so many people had provided him. Damn, this could become an addiction if he wasn't careful.

Both pulled away breathless. "Don't call me his sister. Don't call me an Inuzuka either. I'm...just Hana now...if that's what you want," she replied. Naruto gave a grin of satisfaction. He then moved back to his chair and took a seat.

"Well, I think you deserve some time to get accustomed to this change. Go find the training area. Perform what you wish. Others will be joining soon enough," Naruto claimed. Hana stood up and agreed. She grabbed the folder and proceeded out of the room.

This action left Naruto alone for a moment before Yugao dropped from the ground. She took a step next to him.

"What makes you think she won't betray you? She has no true reason to help you either," Yugao said. Naruto only seemed amused.

"Worried about me? Thank you, Yugao-chan. I always knew you cared," he replied. The Anbu sucked her teeth and glanced off to the side. That was the furthest thing from the truth. That wasn't why she had asked the question. Yet, her blonde captor seemed to know this.

"Of course, she might think of betraying me. In fact, I count on her thinking that right now. But, I'd say this is a good game to play. Can I corrupt my dear Hana-chan completely before she follows through with that betrayal?

High risk for even higher reward," Naruto answered. Yugao wanted to say she was disgusted with his thought processes, but...she wasn't sure what she should be thinking, and that terrified her.

"Besides, even if she does betray me later...she still has her uses. Betrayal only comes from trust. I think I'm exhibiting good shinobi practice. I don't trust anyone," Naruto claimed. Yugao did not speak. She could only wonder if Konoha would be the same through these ordeals.


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